Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D
We are slowly shoveling our way out of the snow. It’s been a week, folks. The snow has stopped, but it will probably be around for a while. But the sun is out today and it’s starting to melt! Sending good thoughts out to anyone who’s dealing with this unusually tough winter, I can empathize. I hope everyone had a good week, and you’re reading lots of good books:-)
Upcoming reads & reviews:
You would think I’ve been reading a lot, with not much else to do but sit in the house and stare at the snow. But the weather has been surprisingly distracting, so I actually haven’t read much this past week. I will have two reviews up this week, though. Tomorrow is my review of The Writing Retreat, which was a lot of fun. I’m currently reading The Mimicking of Known Successes and hope to finish it today. Next up will be The Girl from Rawblood and Infinity Gate, one of my most anticipated books of 2023.
Other posts this week:
Last week was a blog heavy week, so I’m taking things easy this week. Look for Future Fiction on Wednesday and The Friday Face-Off on Friday. A couple of reviews, and we’ll call it a day:-)
In case you missed:
My posts from last week:
Mothered by Zoje Stage – Review 2.5/5 stars
What’s On My Plate – March 2023
Interview with S.T. Gibson & Acquisition Announcement!
The Eidolon by K.D. Edwards – Review 4/5 stars

And to say we didn’t see any snow here so far!!!! Also I want to read The Writing Retreat too!
You should read it, it’s was fun!
So much snow!!
It’s gonna be pretty cold here next week so there might be a little snow here but nothing compared to what you guys have going on. The last time I saw that much snow was in Austria. LOL
It’s way too much for me!
I also often can’t find extra time for reading on snow days. I’ve learned over time that for me it’s best to go out and shovel multiple times if it’s a heavy snow rather than waiting for it to stop. If I wait then it’s much more difficult to shovel and I’m more likely to injure my back, but if I go out every few hours and shovel then it’s far more manageable. Of course it also takes much more of the day, and after shoveling I’m often too tired to sit and read. But large amounts of snow can be so beautiful when you get past the difficulties it brings. The air feels calm, crisp, everything sounds a bit different, smells a bit different. It’s easy to get lost in the wonder of it all. I hope you all keep doing well!
People have been telling us that same thing, start shoveling as soon as the snow starts. I’m hoping this is it for the winter, but next winter we’ll definitely be wiser about how to handle it!
Oh, no. That much snow shoveling doesn’t sound fun at all. I’m looking forward to reading The Writing Retreat.
We hired someone to dig us out!
Wow, that is a lot of snow! We have been lucky here this year so far and haven’t had much snow but a lot of rain. Though March sometimes like to let us think things are good then wam so I am not holding out that we are winter free yet even though it’s been pretty nice.
I am curious what you think of Writing Retreat, I still need to get to it and hear so many mixed things about it.
Have a great week and happy reading!
I had mixed feelings about it but overall it was a good book:-)
Oh my goodness – that’s hardcore snow, Tammy! And I’ve just also seen the icicles you’ve been growing on the sidebar… Glad to say so far this year we haven’t had any of the white stuff and that’s fine with me because I loathe it. We’re not set up for it in this part of the country and it quickly turns into a sludgy mess, anyway. I hope it soon gets warmer for you and have a great week:).
I’m glad your winter is mild this year, at least as far as snow goes. Thanks Sarah, I hope you have a great week as well:-)
The snow looks beautiful — alhtough perhaps less so if you’re living with it and have to shovel it out of the way! Can’t wait to hear your reaction to Infinity Gate — it’s one I’m really looking forward to reading. Have a great week!
I’m finishing up a book and then starting Infinity Gate! Can’t wait:-)
The snow has been crazy in some places this year! Whereas we’re not getting hardly any where I live it seems. But the last two winters were a bit snowy, so I guess it is normal to have an off winter for us. Otis seems to be doing just fine in the snow! Hope you have a good week!
Thanks Lisa! I’m glad you have a break from snow this year:-)
That’s a lot of snow! Ours all melted. I’m looking forward toyour thoughts on The Writing Retreast. Probably gonna pick that up.
I wish ours would melt! Ha ha but it’s too cold.
Go Otis. Lulu hates snow or rain. So we have coats and boots for her. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the Writing Retreat.
I’m surprised by Otis because he HATES baths. I figured snow would be similar:-)
This is a lot of snow! I hope this will melt slowly though, otherwise it means lots of flodding, wich is not fun either.
Enjoy your books this week!
Well the cover of The Writing Retreat looks pretty apt for the weather you’ve been having. Looking forward to your review of the book
I was wondering how you were doing with all the snow since you said you moved up to the mountains! What a year to move up there! Hopefully you’re all doing well and staying safe. I’m so proud of Otis! I can’t even imagine what our little weirdo would do with snow. He used to hate rain but now grudgingly accepts it and will walk in it, but he hates weird ground textures, haha. I’m so curious about The Girl from Rawblood & Infinity Gate, I hope you enjoy them and look forward to your thoughts on them.
Wow, that’s a lot of snow. We haven’t had any here all winter. It’s the first time I can remember that happening in years. Glad your dog is handling all that snow so well.
That’s a beautiful picture. Have a great week.