12 Best Science Fiction Books of 2022 So Far

Artwork by Simon Fetscher

We’re almost at the end of Sci Fi Month 2022, so it’s time for my Best Science Fiction 2022 list. I’ll admit, I haven’t read as much SF as I usually do. Last year I came up with a list of twenty-one books, and this year there’s only twelve. But wow, I loved them all! These twelve books illustrate the expanding boundaries of the genre, and you won’t find two alike in this bunch. I’ve listed them alphabetically, and my reviews are linked below.

A Sh*tload of Crazy Powers by Jackson Ford

August Kitko and the Mechas From Space by Alex White

Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes

Eversion by Alastair Reynolds

Glitterati by Oliver K. Langmead

The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi

Mercury Rising by R.W.W. Greene

The Mother’s Wheel by Robin Kirk

Reckoning by W. Michael Gear

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

Stringers by Chris Panatier

What are your favorite science fiction books of 2022?

Posted November 29, 2022 by Tammy in Best Books of the Year, Sci-Fi Month / 28 Comments

28 responses to “12 Best Science Fiction Books of 2022 So Far

  1. I’ve picked up copies of Eversion and The Kaiju Preservation Society and look forward to trying those. My favorite of the year so far is probably The Wall by Marlen Houshofer, if that could be considered sci-fi.

  2. The only one of these I’ve read is Kaiju (and I loved it!). I do still need to read Sea of Tranquility — picked up a copy a couple of months ago, and just haven’t gotten around to it yet. For me, the best sci-fi reading adventure of the year was finishing The Expanse series!

    • Tammy

      It’s worth reading! And it’s very low key science fiction. There’s no aliens or spaceships, lol.

  3. I love ‘best of’ lists because I get to add things to my TBR/be reminded of books I’ve wanted to read! I seriously love how much variety there is in sci-fi, you are so right about all of these being so different frmo one another. It’s so fun! I’ve only read Dead Silence and Eversion from this list, but I fully agree with including them here. I need to check out a lot of these still!

    • Tammy

      I’m really looking forward to all the “best of” lists this month, because you’re right, there are always things I add to my own TBR:-)

  4. I mean, I could tell you my favorites of the year…. but basically they’re just in your post already! I am over here just nodding along, but then also excited because a few of them I have not read yet but they are on my wishlist (probably *because* you loved them, frankly- we seem to have quite similar taste so if you love it, I automatically need it!) So I went back and looked, and here are 3 I loved that did not make your list: Station Eternity, Under Fortunate Stars by Ren Hutchings, and The Awoken by Katelyn Monroe Howes!
    Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight recently posted…Monthly Minutes at Midnight: November 2022My Profile

    • Tammy

      Under Fortunate Stars was one I had hoped to get to, hopefully I can squeeze it in next year sometime:-)

  5. Well, not being a huge sci-fi reader I’m happy to say I’ve read a couple of these and loved them. One of them will defo be on my ‘best of 2022’ list. (You could probably guess anyway but I loved Sea of Tranquility).
    Lynn 😀

  6. I mostly only read YA sci-fi, but I did read/listen to The Kaiju Preservation Society this year, partly based on your review, and I LOVED it! I then went and got a bunch of Scalzi’s audiobooks that Wil Wheaton narrates for good deals on Audible and plan to listen to more! I listened to Red Shirts, but I think that was an older title. Thanks for sharing your list!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Top 10 of 2022 – Favorite New or New to Me AuthorsMy Profile

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