Buffy’s Corner 7/30/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Happy Sunday everyone! I just found out my daughter is moving back to California at the end of August, and I couldn’t be happier:-) She’s been in Boston for the past five years and it’s been torture, so it will be nice to have her a lot closer. That’s my big news, now on to the books:

Upcoming reads & reviews:

Look for two reviews this week: What Never Happened was surprisingly fun! I’ve seen some negative reviews, but it really worked for me. And Thornhedge was a delight, which is no surprise considering it’s a T. Kingfisher story. I’ve just started Wildwood Magic, and after that I’ll probably read Delicate Condition. August is CRAMMED with exciting books so I’ve really got to read fast this month, lol.

Other posts this week:

It’s the end/beginning of the month, so a busy week on the blog. Tomorrow is my July wrap-up post; Tuesday I’ll share my (overly ambitious) reading plans for August on What’s On My Plate; and Wednesday I have some cover reveals to share on Future Fiction. I might do a book haul Saturday, we’ll see…

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Wild Spaces by C.L. Coney – Review 3/5 stars

Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #237

2023 Reading Challenges – 2nd Quarter Check-In

Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 7/23/23

Silvery-cheeked hornbill on a tree branch.
Silvery-cheeked hornbill. Lake Manyara National Park.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted July 30, 2023 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 32 Comments

32 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 7/30/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. That is great that your daughter will now be closer! That bird pic is cool! I can’t believe it’s almost August!!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  2. I’m happy for you that your daughter is moving back and glad you enjoyed Thornhedge! I read that novella a little while ago, which was atypical of me to read something so far in advance; but I needed a shorter book to read and it fit the bill. I also discovered I have a Willa Reece book on my Kindle while scrolling through it on the plane. It’s like a surprise party scrolling through my purchased books on Kindle–I don’t remember everything I bought, ha.

  3. I’m still a bit behind on reading all your reviews, but trying to get through them because there are some that looked good! So happy for you that your daughter is moving back to California. As cool as it is having a sister who lives in Scotland, it is kind of sad that she doesn’t get home as much as she even did when she lived in NYC. Love the bird picture too! So pretty. Have a great week!

  4. Oh that’s awesome news! Congrats!! Always nice to have the kids closer.

    That hornbill- they almost look like dinoaurs up close, don’t they? 🙂

    • Tammy

      Thanks Greg! Yes, hornbills are so strange looking. Dinosaurs are a great comparison:-)

  5. I’m so happy for you that your daughter is moving closer. In December I moved to my mom’s town, actually in the same street by coincidence, and she was really happy too. 😀

    I can’t wait for your review of Thornhedge since it’s one I can’t wait to read myself. August has such good releases!

  6. So glad you enjoyed Thornhedge! And I’m looking forward to hearing about What Never Happened — it keeps popping up on my Amazon recommendations. So awesome about your daughter moving back to California!! I wish mine would too. 🙂

  7. So happy for you that your daughter’s moving back to California 😀
    What Never Happened is on my TBR list so I’ll look out for your review of that one.

    • Tammy

      I’m so excited! Not that I will see her a lot, since she’ll still be about an hour and a half away (driving), but it’s a lot closer than a 6 hour plane ride:-)

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