Buffy’s Corner 12/17/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

I’m excited to have this week off work, and I’m hoping to finish off a bunch of books I’m in the middle of (see below). It’s hard to believe the end of the year is almost here! I’m planning on following the Top Ten Tuesday prompts for the end of the year lists, so my “Best of the Year” list will be posted on January 2nd. Is anyone else going to wait until then to post your list?

In weather news, we (finally) have a storm coming this week. Although we won’t get much snow, but lots of rain. I’m traveling for Christmas so hopefully the weather will clear up before then.

Upcoming reads & reviews:

So my reading is all over the place right now. I’m currently reading three different books: A Child Alone With Strangers, a backlist book I was determined to read this month (it’s very long but VERY good and scary!); Where He Can’t Find You, another horror story that is surprisingly creepy and terrifying (“surprising” because it’s YA); and Where The Dead Wait, which is getting better the more I read (at first I was struggling with the writing style). I did finish Mislaid in Parts Half-Known, but will hold my review until next month. This week look for at least one review, we’ll see how it goes!

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday I’m sharing my 2023 Reading Challenges Wrap-Up, so stop by and see how I did! Wednesday is my typical Future Fiction post; and I’ve got some new books to share, so look for a book haul post on Saturday.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

The Christmas Songs Book Tag

Future Fiction #257

The Ghosts of Beatrice Bird by Louisa Morgan – Review 5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 12/10/23

A black-crowned Night Heron perches on a branch.
Black-crowned Night Heron.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted December 17, 2023 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 34 Comments

34 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 12/17/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. I’m going to do the Top 10 lists for a week with Books of My Heart the last week of December, so my top 10 will be on Christmas I think? I’m so ready for my break to start on Thursday so I can get lots of reading done! Hoping to catch up to my goal and maybe be able to nudge the Goodreads back up to 200 from where I dropped it to 195. Plus, being home means I can get to all your reviews I still need to read that I can’t get to on my school internet when I try to do that. Have a good week! Love the bird picture again too!

  2. That’s awesome you will have the week off. I hope you get lots of relaxing and reading. We are doing our lists between Christmas and New Years but you can link up later. I’ll be excited to see your lists.

    • Tammy

      Ha ha yeah my blog has been a little sluggish this month, but I’m trying to read at least 4 January books ahead of time so I can… get ahead;-)

  3. Cool bird pic!

    I need to think about doing end of the year content on here to make up for lack of posting…lol. I have been doing 25 zDays of Bookmas on my youtube channel….and did some runner ups since I have a lot of books I liked but wasn’t favorite’s…lol.

  4. I’m doing my best of the year then too. And weeks off are good! I’m curious about Mislaid- those dinos on the cover don’t hurt. 🙂

  5. Enjoy your time off.
    I love the Heron pic, such lovely colours.
    Where The Dead Wait is one I’m thinking of adding to my endless TBR list, it sounds perfect for this time of year with that setting 😀

  6. I’m off the week of Christmas and work is always a drag this time of year. I haven’t been reading as much either because of all the holiday prep so I’m looking forward to the weekend which will mean all is done and now I can just chill. My college alma mater is in a bowl game tomorrow evening so I want to watch that too even though they are predicted to lose. Hope you travel plans go off without a hitch!

  7. I don’t usually post my “Best of the Year” lists until January, either. I’m still actively reading until the end of December, so you never know when a last favorite might pop up, haha. I’m curious how this upcoming storm will pan out, I feel like it’s hard to predict how heavy things will be in SoCal until it happens, haha. I hope you’re able to finish off all the books you want and have a wonderful week off!

    • Tammy

      They keep downgrading our storm up here in the mountains, so now we’re just getting a little rain and maybe a tiny bit of snow, which is ok with me:-)

  8. I envy your week off to read. I took a couple days off, and even went away, to read recently, but I ended up chatting the whole time with my friend and barely reading 2 pages of all the books I brought, lol. It was fun.
    I too plan to wait until the new year to do “best of” lists. I only do them in the old year if I know I won’t complete anything new before the year ends.

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