Buffy’s Corner 3/19/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

It’s still cold here, but at least the snow is on it’s way out! (except there’s another snow storm coming this week, lol). The hubby took a trip to Palm Desert earlier in the week and visited The Living Desert Zoo & Gardens. He took some nice photos of various animals, although to me it’s still a zoo and I’m not a big fan of zoos. The wolf photo below was taken there. Let me know if you’re a fan (or not), I’m curious about what others think. I love animals but I hate seeing them in cages and enclosures. Although I realize zoos are helping to preserve and save many species.

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I spent all week reading Infinity Gate, so I’m a bit behind with my March reading. But that’s OK because it was awesome! Look for a review tomorrow. I have just cracked open Hel’s Eight, and after that I’ll probably pick up A House with Good Bones and The Strange.

Other posts this week:

Top Ten Tuesday is a “rewind” topic, so I may try to come up with something; Wednesday I have some exciting cover reveals to share on Future Fiction; and that’s all for now! March is turning out to be sort of “ho hum” on the blog, I’m not feeling it for some reason. I’m skipping The Friday Face-Off and debating whether to keep doing it or not. I don’t really get much traffic, and those posts can be a lot of work.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

The Friday Face-Off: Home Before Dark

Feed Them Silence by Lee Mandelo – Review 2/5 stars

Future Fiction #218

The Girl From Rawblood by Catriona Ward – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 3/12/23

Mexican Wolf, taken at The Living Desert Zoo & Gardens in Palm Desert, CA.
Mexican Wolf, taken at The Living Desert Zoo & Gardens in Palm Desert, CA.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted March 19, 2023 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 41 Comments

41 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 3/19/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Marian Parsons

    Yeah, not a big fan of zoos, although, yes, important breeding programs, etc. I pretty much grew up with the Wildlife Safari in my stomping grounds, a 600+ acre drive through zoo. A lot of the animals just wander around, but problematic critters like tigers, lions, bears, hippos, and elephants are more restricted, which I understand but seems vile. On the other hand, now that the animals are zoo accustomed, what else do you do. You also don’t want to create an Escobar’s hippos situation, and I understand tigers adapt really well. Nice wolf photo, though.

  2. I have conflicting feeling towards zoo, too. I am not a fan but sometimes they are the “lesser evil” so I am not totally against them, especially when they are more the safari kind, where the animals are not enclosed in small cages.
    But the picture is beautiful!

    • Tammy

      Thanks Susy! I do like those open safari type zoos where the animals have much more space to roam.

  3. I don’t mind zoos as long as they are treating the animals right, I know that some do not. I also know that as you said they are protecting some species that would be extinct if not for zoos, but I haven’t been to one in forever.
    Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #26My Profile

    • Tammy

      I haven’t either, and we have a zoo nearby that I used to take my kids to when they were little, but it’s been years!

  4. Glad Infinity Gate worked for you! I have a DNF mini review coming on Thursday. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

    I must admit posts about covers don’t do anything for me…though I enjoy looking at the ones you include in your Future Fiction posts. Then again, those come with blurbs of upcoming books that most of the times are new to me, and help with putting them on my radar…

  5. As with so many things I have mixed feelings about zoos. I’d rather not have animals caged, especially in some of the tighter conditions that seem to really stress them over time. But I also like how they present an opportunity for so many of us to see and learn about animals we might never otherwise get the change to see. I owe my current love of nature and animals to the many visits we made to various zoos throughout my youth. For me it really depends on how the individual zoo is run, what their focus is, how they treat and house the animals, where the animals come from. Moses’ photo is a great example of one of the potential good things about some zoos. That’s such a beautiful and emotive portrait of a wolf. What if some folks, in seeing that, find themselves with a passionate desire to learn more about these wolves and to work to preserve their natural habitat, and in doing so end up saving the lives of many wolves in the future? I tend to look on the bright side of these things, but I also acknowledge there is a dark side to many zoos.

    • Tammy

      I agree, I also have mixed feelings about zoos, but you brought up some good points. I also loved visiting zoos as a child. I guess I’ve become more cynical as I get older so now I just want all the animals to run free, lol.

  6. Beautiful photo! I appreciate zoos more now than in the past, especially those that have shifted their focus to preservation and study. I still hate seeing animals in enclosures, but I do believe there’s a value in allowing young people to get excited by animals and hopefully grow into people who value the natural world and want to protect it. But back to books… I hope to start A House with Good Bones later this week too (I’ve also fallen behind on my March reading plans, but that seems to happen more often than not for me. 🙂 Have a great week!

  7. I am not a fan of zoos either except when the only gather animals that have been so injured that they could not survive in the wilderness OR if they have lots and lots and lots of space and it hekps avoiding extinction. It’s more of a Natural Park in that case.

  8. We have always enjoyed zoos and learning about the animals. We learned a lot about their care and how to support the species. It is better if they have more space. There are plenty of memes and ideas that you could try instead of Friday Face-off. Enjoy your books this week!

    • Tammy

      Some zoos are better than others, that’s for sure. I will definitely check out some of the other Friday memes:-)

  9. I have mixed feelings about zoos. On the one hand they do help preserve some species, but at the same time it is hard to see them contained. I guess it’s better when the zoo or park has enclosures that are at least designed well, keeping in mind their habitats, but still…

    Feed Them Silence I think I saw at Mogsy’s this week… I think she had mixed feelings too. Need to read your review…
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #496My Profile

    • Tammy

      Me too, if the habitat is big and feels like their native home, I guess it’s better for them.

  10. I have mixed feelings about zoos too. I definitely prefer the environments where they have plenty of room to roam and major efforts have been made to make their habitats as close to what they would be if they were still in the wild.

    • Tammy

      Me too, I love zoos with large enclosures, especially where the animals can hide from visitors if they want to.

  11. I haven’t been to The Living Desert since I was a kid, I forgot it was still there! Gorgeous photo of the wolf, and I’m with you–I don’t love animals being in cages, but I fully support the zoos/etc. that actually work to save species and help with population and everything. Great work can be done, but of course there are also ones that do more harm than good, so that is where it gets problematic and sad.
    I’m so excited for your to read A House with Good Bones (I loved it!) and I’ll be excited to hear your thoughts. Also very curious about The Strange. I hope you have a fantastic week!
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…Review: Rubicon by J.S. DewesMy Profile

  12. I was going to pick up Infinity Gate, but then I realized I have been reading a lot of sci-fi lately and need to mix it up a bit! So House With Good Bones will probably be my next read 🙂

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