What’s On My Plate – August 2023

August is bursting at the seams with new releases, and this month I’ve gone overboard with review requests and acceptances. No surprise there! But yes, I want to read all the things. I’m happy to say I’ve already read two of these, What Never Happened and Thornhedge, and I’m in the middle of a third, so I’m off to good start.

Here are the books on my plate this month:

Looking Glass Sound by Catriona Ward is probably my most anticipated book of the month—if I had to pick one. I’ll be reading this very soon!

And second most anticipated? Probably Vampires of El Norte by Isabel Cañas, a supernatural western with vampires. I can’t wait!

Whalefall by Daniel Kraus sounds crazy, but in a good way. A man is swallowed by a whale and has to figure out how to survive.

I actually started More Perfect by Temi Oh a couple of months ago, but put it aside because the release date was pushed back. I’m very curious to read her follow-up to Do You Dream of Terra-Two?

My review for Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher will be up later this week, and spoiler alert, I loved it!

Wildwood Magic by Willa Reece is my current read, and wow it’s really good so far. If you love witchy books with a folksy feel, then you’ll love this too.

Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine is my next read, and I’m very excited to start it. I’ve been following the author on Instagram, and she posts writing advice videos. I honestly wish I were a writer so I could take her advice!

I loved You Sexy Thing, the first book in Cat Rambo’s series, so of course I’m on board for book two, Devil’s Gun.

The Vein by Steph Nelson is from Dark Matter INK, a new-to-me horror publisher, and I’m looking forward to this story about an evil entity in a silver mine.

Fever House by Keith Rosson has some great reviews so far. It involves a magical/evil severed hand, a criminal and a former rock star. That alone makes me excited to read it!

You gotta love a story about kids that go through a horrible experience and then reunite as adults, when the evil comes back. It’s a fun trope, and I think Mister Magic by Kiersten White is going to be a blast.

The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang is about a group of female bandits, and I think it sounds like fun:-)

Twin Peaks meets The Mist is the blurb for Bride of the Tornado by James Kennedy, which sounds good on paper. Although I’m a little worried about some of the low ratings on Goodreads…

I’ve already read What Never Happened by Rachel Howzell Hall, and it was a  bunch of fun. Look for my review later this week!

It’s been a few years since I’ve read an Alice Hoffman book, so I’m long over due and very behind with her new releases. I’m hoping I can get to The Invisible Hour!

I’m definitely going to read The Thing Under Your Bed by Stephen Kozeniewski this month. It’s pretty short for one thing, and I’m looking forward to checking out this author:-)

Last but not least, Medusa’s Sisters by Lauren J.A. Bear is a reimagining of the Medusa myth, and it’s getting great reviews so far!

Are you planning on reading any of these books?

Posted August 1, 2023 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 33 Comments

33 responses to “What’s On My Plate – August 2023

  1. You have so many good books to look forward to. I think I missed out on requesting quite a few books during the past couple of months for one reason or another, but it’s perhaps a good thing because my reading and blogging slipped and I’m still playing catch up. I wish that I’d requested the Hoffman though – I love her books.
    Lynn 😀

  2. Looks like an amazing mix! I’ve already read Thornhedge, and I’m planning to read the Alice Hoffman book for sure. Beyond that, there are definitely a few I’d like to get to as well, if not in August, then sometime soon. Looking forward to all your reviews!

  3. I’m having such a hard time keeping up wirth everythnig. So many books! I’ve been really leaning towards horror which is a little unusual for me and thrillers too. And of course SF. 🙂
    Greg recently posted…The Sands of Time #34My Profile

  4. So many great books coming out this month. I’ll never get to all I want to read. I also have 3 buddy reads with Stormi, some arcs, some library books. I’m getting overwhelmed just thinking about it!

    • Tammy

      I’m trying not to get overwhelmed and just enjoy the book I’m reading in the moment, but it’s hard, lol.

    • Tammy

      Me too, I used to read Hoffman’s books without fail, but then I started blogging and oh well;-)

  5. Oh no, I have Vampires of El Norte on pre-order but I forgot Thornhedge! My bank will be sad again by the end of the month, won’t it. xD

  6. I have read quite a few of these- I LOVED Vampires and Mister Magic, really liked Thornhedge, and quite enjoyed Whalefall and More Perfect (though that one could have been pared down a bit? Anyway still a very cool premise!) I have Bride of the Tornado too, but like you said, am a little worried about the negative reviews. Also really looking forward to your thoughts on like, every single one of the others because they are all on my radar (probably thanks to you heh!)
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Reviews in a Minute: Dog Days of SummerMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I’m starting Vampires probably next week? And I’m already behind the release date with Mister Magic! So hard to keep up, but I really have high hopes for this month:-)

  7. What a lot of lovely books! I somehow managed to miss out on loads of the August releases because I’d fallen behind with my reading earlier in the year and wanted to catch up. I look forward to hearing what you think of your selected reads in due course:)).

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