April 2023 – Reading Wrap-Up

It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to post ten reviews in one month. But don’t get too excited, many of these were short novellas. Although to be fair, I spend just as much time working on a novella review as I do on a full length novel. But overall, it was a very good month. My two stand-outs were Lone Women and Descendant Machine, followed by two quirky novellas, both provided to me by the authors, Linghun and PomegranatesHere are the books I read and reviewed this month (click on the titles to read my reviews):

Lone Women by Victor LaValle

Descendant Machine by Gareth L. Powell

Linghun by Ai Jiang

Pomegranates by Priya Sharma

Death Watch by Stona Fitch

Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee

The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill by Rowenna Miller

This Delicious Death by Kayla Cottingham

The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown

October Animals by Nicholas Day

What was your favorite book of the month?

Posted April 29, 2023 by Tammy in Monthly Wrap UP / 21 Comments

21 responses to “April 2023 – Reading Wrap-Up

    • Tammy

      That’s a tough one, they are so different! But I guess if I had to pick, Lone Women:-)

  1. Ten books, novella or not, is awesome! And they seemed to lean far more heavily towards the good end of the spectrum, which is even better.

  2. I was able to finish 14 books in April and amazingly enough, 9 were from the list of 12 books that I had put on my April must-read list. Of course, I am SO behind on writing reviews! I think my May will be mostly review catchup posts which is good because I’ll need the content. Doubt I’ll be able to finish as many books next months since I have no less than 4 books on my to–read list that are 500+ page whoppers.

  3. What a fantastic month! The Fairy Bargains book is one that I need to catch up with and your review for that definitely encouraged me to pick it up soon – well, given the books I have this month probably June.
    Lynn 😀

    • Tammy

      I still have March and April books I didn’t get to, ugh! I need to read faster.

  4. October Animals was one I wanted to read your review of, but from your review it sounds like it wouldn’t have been one for me either. April was a great reading month, hope May is being that way for you as well as we get closer to June!

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