Ranking My 2024 Reads

I’ve seen other bloggers rank a year’s worth of books, and I thought it would be an interesting challenge! This post is an introduction to what I’ll be doing for the rest of the year, and as I finish each book, I plan on adding it to the spreadsheet below. I’ll do a check-in maybe half way through the year, and of course, I’ll present my final rankings at the end of 2024.

This isn’t as easy as it looks, and I think as the year progresses it will get harder to remember the details that made me enjoy a book I read early in the year, and so harder to rank it. But hopefully this will make it easier to choose my favorite books at the end of the year! Here is how my rankings look so far (book title followed by my star rating):

As you can see, The Heiress sits in the top spot for the moment, closely followed by A Haunting in the Arctic. It will be interesting to see if anything can beat those two books, although it’s certainly a possibility.

Have you ever tried ranking your books?

Posted March 19, 2024 by Tammy in Book rankings / 31 Comments


31 responses to “Ranking My 2024 Reads

  1. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    I should do that too Tammy! That’s handy especially by the end of the year!

  2. Given that it’s easier to remember details about what we just read versus what we read at the beginning of the year it would be interesting to see if you notice any patterns, like often putting more recent 5 star books above those you read earlier in the year. I don’t believe I’ve ever tried something like this. The closest I’ve gotten is just trying to find my favorite 5 or 10 of the year. But anything below 5 stars I don’t tend to rank. I hope you enjoy this process and I’m curious to see what you thought of it when the years out.

    • Tammy

      It’s definitely an experiment:-) I figure I can always move the order around if I change my mind.

    • Tammy

      It’s fun because I can pit 5 star against 5 star and try to figure out which I loved more, ha ha.

  3. I enjoy seeing your rankings. It’s easy enough for me to sort them in Goodreads by star rating although it doesn’t have the half stars. But then are you moving them manually within the rating?

    • Tammy

      Yes, I can move them around, that’s why I’m using a spreadsheet. I can also change my mind with the order if I feel like it:-)

  4. Ooh this looks tricky, I’d probably spend forever trying to get the order just right. It’ll definitely make an interesting list to look at though. And it’s lovely to see Warm Hands Of Ghosts so high up too, hopefully I’ll get a chance to read it soon.

    • Tammy

      Yes, I hope so! It’s challenging with the 5 star reads to figure out what order to put them in, though.

  5. This is auch a cool idea! I agree it will probably get harder later in the year, but this seems the smartest way to go about it.

    • Tammy

      It will get harder, but as long as I remember to do it after I finish the book, I think it will work:-)

  6. This is a great idea. It’s definitely harder to remember details as the year goes on and we read more, so perhaps this will help. I don’t tend to end up with a massive total for the year but something like this might still be worth attempting.

    • Tammy

      Good to know, this is a very detailed spreadsheet. I knew about CAWPILE but I’ve never used it. Right now I’m doing a more emotional approach to my rankings.

  7. I tend to use an extended list using Word – which I used to sort out at the end of the year. However that hasn’t happened for a while. I hope to be able to return to highlighting my best reads of the year at the end of 2024:). Congratulations on ranking everything in such an orderly fashion, Tammy:).

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