Bad Things Happen Here: Twelve Books With Creepy Houses on the Cover

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

Today is a Top Ten Tuesday Freebie, and because I’ve noticed a lot of creepy houses (and other structures) on the covers of books lately, I’ve decided to do a list! This is a combination of books I’ve already read and books on my TBR. And alphabetized because I feel extra today:-) Here we go!

Have you read (or plan to read) any of these books? Can you think of other good examples?

Posted July 19, 2022 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 28 Comments

28 responses to “Bad Things Happen Here: Twelve Books With Creepy Houses on the Cover

  1. Ah, creepy houses! There would be no self-respecting horror without them! 😉
    Black Mouth is already on my “wanted” list, and both the DiLouie and Hendrix books look interesting. Very interesting….

  2. verushka

    You can’t go past a good creepy house! Just Like Home is deliciously creepy! I love that they put a bloody house on a pink cover!

  3. I thought The Residence was really entertaining, but I like the cover of Just Like Home the best because there’s something ironic about the delicate pink background with the horrific dripping-blood house!

  4. The only one I’ve read is Just Like Home, and though the cover isn’t all that creepy for me, the story certainly had its moments. The cover that feels the creepiest to me is Episode Thirteen. Something about the color contrast and those hands inside the window.

  5. Tammy V

    I would say another book by Ward The Last House on Needless Street would be a good one also.

  6. I love this topic, and I always enjoy a story featuring a creepy house. There are a few here I hadn’t heard of so you’ve probably just added a few books to my endless TBR 😀

  7. Well! None of the above offerings are going to feature as ‘House of the Week’ in an estate agent’s window are they??? What a magnificently creepy collection…

  8. Oh man, I’m all for covers with creepy houses! And books with creepy houses. It’s one of my all-time favorite horror tropes! I still really need to read Little Eve, How to Sell A Haunted House, and The Twisted Ones! Man, I’m slacking.

  9. This is a great selection of books and covers. I would probably add The Haunting of Hill House, We Have Always Lived in the Castle and Rebecca.
    Lynn 😀

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