Over-Booked [194] – A Book Haul Post

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

I have a big book haul today, folks. You know when you request books and then they show up all at once? That’s what happened here. Plus I was not very good with NetGalley and requested WAY too many books there. Sigh. But hey, this is a great bunch and most of these were already on my TBR.

Books in the mail for review:

Starting out with a good one, with thanks to Saga Press! I Was a Teenage Slasher by Stephen Graham Jones. This is Jones’s second slasher book this year, and I’m curious to see how it compares to The Angel of Indian Lake.

The Wren in the Holly Library by K.A. Linda is a fantasy/romance between a human and a monster, and I cannot wait to start it! Huge thanks to Red Tower for the review copy.

I have really enjoyed Tim Pratt’s earlier books (Doors of Sleep and Prison of Sleep), so I was excited to see a new book of his coming out. The Knife and the Serpent looks like fantasy (that cover) but it’s actually space opera. I’m seeing some mixed reviews on Goodreads, so I’m a bit worried now, but still curious to check it out. Thank you Angry Robot!

I just reviewed The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo yesterday and really enjoyed it, despite the fact that I skipped the first four books in the series, oops. Thank you to Tordotcom for this lovely finished copy:-)

I featured A House Like an Accordion by Audrey Burgis on Future Fiction, and now I’m excited to read it. This sounds fantastic, check out the blurb! Big thanks to Ace for the review copy.

And with thanks to Berkley, I received a beautiful finished copy of The Hunter’s Daughter by Nicola Solvinic. This comes out next week but I’m going to really try to read it soon. It’s a thriller about a female cop whose father is a serial killer. I’m having Riverdale flashbacks, lol.

These next four are all courtesy of Tor Books, thank you! Starting with The Sky on Fire by Jenn Lyons. I’ve heard readers rave about Lyons’ books, so I’m eager to read this dragon-centric fantasy.

And I actually won a Goodreads giveaway, it’s been a few years, I think lol. But what a great win! Glass Houses by Madeline Ashby is a sci-fi thriller that sounds amazing. I may try to read this one early, I’m excited.

And how about something really fun? The Nightmare Before Kissmas by Sara Raasch sounds like a LOT of fun. A queer romance between the heir to Christmas and the Prince of Halloween, it sounds like it will be perfect for October.

Finally, I’m very excited to have a copy of The Night Guest by Hildur Knútsdóttir. This is a short novella translated from Icelandic, I believe.

Digital books for review:

I was offered a copy of American Ghoul by Michelle McGill-Vargas and didn’t hesitate at all, it sounds so good! And yet another vampire book coming out this year. I probably won’t be able to wait until October to read this:-)

A few years ago I read Richard Gadz’s The Workshop of Filthy Creation and loved it. I hadn’t heard of The Eater of Flies, but I saw it while browsing NetGalley and grabbed it. I cannot wait!

This past week I accepted a couple of books directly from authors, something I don’t do that often, but I’m excited for both of these. First is A Hunger With No Name by Lauren C. Teffeau, described as an environmental fantasy story. This sounds a little different from the books I usually read, and I’m looking forward to it.

I also accepted Grim Root by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, pitched as The Batchelor meets The Haunting of Hill House! And the cover is fantastic.

Smothermoss by Alisa Alering is another NetGalley grab that I couldn’t resist. If you follow my Future Fiction posts, you might remember I’ve been featuring a lot of books with Appalachia settings. And guess what? Here’s another one. I need to get a top ten list together! LOL

I was very happy to be quickly approved for Lucy Undying by Kiersten White. I know lots of readers who are excited to read this!

I still haven’t managed to read a Nick Cutter book, so The Queen will probably be my first. I’m both excited and scared!

The Hitchcock Hotel by Stephanie Wrobel sounds like a fun horror/thriller that takes place in a Hitchcock themed hotel.

Huge thanks to Blackstone Publishing, Deixis Press, Lauren C. Teffeau, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam, Tin House, Del Rey, Gallery Books, and Berkley:-D

Are you planning on reading any of these?

Posted May 11, 2024 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 32 Comments

32 responses to “Over-Booked [194] – A Book Haul Post

    • Tammy

      Ha ha right? I haven’t heard much buzz about the Pratt book, so I guess I’ll have to shout about it:-)

  1. Ooh I can’t believe you got a copy of The Wren In The Holly Library. I keep checking to see if it’s on Netgalley in the UK but it never is.

    I’d also be particularly interested in seeing what you think of Lucy, Undying. But you have a fantastic mix of books here. I hope you enjoy them all.

    I’m also going to have to add The Hitchcock Hotel to my TBR as I adored Darling Rose Gold by the author but hadn’t heard of this 2024 one.

  2. Great haul! I’ve not read anything by Nick Cutter yet, but have heard really good things and have a couple of his books on my neverending TBR. Look forward to hearing what you think of the The Queen.

    • Tammy

      I’m a little nervous because I know his books are hard core horror. I guess we’ll see!

  3. I am curious about The Hunter’s Daughter, it was featured in my May New Relase video. I have the Hitchcokc Hotel so hope we both enjoy it! Enjoy your reads!
    Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #80My Profile

  4. So I already have several of the books here as digital reviews but I just added 5 to my wishlist. You are such an enabler – and I love it. So many new vampire books. I am honestly contemplating doing a readathon or creating something where I can focus on vampire books during one month. I am thinking perhaps September to gear up for spooky season. Hmmm…now my cogs are turning. Maybe I can make it a blog event and even find a cohost or two. We will see.
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  5. Looking forward to hearing what you think of The Night Guest — I’m really looking forward to that one. 🙂 A Hunger With No Name also sounds really interesting and I hadn’t heard of that one before!

  6. Looks like you’ve got plenty to keep you busy. 🙂 I’m very curious about The Sky on Fire, Glass Houses and T he Night Guest. Been quite a while since I’ve read any Icelandic fiction.

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