What’s On My Plate – April 2023

Holy cow, it’s April already, people! 2023 is flying by, at least it seems that way. I read about half of my March TBR, which is sad, but I’ll be squeezing a lot of those missed books in this month (especially Rubicon and Moths, ugh!) In addition to those, of course I have a good number of April releases I’d love to read. Here’s what’s on my plate this month:

The Scourge Between Stars by Ness Brown. This is a horror novella that comes out next week, and it will be one of the first April books I read on this list. This is a locked room horror story set aboard a generation ship, and it sounds so good!

The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro. I’ve been meaning to check out this author for a while, so I’m happy to finally be reading one of her books.

Paradise-1 by David Wellington is the longest book I’m going to read this month—736 pages!! Wish me luck. I’ve seen a few DNFs too, which makes me a little uneasy.

The Thick and the Lean by Chana Porter. I grabbed this book because of the unusual artwork on the cover, but the story sounds pretty unique too.

Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee. A fantasy story with rocs and manticores! I’m curious to see Fonda Lee tackle something completely different from her Green Bone Saga series.

Neverest by T.L. Bodine. A thriller revolving around Mount Everest sounds like a lot of fun! This is from small press Ghost Orchid Press, and I’m curious to check out their books.

Linghun by Ai Jiang is another small press horror story. This one has some really strong ratings on Goodreads and I believe it’s a ghost story.

Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh. I really enjoyed Tesh’s Greenhollow duology, and this sounds completely different.

October Animals by Nicholas Day. The author sent me a gorgeous illustrated hardcover book for review, and I hope to read this soon, especially since it’s very short.

Descendant Machine by Gareth L. Powell. This is book two after last year’s Stars and Bones, which I really enjoyed. This one appears to have a different cast of characters, so it may read more like a companion novel than a sequel. We shall see!

I’ll Stop the World by Lauren Thoman. This sounds like a fun timey-wimey story, with two characters meeting but they live in different times.

This Delicious Death by Kayla Cottingham. A YA cannibal story? Yes, I am so curious about this, and readers are really loving it so far.

The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill by Rowenna Miller. This book was actually a March release, but I didn’t get to it, and I want to make sure it’s front and center for April.

King Rat by China Miéville. This is a Tor Essentials release, originally published in 1998, and one of the few Miéville books I haven’t read. I’m still waiting for my review copy to arrive, but I’m very excited to read it when it does.

Are you planning to read any of these books? What’s at the top of your April TBR?

Posted April 1, 2023 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 29 Comments

29 responses to “What’s On My Plate – April 2023

  1. Unusually, I’m not reading any books in your monthly selection – but I’m horribly jealous of a couple, particularly The Scourge Between Stars. Happy reading, Tammy!

  2. azucchi

    Ooh I hadn’t heard of quite a few of these books, good to have them on my radar! I’m excited about Rowena Miller’s book, I think it comes out a bit later in the UK but I have it on order so hopefully I’ll get to read it soon too! I hope you enjoy your reading this month

  3. will

    Good news is that Paradise-1 was only 680 pages, assuming you’ve a physical copy. Bad news is that I certainly did not enjoy it, and thought more than once about giving up. So…

    Can’t wait to see what you think of Untethered Sky!

    • Tammy

      Oh shoot. And with such a long book, it’s harder to keep going if you’re not enjoying it.

  4. I enjoyed Untethered Sky quite a bit, hope it works for you too! Looking forward to your review on Some Desperate Glory, I took a pass on that one for now to prioritize some other things, but want to know if I should circle back some time!

  5. I also have THE FAIRY BARGAINS OF PROSPECT HILL on my TBR this month. I opted to set it aside so I could finish some early April e-galleys since those contribute to my NG percentage. One of those e-galleys was SOME DESPERATE GLORY, for which I look forward to your review once you read it!

  6. Looks like a great month of reading. Hope you have time to get to them all.
    The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill is on my TBR list too but you’ll probably get around to it before I do 😀

  7. Seeing it here again I realize Untethered Sky has such a gorgeous cover. Looks like a lot to look forward to.

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