As we head into the second half of 2022 (Already! Where has the time gone?), it’s time to share my most anticipated books of the third quarter, as well as look back on how I did during the second quarter of the year. This has the potential to be an excellent quarter for new book releases, and even though I’m only highlighting my top five for each month, there are a lot more books I’m excited to read.
And keep reading to the end of the post to see how I did last quarter:-)
(Linking up with Top Ten Tuesday over at That Artsy Reader Girl!)
July 2022 Most Anticipated
July is very horror heavy, and I’m not sad about that, lol. I’m starting out a bit ahead, since I’ve already read Black Mouth by Ronald Malfi, and I can tell you it’s going to be hard to beat this one folks, I loved it!
Sarah Gailey is one of my favorite go to authors, and I’ve been hearing great things about Just Like Home.
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher is a retelling of Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher, but I’m sure in Kingfisher’s hands it’s will be something special and different. I’ve just started it and the Gothic atmosphere is already jumping off the pages.
After waiting three years for C.A. Fletcher’s follow up to A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World, it’s finally here. Dead Water sounds very different and I’m curious to read it.
Rounding out the top five for July is The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, a book that’s getting lots of hype and love.
August 2022 Most Anticipated
August is a nice mix of genres, including Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney. This sounds amazing, a locked room mystery in the vein of And Then There Were None, I cannot wait to start it!
I’ve heard great things about Gabino Iglesias, so I’m thrilled to have a review copy of his upcoming book, The Devil Takes You Home. This sounds both violent and heartbreaking, and I’m so curious.
The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean sounds like an unusual fantasy about a race of people who eat books, but wow it’s getting great reviews so far. I’m looking forward to this one!
If queer fantasy romance is your cup of tea, then A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland just might fit the bill. It sounds amazing, I’m excited to start it:-)
This last August book is a surprise even to me. It wasn’t even on my radar until I read Maddalena’s rave review. Now Eversion by Alastair Reynolds is one of my top five most anticipated books of the month!
September 2022 Most Anticipated
At the top of my September “must read” is Camilla Bruce’s upcoming The Witch in the Well. Bruce’s books are like catnip to me, I cannot resist!
I’m also a big fan of Clay McLeod Chapman, and of course I’m excited to read his upcoming Ghost Easters. I’m hoping to get an ARC of this one, fingers crossed:-)
Robin Kirk’s The Bond Trilogy is one of my favorite underrated science fiction series, and the third book is finally coming out this September! The Mother’s Wheel promises to be just as wonderful as the first two books. Even though this is a September release, I’m scheduled to participate in Robin’s blog tour in August, so look for an early review then.
I was just approved for House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson on NetGalley, and I’m anxious to dive into this creepy sounding story, which may or may not be about vampires (I can’t really tell for sure).
Last but not least is Fairy Tale by Stephen King, which seems to be a departure from his recent horror/mystery stories. I’ve been remiss about keeping up with King’s new releases, but this is one I’m really going to make an effort to read.
And now, let’s see how I did with last quarter’s list. Eleven out of fifteen isn’t too bad, but I’m still hoping for a complete win one of these quarters. I’m very disappointed that I didn’t get to Locklands and The Hacienda in particular, so I’ll make it a point to catch up with them soon.
You’ve featured some really gorgeous book covers here. Looking forward to your reviews!
Thanks Debjani:-)
I’m glad to hear Moreno-Garcia’s new one is getting lots of love. I haven’t read her last couple since I kept reading mixed reviews. From your list, I’m especially excited for The Book Eaters and Daisy Darker. I also just finally started Locklands over the weekend and I’m about halfway through that. Can’t decide if I like it quite as much as the first two but it’s still really good so far.
I keep hearing mixed things about Locklands, which is probably why I haven’t started it yet.
So much to like here. I’m glad to hear about Black Mouth. I’m somewhat new to Malfi but have enjoyed each of the books I’ve read and really look forward to this one. I very much enjoyed Just Like Home, though I found it disturbing in many ways. And like Malfi, I’ve developed a taste for T. Kingfisher’s work so I’d love to read What Moves the Dead. And I’ll stop here, otherwise this comment will get far too long.
Ok, I lied… great job with 11 of 15 this past quarter!
I hope you try Black Mouth and enjoy it, it’s quite different from his last book.
I am very excited for House of Hunger and The Book Eaters! I think one of the book boxes I’m subscribed to is doing The Book Eaters as their August book feature
Ooh that sounds like it will be a fun box:-)
I forgot about Dead Water! I need to read that one too!
It’s easy to forget books, there are so many:-)
So you have some more goodies coming your way!
I’m focusing a lot on my TBR. I’ll be looking forward to the upcoming one by Louise Penny (November 29) – so not enough to do a top 10 post today!
Nothing else I think. And I did read the ones I was most looking forward to in 2022
Yes, lots more to look forward to!
Sarah Gailey’s and Dr. Moreau sound excellent. Daisy Darker, eversion and Locklands are all new adds to my list too.
Daisy Darker is going to be fantastic, I think:-)
I’m so excited for Just Like Home! Happy reading!
I’m starting it next:-)
You did good at getting to your anticipated reads, I anticipate a lot of books but never get to them on time…lol.
I don’t get to all of them but I try:-)
What a wonderful feast ahead of you, Tammy:). I’ve got The Book Eaters, The Daughter of Dr Moreau and A Taste of Gold & Iron. And based on your recommendation – I’ve just nicked across to Amazon and got hold of the first book in the Robin Kirk trilogy.
Ooh I’m very curious to hear your thoughts on Robin Kirk’s book. It’s very special to me:-)
Well I’m listening to the Feeney book, but I’m ecstatic for the Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Faith Hunter, and Nalini Singh coming up, along with mysteries by Richard Osman, Alexandra Penrose, William Kent Krueger, Robert Dugoni and Allen Eskens
I’ve heard such good things about Feeney’s new book, I can’t wait:-)
The new Stephen King book sounds so good, it’s one I’m really looking forward to. The Ronald Malfi sounds good too and is an author I keep thinking I should read at some point.
Ronald Malfi is so underrated but so good:-)
How many amazing books!! I hope to read The Daughter of Doctor Moreau soon, and Alexandra Rowland book sounds pretty interesting too!!
I don’t think I can wait much longer to start The Daughter of Doctor Moreau:-)
What Moves the Dead was AMAZING and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! I didn’t love Dead Water, but alas. It wasn’t terrible or anything. I am looking forward to basically all your July books too! I just finished Eversion, and I liked it a lot! I was definitely surprised at it at many points, too. Truly, the only books on my list that I ever read are books I have for review, because I am pretty much a fail of a person, but I do hope you are able to read (and enjoy!) all of these!
I did love it! I’m sorry you didn’t love Dead Water, though. Our tastes are so similar so now I’m worried!
Ahh, so many good books to look forward to. I love seeing them all like this.