Sci-Fi Month 2022 Kickoff! #SciFiMonth

Artwork by Simon Fetscher

Can you believe it’s November already? 2022 has flown by, but here we are in one of my favorite blogging months to celebrate all things science fiction. The event celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, and I’m feeling old when I tell you this is my 9th year participating:-D As usual, the big Sci-Fi Month ship is being helmed by imyril from and Lisa from Dear Geek Place, and you can find out more about how to participate at those links.

My format for the month will be similar to previous years. I’ll highlight some SF books I hope to read as well as other posts I like to do, like Top Ten lists, science fiction-themed Future Fiction and The Friday Face-Off. I’ll be doing a giveaway at the end of the month as well! And because I have other genres I have to read this month, I’ll throw in some other November books I’ll try to fit in at the end. Here we go!

The Books:

I’m excited to read all of these books! And all are November releases except for The Spare Man, which came out last month. With Wayward being almost 900 pages, I’m not sure how many of these I’ll get to, but you know I’ll try my best:-D


Twelve Adult Science Fiction Books to Read in 2023

Twelve Young Adult Science Fiction Books to Read in 2023

Best Science Fiction of 2022 So Far


Future Fiction – Three new SF books each Wednesday

The Friday Face-Off – A SF Book to be featured each Friday

Our intrepid Sci-Fi Month hosts have come up with daily challenges that look like a lot of fun! I’ll try to join in whenever possible:

And to cap off the month, I’ll be hosting an international giveaway, so make sure to catch my Wrap-Up post at the end of month for all the details!

More potential November reads:

Are you participating in Sci-Fi Month? What books are you looking forward to most?

Posted November 1, 2022 by Tammy in Sci-Fi Month / 34 Comments

34 responses to “Sci-Fi Month 2022 Kickoff! #SciFiMonth

  1. Looks like you have a really busy reading month ahead.
    The Spare Man looks interesting. I’ve only read one book by Mary Robinette Kowal, the ifrst Glamourist Histories book, but really enjoyed that and want to read more by her so looking forward to your thoughts on that one.
    Have a great Sci-Fi Month 😀

  2. It will come as no surprise to you that I’m very much looking forward to your comments on the new Donovan book, but I’m also curious about the new novel by Everina Maxwell: so far I’ve been unable to add it to my TBR, so for now I will visit vicariously thanks to you 😉
    Have a great SciFi Month!

  3. azucchi

    Ocean’s Echo was delightful, I look forward to seeing your thoughts on it soon! And I’m probably also going to read Legends and Lattes, despite the lack of sci-fi element! Most of the other books are new to me but they look awesome

  4. I decided to start the month off with Isaac Asimov’s Foundation, a classic I’ve never read. And I’ve been early waiting for the release of Wayward which I plan to consume in audio format, same as I did with the previous book. Good luck with all these titles!

  5. For the second year in a row, I’ve decided to give Sci Fi Month a miss… I love taking part, but my reading is very hit and miss at present and I am not giving myself any targets at all. Though I am going to definitely get hold of a copy of The Spare Man as it looks exactly like my kind of book:)). Thank you for sharing all these wonderful reads – I hope to tuck into at least some of them in due course.

    • Tammy

      Who knows, you may come back to the event at some point. I have a feeling it will be around for a while:-)

  6. November is so busy, I’m doing nonfiction and novellas blogging events this month. I had forgotten it’s also scifi month, but that would be too much for me, though I could think ahead for next year and read scifi novellas!!
    Let me know if you have recommendations in that field

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