Buffy’s Corner 12/11/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

After several months of being off my reading and blogging game, I can finally announce why. My husband and I have decided to sell our house and move to a small mountain community. I won’t go into all the details, but let’s just say it wasn’t something we were even thinking about, but circumstances led to us making a rather hurried decision to list our house and look for our next home. We both wanted to get out of the city we’ve been living in for twenty plus years. It used to be a family friendly city and it was perfect for raising our kids. But it’s so crowded now, and the small businesses that made up the heart of it have all gradually dropped away.

We’re very excited, but preparing to move has not been fun. Anyone who has gone through the process of both selling and buying a house at the same time will know what I mean. Luckily, the finish line is in sight, and we will be moving in about a week! Needless to say, this has affected my reading and blogging A LOT and it’s not going to get better until we’re settled. I’ve been trying to stick to my reading routine, but I’m so distracted by packing, cleaning out closets, and all the ups and downs of escrow that it’s very hard to focus. So if I’m not as active with blog hopping, posting reviews or responding to comments, you’ll know why.

Upcoming reads & reviews:

Despite the chaos, I have been enjoying the books I’ve been able to read. Look for my review of In the Shadow Garden tomorrow, it was a lot of fun! I’m currently reading The Light Pirate and loving it. The author’s prose is simply lovely and the story is mesmerizing. After that is anyone’s guess, but I’m eyeing Episode Thirteen and Mothered.

Other posts this week:

It’s going to be a scramble to finish packing and clean out our house, so it will be a light week on the blog. I do have three exciting cover reveals to share on Future Fiction, and the Friday Face-Off is “grimdark.”

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [169]

Future Fiction #204

Pretty Colorful – Most Colorful Book Covers of 2022

All the Blood We Share by Camilla Bruce – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 12/4/22

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted December 11, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 38 Comments

38 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 12/11/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Moving house must be classified next to a nightmare, but it sounds as if your new location will be closer to your living tastes than the actual one, so there is indeed a bright light at the end of this very busy “tunnel” you’re moving through now.

    And back to books, I look forward to your take on “Episode Thirteen”: it was one of the most “unputdownable” books I can remember reading… 🙂
    Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…OUR CROOKED HEARTS, by Melissa AlbertMy Profile

  2. Marian Parsons

    Oh, that’s very exciting! Best wishes for a move with the least possible awfulness. I hope your new home is everything you want, with only tolerable quirks. New adventures!

  3. That is cool that your going to be moving to a less crowded area! I do like living in the country for that reason…lol. I am sure it’s been very stressful! Hope everything goes great and you can get moved without any hitches along the way!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Stormi J recently posted…eARC Review ~ The Christmas SpiritMy Profile

  4. What a bold move! It will be quite the change! On the other hand, I suppose your husband will find more subjects for his photography business there (BTW, the hummingbird pic is stunning!). Happy relocation!

    I’m interested in Episode Thirteen, so I’m looking forward to your review.

    • Tammy

      That’s one reason he’s excited to move: a new location to shoot! lol. Hopefully the animals and birds will be different.

  5. will

    I’m currently reading Episode Thirteen, and it’s been really easy to get lost in! Given my recent struggles with stress and reading, this is something I’d recommend you try next. It’s told through clips and interviews and isn’t as hard to get into than something more traditional.

    I hope you like it there, Tammy!! I do hope y’all visited first…

    • Tammy

      I’m so excited to start it, Will! I think I will read it next. And yes, we saw a bunch of houses there and we love the town. Very small and quiet, just what we need:-)

  6. Moving and packing, and just the selling and buying of houses is definitely a big hassle! But once you get moved to your new place I’m sure it will all have been worth it! Can’t wait to hear once you’ve moved and are settled how much you like your new place. Can’t wait to check out some of your reviews this week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…L-L-L-Little Reviews #44: December 2022 – Part OneMy Profile

  7. All of it is a lot of work but the result can be great. It’s too late to say probably but if you can get rid of things you won’t use the moving and unpacking is easier. Sadly I wait until I unpack which makes a lot more stuff to move. I hope you’ll love your new location. Audiobooks are awesome for packing and unpacking.
    Anne – Books of My Heart recently posted…Series on Saturday: DOGS EditionMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Oh I’ve been getting rid of a ton of stuff. That was step one: clean out every closet, drawer and cupboard, giving and throwing away a lot:-)

  8. Congratulations and hope the move goes well. sometimes you just have to make a change.

    Zoje Stage is always a trip and I look forward to reading more of her books as well.
    Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #382My Profile

  9. I’m surprised you managed to get in some reading and posting. That’s a lot to deal with. But I hope the new location work out well for you both.

    • Tammy

      I think it’s going to be a wonderful change, it’s just getting there and settling in that’s stressing me out:-)

  10. I’m surprised you’ve managed to read and blog as much as you have given all the planning for the move. Stress absolutely kills my ability to focus and I end up reading less and watching more because it’s less taxing. Glad to hear you’re almost there and I hope all goes well. I’m curious to hear more about The Light Pirate and Episode Thirteen.

    • Tammy

      Blogging and reading are my lifeline so I can’t just stop. I’ve always worked hard to make time for them, so even in the midst of chaos I refuse to abandon my blog!

  11. How exciting! That has to be a very big and stressful move, but I’m glad everything is working out and wish you all the luck with your move and with your reading! I’m currently reading The Light Pirate as well and am also enjoying it. Funny enough, I’m also planning to read Episode Thirteen next, haha. I hope you have a great week!

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