Buffy’s Corner 2/26/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

It’s all about the weather today. We’re in the midst of a series of big storms in Southern California. There’s been lots of damage in my old hometown, with crazy amounts of rain and high winds. Here in my little mountain villa, we’re having the biggest snow storm they’ve seen in years. Of course, my first winter here, lol. Our cars are completely buried in the snow! I’m throwing birdseed out on our porch for the poor little birds, who don’t seem to be intimidated by the snow for some reason. I’m hoping at some point we can leave the house and drive to the grocery store! Here’s a photo looking out towards the street (which is completely covered in snow). That’s my car on the right, lol. And since I took this photo, even more snow has fallen. Isn’t it beautiful though?

A snowy scene in the mountains after a big blizzard.
Blizzard February 2023

Upcoming reads & reviews:

This week, look for reviews of The Eidolon, a short novel in K.D. Edwards’ Tarot Sequence series, and Mothered, a pandemic thriller that’s a lot of fun. After that, I need to dive straight into my March books, and I may start with The Girl from Rawblood and The Mimicking of Known Successes, since both are early March releases.

Other posts this week:

It’s a Very Busy Week™ here on the blog, as we transition from one month to the next. Tuesday look for my February Wrap-Up; Wednesday I’m double booked, with an exciting Future Fiction, and later in the day, don’t miss my SUPER SECRET ANNOUNCEMENT as I get to participate in a fun announcement from Angry Robot Books! And Thursday I’ll share What’s On My Plate, my March TBR.

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [172]

The Friday Face-Off: The Hollow Kind by Andy Davison

Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #215

28 More Horror Books to Read in 2023

Weyward by Emilia Hart – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 2/19/23

A red headed finch flies from a snowy tree.
Finch flying in the snow.

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted February 26, 2023 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 30 Comments

30 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 2/26/23 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. OMG! I’ve never seen so many snow in real life (aside from when I went to Austria with school once) so that’s crazy. I hope you guys can keep warm! It sure does look beautiful, from inside at least 😛

    • Tammy

      California has quite a few mountain ranges that get snow in the winter. Why I moved to one, I’m still trying to figure out, lol. I miss my hot sunshiny days:-)

  2. Wow, please keep that snow to yourself…lol. That is kind of funny that you guys move and then get one of the largest snows they have had there. It’s been decent here snow wise and I am liking it but we might get a storm tonight with lots of wind..blah. But next week in the 60s which is so weird for this time of year!

    Love the pic of the bird!
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  3. Oh wow talk about a snow storm indeed! It’s gorgeous though and that picture of the finch flying in the storm is INCREDIBLE! Congrats to your husband Tammy!

  4. They’ve been talking about the crazy snow storm you guys are getting on our local news. Wow! To see those pictures though! Hopefully you have enough food until you can get out. And I’m sure you have enough books to read, lol. The bird picture is beautiful as well. I had no time this week to read any of your reviews, so must make time this week to see what you liked!

    • Tammy

      We were able to walk down to the local market and get supplies, but it’s definitely out of my comfort zone! Thanks Lisa:-)

  5. We had heavy rains, flooding, and power outages down in your old neck of the woods! The good thing about it was it great weather for curling up in a chair and reading!

    • Tammy

      I saw some pictures on Facebook of all kinds of uprooted trees in my old town, it was pretty shocking! But yes, great weather for reading:-)

  6. Ah this makes me nostalgic for my Minnesota days. I have the gear to handle it but I’m glad to not be doing that anymore. The photos are pretty. It looks like a great day to stay home, curl up, read and have soup and hot tea.

  7. It IS beautiful, but probably not fun to drive in! We had the same this week- a big storm, very slippery, although I think you have more than us. and ours is melting now… hopefully you don’t have too much trouble.

    Ooh can’t wait to hear your announcement 🙂

    • Tammy

      Luckily I don’t have to drive anywhere, although I would like to go to the grocery store and Target at some point, lol.

  8. That is a LOT of snow, and the finch in that second picture definitely seems to be enjoying it. It’s really beautiful but hope it doesn’t hang around too long and that you can get around safely.
    Have a great week 😀

  9. Your husband’s pics are always gorgeous, but it turns out you’ve learned a trick or two from him! I hope you managed to reach the grocery store LOL.

    “don’t miss my SUPER SECRET ANNOUNCEMENT as I get to participate in a fun announcement from Angry Robot Books!”
    Ooooh, I’m so curious! Did you get a book deal with them?

  10. You guys are getting all our snow! Meanwhile, it reached almost 80 degrees last week, breaking a record that was set more than a hundred years ago. It doesn’t look like we’ll be getting any snow accumulation this year, to the disappointment of my kids…

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