Future Fiction #181 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

Welcome to Future Fiction, my reimagining of the Waiting on Wednesday meme! There are so many amazing new books coming out, that I can no longer pick just one. My goal with Future Fiction is to share at least three new books each week, a combination of recent cover reveals and books that I’ve recently added to my TBR pile. I’m still going to be linking up with Wishful Endings/Can’t Wait Wednesday, and I also want to give a shout out to Jill at Breaking the Spine for starting the original Waiting on Wednesday meme. I hope you’ll find some new books to add to your TBR piles, and as always, I look forward to hearing what YOU’RE looking forward to:-D

This week, I’m sharing two new fantasies and a unique-sounding dystopian, take a look:

In a dazzling new fantasy world full of whispered secrets and political intrigue, the magic of women is outlawed but four girls with unusual powers have the ability to change it all.

The Nightbirds are Simta’s best kept secret. Teenage girls from the Great Houses with magic coursing through their veins, the Nightbirds have the unique ability to gift their magic to others with a kiss. Magic—especially the magic of women—is outlawed and the city’s religious sects would see them burned if discovered. But protected by the Great Houses, the Nightbirds are safe well-guarded treasures.

As this Season’s Nightbirds, Matilde, Aesa, and Sayer spend their nights bestowing their unique brands of magic to well-paying clients. Once their Season is through, they’re each meant to marry a Great House lord and become mothers to the next generation of Nightbirds before their powers fade away. But Matilde, Aesa, and Sayer have other plans. They know their lives as Nightbirds aren’t just temporary, but a complete lie and yearn for something more.

When they discover that there are other girls like them and that their magic is more than they were ever told, they see the carefully crafted Nightbird system for what it is: a way to keep them in their place, first as daughters and then as wives. Now they must make a choice—to stay in their gilded cage or to remake the city that put them there in the first place.

Nightbirds (Nightbirds #1) by Kate J. Armstrong. Releases in February 2023 from Nancy Paulsen Books. You know I’m picky when it comes to YA fantasy, but I think this has potential! And I couldn’t resist sharing this cover.

n Lambda Award finalist Chana Porter’s highly anticipated new novel, an aspiring chef, a cyberthief, and a kitchen maid each break free of a society that wants to constrain them.

In the quaint religious town of Seagate, abstaining from food brings one closer to God.

But Beatrice Bolano is hungry. She craves the forbidden: butter, flambé, marzipan. As Seagate takes increasingly extreme measures to regulate every calorie its citizens consume, Beatrice must make a choice: give up her secret passion for cooking or leave the only community she has known.

Elsewhere, Reiko Rimando has left her modest roots for a college tech scholarship in the big city. A flawless student, she is set up for success…until her school pulls her funding, leaving her to face either a mountain of debt or a humiliating return home. But Reiko is done being at the mercy of the system. She forges a third path—outside of the law.

With the guidance of a mysterious cookbook written by a kitchen maid centuries ago, Beatrice and Reiko each grasp for a life of freedom—something more easily imagined than achieved in a world dominated by catastrophic corporate greed.

A startling fable of the entwined perils of capitalism, body politics, and the stigmas women face for appetites of every kind, Chana Porter’s profound new novel explores the reclamation of pleasure as a revolutionary act.

The Thick and the Lean by Chana Porter. Releases in April 2023 from Gallery/Saga Press. This book’s release date is so far away, but I wanted to share it anyway (and the cover is up on Amazon so I figured it was OK to share). A religion revolving around food and eating? This sounds both unique and creepy. I’m very curious!

It is 1912, and for the last seventy years magic has all but disappeared from the world. Yet magic is all Biddy has ever known.

Orphaned in a shipwreck as a baby, Biddy grew up on Hy-Brasil, a legendary island off the coast of Ireland hidden by magic and glimpsed by rare travelers who return with stories of wild black rabbits and a lone magician in a castle. To Biddy, the island is her home, a place of ancient trees and sea-salt air and mysteries, and the magician, Rowan, is her guardian. She loves both, but as her seventeenth birthday approaches, she is stifled by her solitude and frustrated by Rowan’s refusal to let her leave. He himself leaves almost every night, transforming into a raven and flying to the mainland, and never tells her where or why he goes.

One night, Rowan fails to come home from his mysterious travels. When Biddy ventures into his nightmares to rescue him, she learns not only where he goes every night, but the terrible things that happened in the last days of magic that caused Rowan to flee to Hy-Brasil. Rowan has powerful enemies who threaten the safety of the island. Biddy’s determination to protect her home and her guardian takes her away from the safety of Hy-Brasil, to the poorhouses of Whitechapel, a secret castle beneath London streets, the ruins of an ancient civilization, and finally to a desperate chance to restore lost magic. But the closer she comes to answers, the more she comes to question everything she has ever believed about Rowan, her origins, and the cost of bringing magic back into the world.

The Magician’s Daughter by H.G. Parry. Releases in February 2023 from Redhook. I think this sounds amazing! Black rabbits and a secret castle? I am definitely looking forward to this:-)

What do you think of this week’s Future Fiction picks? Let me know in the comments!

Posted June 15, 2022 by Tammy in Future Fiction / 25 Comments

25 responses to “Future Fiction #181 – Cover Reveals & Newly Discovered SFF Books

  1. Nightbirds sounds like an amazing fantasy read! Potential indeed!

    The Thick and the Lean sounds very good as well. I love that it explores body politics because that’s definitely needed in these times I think!

    The Magician’s Daughter had me at its title and cover but then I read about the rabbits and I’m hooked. 😀

    • Tammy

      I’m loving all the rabbits in a lot of books I’m finding lately. Not sure why but rabbits seem to be a thing right now!

  2. The Thick and the Lean sounds so wonderfully different from what I’m used in speculative fiction that I’m beyond curious: I will have to set myself an alert for the publication date, because i certainly don’t want to miss it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Tammy

      I’m very curious about The Thick and the Lean, mostly because that cover is so intriguing:-)

  3. Why do these all look amazing too!? Love the covers, even though they’re a little bird-heavy (which of course makes me a wee bit nervous about the books heh) but even the premises sound great! I will no question be adding The Thick and the Lean! And probably Nightbirds because it doesn’t *sound* like there are actual Bird People™ involved? Fingers crossed anyway.

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