Over-Booked [160] – A Book Haul Post

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

My poor mailbox has been (sadly) mostly empty these last few weeks, so my book haul is fairly small. Which is OK, because boy do I have a lot of catching up to do! And I’m pretty excited about all of these, take a look:

Physical books for review:

A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland is a queer fantasy romance that sounds pretty amazing. I have not read anything by Rowland yet and I’m very curious to try her books. Huge thanks to Tordotcom for the review copy!

I’ve never worked with the folks at MDC before (that I remember at least), so I was thrilled to be offered a copy of The Hollow Kind by Andy Davidson, a horror novel I’ve already featured on Future Fiction. This appears to be of the “woman inherits an old house and moves in only to discover it’s haunted” variety of horror, and I’m there for it! Big thanks to MDC!

Big thanks to Tordotcom for this beautiful finished copy of A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow, which I have already loved and reviewed:-)

Last but not least, this beautiful paperback arrived from Stygian Sky Media called Southern Fried & Horrified, a memoir by Ronald Kelly which covers his long career in the field of horror writing. I don’t usually review books like this but I’m very curious, and I think his story will be interesting. It’s not up on Goodreads so I can’t link it, sorry. There was also a small bound short story called Somewhere South of Hell in the package, as well as a sticker and bookmark. Big thanks to Kaye Publicity for the review copy!

Digital books for review:

I’m thrilled to have a copy of Wayward by Chuck Wendig, whose Wanderers I absolutely loved a few years ago. This is a gigantic sequel clocking in at 944 pages! That’s about three normal sized books for me, lol. This is a November release so I have time to plan for it. Can’t wait!

I’m also thrilled to be approved for Station Eternity by Mur Lafferty, which is the start of a new series called The Midsolar Murders. I talk about my love for Six Wakes every chance I get, so of course I’m excited for Mur’s new novel!

I was just offered a copy of The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Naylor, and I couldn’t pass it up. This seems like it will be a unique SF story.

I featured Lavender House by Lev A.C. Rosen on a Future Fiction post, and when it popped up on NetGalley I had to grab it:-)

Finally, I just had to download The Spare Man by Mary Robinette Kowal when I saw it on NetGalley. I have never read this author before (I know, I’m disappointed in me too), and this sounds really good. SF mystery and a service dog in the story, how can you not want to read that?

Big thanks to Del Rey Books, Ace, MDC, Forge Books and Tor Books:-D

Do any of these sound good to you?

Posted June 25, 2022 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 29 Comments

29 responses to “Over-Booked [160] – A Book Haul Post

  1. Ooh new Mur Lafferty! I was a big fan of Six Wakes as well. This is a must get for me. Lavender House looks pretty good too.

  2. Hope you do try the memior because I don’t normally read those types either but since it’s about a horror author I am kind of curious. 🙂

  3. will

    Oooooo you got approved for the new Lafferty book! I’m so jealous, I’m still waiting to hear!

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