What’s On My Plate – May 2024 @wyrdandwonder

The year is rushing by so fast, how did it get to be May already? May is Wyrd & Wonder, a fun fantasy reading event that takes place each May. I won’t be dedicating the entire month to fantasy, but I do have some fantasy books lined up, as well as a couple of lists. Keep reading for more details and how you can join! First, here are all the books I hope to read this month:

Artwork by Elena Zakharchuk
Wyrd & Wonder reads:

I’m very excited for all of these! First, The Silverblood Promise by James Logan is getting lots of buzz, and I hope to start this very soon. I love when a debut gets lots of praise, I’m excited to see what all the fuss is about:-)

Evocation by S.T. Gibson is another start to a new fantasy series, by an author with lots of talent and imagination. I’m excited to finally dive into this, I feel like I’ve had a copy forever!

And for some cozy fantasy, I’ll be reading The Honey Witch by Sydney J. Shields. I’ve got some dark books on my May TBR so I think I’ll need this at some point!

Heavenbreaker by Sara Wolf. I’m listing this as “fantasy” but I believe it’s actually a mix of fantasy and science fiction. For now, it stays under the Wyrd & Wonder umbrella until I ready it. In any case, I think it sounds fantastic!

The Brides of High Hill by Nghi Vo is book #6 in the Singing Hills Cycle, but I’ve been told these are standalones. Since I haven’t read the rest of the series, I’m hoping that’s true!

I’m throwing in The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo as an option, simply because I’ve been hearing amazing things about it, and I’d like to count it as a TBR Jar read (it’s not officially in my 2024 TBR Jar, but hey).

Wyrd & Wonder is the brainchild of Imyrl at There’s Always Room for One More, with co-hosts Ariana of The Book Nook, Annemieke of A Dance With BooksJorie Loves A Story, and Lisa of Dear Geek PlaceYou can click on any of those links to learn more about the event. There are lots of cool things planned, like read-alongs and daily prompts, and of course you can also do your own “fantasy” thing, whatever that may be!

Other May releases:

The rest of my month is sort of an odd mix, but I have lots to choose from if I need a mood read. Starting off with a few highly anticipated books, The House That Horror Built by Christina Henry is definitely one I’m really looking forward to.

And I just found out Cheryl Low has a new book, The Wicker Witch, and I can’t wait to read it:-)

My Darling Dreadful Thing by Johanna van Veen is a gothic horror story involving ghosts, I think? I’m very curious to check it out.

American Narcissus by Chandler Morrison sounds crazy. I’m not really sure what it’s about, lol, but I’m looking forward to finding out.

I have yet to read Andrea Hairston, so I’m glad I have her latest book on my plate this month. Archangels of Funk is a science fiction story that involves a circus? I believe? Anyway, it sounds like fun:-)

The Case of the Bleeding Wall by Kasey Lansdale & Joe R. Lansdale is a short graphic novel and should be easy to squeeze in.

The Dead Spot by Angela Sylvaine is a collection of short horror stories. I am currently dipping into this, so I should have a review up soon.

Finally, the only thriller in this bunch is A Friend Indeed by Elka Ray, and I’m totally ready for a good thriller, and hopefully this will be a good one.

Do we have any books in common this month? What is your most anticipated May book?

Posted April 30, 2024 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 36 Comments


36 responses to “What’s On My Plate – May 2024 @wyrdandwonder

  1. I recently added Heavenbreaker to my TBR and it sounds incredible. Fingers crossed that it’s as good as it sounds. I’m really intrigued by The Honey Witch too and as you know I adored The Familiar. It looks like you’ve got plenty of books to keep you busy during May. I hope you enjoy them all and hopefully discover some new favourites.

  2. Sigh… for the nth month in a row, we have no books in common. We really need to coordinate at some point. Anyway, I hope you have a great month, Tammy!

  3. The cover for The Silverblood Promise is the sort I can get lost in, something I want post-sized for my wall, one where I want to explore that city, that world, and of course because of that, READ THAT BOOK! 🙂

  4. I hope you like Evocation! I think you’ll at least like it more than An Education In Malice. I’ll also be joining Wyrd and Wonder…I’ve been scrambling to schedule posts since my May consists of a lot of travel.

  5. I agree, I can’t believe it’s May! I’ve just started The Silverblood Promise and I’m so excited! Heavenbreaker sounds so interesting, and I’m hoping to get to Evocation as well. I love the cover for My Darling Dreadful Thing (and it sounds so good!). I hope you have a fantastic month!

  6. The Honey Witch and The Familiar are two I’d like to read.
    I haven’t actually signed up for Wyrd & Wonder but I decided to make a point of reading some fantasy and have started with Legends & Lattes. Hope it’s going to be good.
    Have a great May 😀

  7. TNT

    The Brides of High Hill is one that I am anticipating with eagerness; I have loved all the previous books in the series and recommend them if you get the chance to read them. Nghi Vo mingles wit, tension, humor, and sorrow very well.

    • Tammy

      I have some fantasy releases that were already scheduled so that’s pretty much what I’ll read this month:-)

  8. I started Silverblood Promise but got distracted by another book. Since W&W is about comfort, I’ll most likely get back to it in June. Looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

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