What’s On My Plate – July 2022

July is going to be an excellent reading month, I just know it. Some of my most highly anticipated books of the year are being released this month, and many of them are horror titles, for some reason. July is also the start of a new quarter, so I’ll soon be posting my most anticipated books for the third quarter. This is also the month everyone participates in the Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag, and since it’s one of my favorites, of course I’m doing it again!

I want to mention that I have a grand total of EIGHT of the following books that are all being released on the same day, July 12th. Publishers, you need to stop doing that! Lol. July 19th comes in second with four books.

And in case you missed my Plate post last month, I’m now sharing the top five reviews on my site during the previous month, based on page views. Look for this fascinating info at the end of this post!

Here are the books I have on my plate this month (obviously more than I can handle, so I’ll be prioritizing):

Let’s kick this list off with my top five most anticipated books for July, and I do want to mention that these are all favorite authors of mine and yes, I expect to love their books. At #1 is Black Mouth by Ronald Malfi, an author that I only discovered last year, but who has catapulted to the top of my “auto read/auto buy” list. I’ll be reading this very soon, if I haven’t started already.

Next up at #2, Dead Water by C.A. Fletcher, the author of A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World. I’m seeing some mixed reviews for this, but I’ll be forming my own opinions once I read it.

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher is a novella based on Poe’s The House of Usher, and the reviews look promising!

Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey has the coolest cover ever, and I can hardly wait to start it. I have loved every one of Gailey’s books I’ve read, so I’m hoping this works for me too.

And rounding out the top five, The Daughter of Doctor Moreau by Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a sci-fi historical (per the author, it is NOT horror), and I’m very excited to read this too.

I am pleased to say I’ve already read Upgrade by Blake Crouch. I picked it up when another book I was reading was putting me to sleep, and I knew I needed a fast paced thriller to keep me going. I really enjoyed this (although it’s not my favorite Crouch) and it will be my first July review next week.

A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows is getting some great reviews, and I’m looking forward to this queer fantasy revolving around a political marriage of convenience.

In the “best title of the month” category is August Kitko and the Mechas From Space by Alex White, a book whose tag line is “Space Opera just got louder.” I mean, come on! This sounds fantastic.

On the more literary side is Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield, a book I’m very curious about. It’s getting great reviews on Goodreads so far.

Eclipse the Moon by Jessie Mihalik is the second book in her Starlight’s Shadow series. This story follows one of the side characters from the first book, and I’m looking forward to jumping back into this world.

The Extractionist by Kimberly Unger is a technothriller that’s getting some good reviews. Unger works in the gaming industry and probably brings her expertise to this story. It sounds so good!

A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers is the second novella in her Monk & Robot series. I found the first book to be funny and feel-good, and I’m hoping for more of the same.

I only have one YA book this month but it sounds really good! We Made It All Up by Margot Harrison is a thriller and somehow involves kids who like to write fan fiction? Or something.

Top five most viewed reviews in June (based on page views):

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel

Ordinary Monsters by J.M. Miro

A Winter’s Promise by Christelle Dabos(2018)

Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert

Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (2018)

I’m happy to see A Winter’s Promise knocked off the top spot, lol. And I’m very happy to see Ordinary Monsters and Our Crooked Hearts here as well, two of my favorite books of June. Sea of Tranquility makes the top spot! And Little White Lies makes the list again, and again I’m confused but hey! I won’t complain.

Are you reading any of these books? Let me know your most anticipated book of July:-D

Posted July 1, 2022 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 34 Comments

34 responses to “What’s On My Plate – July 2022

  1. I’m very curious about Black Mouth, and I hope you enjoy Just Like Home at least as much as I did, if not more. Looks like the beginnings of a good month. I’ve not really thought ahead yet to what I might read. We’ll see. 🙂

  2. SO MANY BOOKS in July! Four of these are on my to-read list (ARCs), and one is a book I’ve preordered (Crown-Shy). I am already overwhelmed by all the books I’m committed to for July. Hope you enjoy all of these!

  3. I feel you, I don’t know why publishers need to stack so many books on the same date, haha, it’s hard for us readers/bloggers! I’m excited for almost all of these books on your list also. I hope you get in all the reading you want and that you enjoy it all! I’m reading The Daughter of Doctor Moreau and really enjoying it so far, and T. Kingfisher’s was a really strong retelling, also. I hope you have a fantastic month! 🙂
    Jordan @ Forever Lost in Literature recently posted…Month in Review: June 2022My Profile

    • Tammy

      Thanks Jordan! I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying The Daughter of Doctor Moreau:-)

  4. Dead Water looks good to me, and I need to get Upgrade. Sarah Gailey I’m interested in too ever since The Echo Wife. I’d like to read more Jessie Mihalik and of course Chambers. July IS going to be a good reading month!
    Greg recently posted…Bookcover Spotlight #297My Profile

  5. Will

    So… you’re going to read 8 books in a single weekend. And 13 in the month. lol Why are you excited for July exactly?

  6. I’ve got We Made It All Up to read as well. Let’s hope we both enjoy it! And yeah, I hate when publishers put so many books to come out on the same day! When I was doing the Wednesday posts and listing all the books in a week that I was interested in, the first and second weeks of the month always had the most books at one time.
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Review: My Cone and Only (King Family #1) by Susannah NixMy Profile

  7. So many of these look really good. I can’t wait to see what you think of the new one from Moreno-Garcia, and I like the sound of a House of Usher themed story too. Hope you enjoy your books this month 😀
    Pages and Tea recently posted…Booking Ahead: June 2022My Profile

  8. There are a ton of interesting books!! And there are some of them that I really should be reading, like The Daughter of Doctor Moreau (but if things go as planned it would be my next reading ), August Kitko and The Extractionist. Let’s hope we would both read and enjoy them!!

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