Buffy’s Corner 10/30/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Happy Halloween! It’s been another crazy week at work and I haven’t had much time to read. Hopefully this week will be better.

Upcoming reads & reviews:

It’s been a very slow reading week for me. It took all week to get through The Hollow Kind, mostly because I’m distracted by life stuff at the moment. I loved the book, but it’s dense and complex and I read it slower than normal because of that. I’ve just started The Luminaries, and after that I’d love to start Reckoning or White Horse.

Other posts this week:

Not only is it the end of the month, but it’s the start of Sci-Fi Month! I’m doing a monthly wrap-up post tomorrow, Tuesday I’ll highlight my plans for Sci-Fi Month; Wednesday is Future Fiction, and The Friday Face-Off is “red cover.”

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [167]

The Friday Face-Off: Black Cover

Future Fiction #200

Best Horror of 2022 So Far

Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison – Review 5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 10/23/22

Two Mule Deer in the grass
Mule Deer

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted October 30, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 28 Comments

28 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 10/30/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. It’s been a crazy week for me too Tammy! Hence the lack of commenting and blog hopping! I hope it will be better for you next week. <3

  2. I can’t believe this month will be over soon! How can it be Halloween tomorrow! I am not ready for everything to turn into Holiday mode. 🙁

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Stormi recently posted…Week in Review #7My Profile

  3. I know what you mean about not finding time to read as much. I’ve had to put aside Gallows Hill, not because I’m not enjoying it but because I’ve not had time to read it. But I’ve been slowly making progress on the audiobook of Black Mouth, listening when driving or as I try to fall asleep (probably not the best time to listen to a horror novel). I hope things calm down a bit for you soon.

    Moses’ mule deer photo reminds me of a great experience my father and I had on a trail along a small bay at a park yesterday. He was sitting on a bench facing the water and watching the active cormorants fishing and squawking at each on some posts they were perched on. I was photographing the same. Then I turned towards the trail and continued walking forward just a bit when I heard a loud thud and other noises and finally noticed a young white-tailed deer buck with a decent set of antlers rolling on the trail right in front of me before getting to its feet and running down the trail. We guessed it was just resting on a patch of greenery right at the edge of the trail and we were upwind of it so it likely didn’t smell us and might not have heard us until I started walking towards it. That might have startled it resulting in the thud and scramble to get on its feet and take off. Unfortunately I had the camera set up for longer exposures of landscape scenery so I’m not sure I captured anything usable of the deer, but I loved the experience. We quietly hiked up the trail in case we saw it again, but we never did.

  4. I’ll be reading The Luminaries soon as well. There have been a lot of deer on the side of the road around here. I know bow hunting season is going on and soon it will be gun season. I had time to do some blog commenting while at work this past week and of course for some reason your blog is blocked by whatever they use for our security. Ugh. I have to remember to take time this week when I’m home to go check out your reviews because you’ve got a few that sound good! Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #91 – October 30th, 2022My Profile

    • Tammy

      This is the first book of his I’ve read, so it’s good to know his other books are similar in that way:-)

  5. I love the sound of The Luminaries and have nicked across to Netgalley to order a copy:)). Thank you for the heads up. I can relate regarding life stuff versus various reading targets:)) I’m so horribly behind on reading my review copies. I love the picture of the deer – what a dramatic moment and managing to capture all of that in such detail – your husband is so talented! I hope you are having a lovely week, Tammy:)).

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