March 2023 – Reading Wrap-Up

March was an odd month for me. My review ratings were all over the place, and I didn’t read as much as I wanted to (but then again, when do I ever?) In my personal life, I’ve gone through a wide range of emotions about my new home. I’m dealing with serious winter conditions for the first time in my life—being snowed in, being cold all the time, having to chip ice off my car so I can drive—and I’ve been missing my old house and city so much. I’m usually an optimist and I try to stay positive, but man it’s been hard. I feel bad for my dog, who doesn’t have a very big yard and not a single blade of grass to roll on. Anyway, now my pity party is over, lol. Let’s take a look at my March books!

Here are the books I read and reviewed in March (click on the titles to read my reviews):

Infinity Gate by M.R. Carey

Hel’s Eight by Stark Holborn

The Girl From Rawblood by Catriona Ward

A House With Good Bones by T. Kingfisher

The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older

The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz

Mothered by Zoje Stage

Feed Them Silence by Lee Mandelo

What was your favorite March book?

Posted March 31, 2023 by Tammy in Monthly Wrap UP / 29 Comments

29 responses to “March 2023 – Reading Wrap-Up

  1. I would feel bad too if I got the same winter as you did. As your pictures and it really seemed extreme. We got maybe one day snow that was gone by the afternoon and already I was like bleh… but you’ve read some great books at least! 😛

  2. My reading has been all over the place as well. I managed to read quite a bit but not what I planned. It sounds like you’ve had a horrible winter. We actually had a pretty mild one here in WV so go figure. As for your dog, poor thing. This week has been hell here as we lost Cass to cancer on Monday. I feel like I lost my heart and soul and I know how much you love your 4-legged family as well. Hopefully things make a turn for you soon!

    • Tammy

      Oh my gosh, I am so sorry Barb:-( I know how much you loved Cass and I loved seeing photos and hearing you talk about Cass. Hugs!!

  3. I hope to start Infinity Gate once some family busy-ness settles down, but I’m so excited to see all the stars you gave it! I sympathize with your winter adjustments. I grew up in an area with snow, shoveling, tricky driving, scraping ice off the windows… not fun, but hopefully after this bout of storms, you can get back to enjoying the beauty of your new home!

  4. Yeah well I lived in Minnesota 35 years and it’s still snow there in March and as early as October. So I moved to a place with more temperate weather. But you had reasons you wanted to move and you need to remember those. I spent more than a year figuring out where I wanted to go. I’m mostly happy with my choice. This month has been odd for reading but I have had some great reads.

  5. Aww, so sorry the weather is getting you down. Hopefully some warmth will come in when spring really, really gets started, and also when summer comes along.
    Ugh! Chipping ice & snow off the car (esp in the morning) is so annoying. I feel your pain there.

    • Tammy

      It’s been quite an experience! Although I know lots of people have it way worse than I do.

  6. I recall when we first moved to this area – I was so terribly homesick for the small village we’d been living in and it took me over a year to settle down and feel happy. Now, I couldn’t imagine living in any other area. But I wasn’t coping with the weather conditions you’re dealing with, so you have my huge sympathy, Tammy:)). I hope with the coming of Spring, you get to enjoy your surroundings more.

  7. You had a good month! My favorites were A Girl Called Samson and The Adventures of Amina Al Sirafi. I think you’d love that last one Tammy! The audiobook is amazing!

  8. The change of scenery has been brutal…I hope you’ll ease into it soon (you and your poor dog LOL).

    Ugh your reading has been all over the place for sure. Look at those ratings. But with the amount of books you read, it’s to be expected at some point. At least you loved that one book that I DNF… ;D

    • Tammy

      Luckily I don’t rate books two stars that often. This was definitely not a normal month for me!

  9. I hope over time you find a home in your new house. I can only imagine what a challenge it must be to move after living in one location for so long, especially from a more arid location to one in the mountains with the colder temperatures. And don’t even worry about letting out your frustrations sometimes. Better to get it out than keep it bottled up. As for my favorite March read, it was a non-fiction book: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. From your list I think I’d most like to read A House With Good Bones.

    • Tammy

      I’m sure once the weather changes I’ll be much happier:-) Man’s Search for Meaning sounds very deep!

  10. Adjustments are hard, and when the weather is completely different, well… It does not make things easier. At all! But I hope that when Spring will arrive you’ll start feeling better!!
    And even if you didn’t read as much as you wanted (and sure, I don’t think it is even possible to read as much!!) at least most of the books were good!!

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