Future Fiction #186 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

Tor for the win today, with three new covers! Take a look:

Lee Mandelo dives into the minds of wolves in Feed Them Silence, a novella of the near future.

What does it mean to “be-in-kind” with a nonhuman animal? Or in Dr. Sean Kell-Luddon’s case, to be in-kind with one of the last remaining wild wolves? Using a neurological interface to translate her animal subject’s perception through her own mind, Sean intends to chase both her scientific curiosity and her secret, lifelong
desire to experience the intimacy and freedom of wolfishness. To see the world through animal eyes; smell the forest, thick with olfactory messages; even taste the blood and viscera of a fresh kill. And, above all, to feel the belonging of the pack.

Sean’s tireless research gives her a chance to fulfill that dream, but pursuing it has a terrible cost. Her obsession with work endangers her fraying relationship with her wife. Her research methods threaten her mind and body. And the attention of her VC funders could destroy her subject, the beautiful wild wolf whose mental world she’s invading.

Feed Them Silence by Lee Mandelo. Releases in March 2023 from Tordotdom. I’ll admit I didn’t really enjoy Mandelo’s last book (Summer Sons), but I think this might be more my style, and I don’t want to give up on the author just yet. I’m drawn to this because wolves.

While we live, the enemy shall fear us.

All her life Kyr has trained for the day she can avenge the murder of planet Earth. Raised in the bowels of Gaea Station alongside the last scraps of humanity, she readies herself to face the Wisdom, the all-powerful, reality-shaping weapon that gave the Majoda their victory over humanity.

They are what’s left. They are what must survive. Kyr is one of the best warriors of her generation, the sword of a dead planet. But when Command assigns her brother to certain death and relegates her to the nursery to bear sons until she dies trying, she knows she must take humanity’s revenge into her own hands.

Alongside her brother’s brilliant but seditious friend and a lonely, captive alien, she escapes from everything she’s ever known into a universe far more complicated than she was taught and far more wondrous than she could have imagined.

A thrillingly told queer space opera about the wreckage of war, the family you find, and who you must become when every choice is stripped from you, Some Desperate Glory is award-winning author Emily Tesh’s highly anticipated debut novel.

Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh. Releases in April 2023 from Tordotcom. I really enjoyed Emily Tesh’s The Greenhollow Duology, and I think this sounds very different but also very good.

From World Fantasy Award-winning author Fonda Lee comes Untethered Sky, an epic fantasy fable about the pursuit of obsession at all costs.

Ester’s family was torn apart when a manticore killed her mother and baby brother, leaving her with nothing but her father’s painful silence and a single, overwhelming need to kill the monsters that took her family.

Ester’s path leads her to the King’s Royal Mews, where the giant rocs of legend are flown to hunt manticores by their brave and dedicated rukhers. Paired with a fledgling roc named Zahra, Ester finds purpose and acclaim by devoting herself to a calling that demands absolute sacrifice and a creature that will never return her love. The terrifying partnership between woman and roc leads Ester not only on the empire’s most dangerous manticore hunt, but on a journey of perseverance and acceptance.

Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee. Releases in April 2023 from Tordotcom. I know a lot of readers are excited to see something new from Fonda Lee, and although this is far from her epic fantasy series The Green Bone Saga, I think it sounds really good!

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted July 20, 2022 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 31 Comments

31 responses to “Future Fiction #186 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Here I am, needing to finish Fond Lee’s Green Bone Saga, and she’s ready to start another equally intriguing series: keeping up has become an imperative now! 😉 And I like the premise for Some Desperate Glory, I like it very much!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I read one of Emily Tesh’s offerings and she’s a fine writer. As for the Fonda Lee book – what a fabulous premise. I love the idea of a partnership where the affection is one-sided:)). Thank you for sharing these intriguing books, Tammy.

  3. Feed Them Silence has a really intriguing premise and I love the simply but beautiful cover too.

    Some Desperate Glory sounds amazing as well as heartrending. I need to read it!!

    Untethered Sky is another one that sounds really amazing. I just wanna read all the books you share with us haha

  4. I like the covers in this group, especially Feed Them Silence and Untethered Sky. As for the story descriptions, given my current mood I’m most interested in Untethered Sky. It sounds like it has that classic epic fantasy vibe to it, something I’m almost always in the mood for.

    • Tammy

      Untethered Sky sounds very different from Fonda Lee’s last series. I’m very curious!

  5. I’m loving the Feed Them Silence cover. Wow. So simple but says a lot and perfect with the title. I also am loving Untethered Sky for the opposite reason. So grand and impressive!

  6. verushka

    Okay, ‘Some Desperate Glory’ had me at ‘avenge the murder of planet earth’ — that is an intense goal to have, and sounds like a riveting read!

  7. Okay I just googled “manticore” and Idk, that thing is creepy, I don’t know if I want to read about it killing babies! I do love the cover though! I am definitely here for Some Desperate Glory (I love how badass the title sounds, too!) I am on the fence about Feed Them Silence (the idea of like, being in a wolf’s brain- or anyone’s, frankly- kind of creeps me out?) but it is definitely on my radar. Great choices, as always!

  8. I mean, to be fair, always Tor FTW? They’ve been killing it lately. All these books sound amazing, but Untethered Sky caught my attention the most. My gosh, that cover is stunning! And rocs and manticores in one book? Definitely need to read that one!

  9. Ooh, I fancy the Fonda Lee book – I didn’t read her previous series so think this might be a good starting point and I won’t feel so desperately behind.
    Lynn 😀

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