Over-Booked [159] – A Book Haul Post

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! There is a new blog hosting Stacking the Shelves, so do check out Reading Reality for more information!

I think it’s been three weeks since my last book haul, so I feel like this week’s haul is pretty manageable. Titles are linked to Goodreads if you’re interested!

Physical books for review:

First up, two lovely books from Angry Robot. The Warrior by Stephen Aryan was a surprise arrival. This is book #2 in his Quest for Heroes series. I have not read the first book, so I’m not sure I’ll get to this. But let me know if it’s worth catching up! I also received The Splendid City by Karen Heuler, which I did request, and it sounds like so much fun. Although the Goodreads ratings are all over the place, so I’m a little worried. This is a July release so I’ll probably read it next month. Huge thanks to the Angry Robot team for sending these my way!

The Peacekeeper by B.L. Blanchard is a June release and I’m excited to read it soon. Big thanks to Wunderkind PR for this lovely finished paperback!

I’m thrilled to have this beautiful paperback copy of Glitterati by Oliver K. Langmead, which I have already read and reviewed (and loved!) Hugs to Titan Books for the copy:-)

With thanks to the kind folks at Union Square, I’m very happy to have a copy of Wrath by Shäron Moalem & Daniel Kraus, a sci-fi book that sounds pretty terrifying, to be honest! This doesn’t come out until October, so it may be a while before I get to it.

Finally, I can not wait to start The Luminaries by Susan Dennard, with thanks to Tor Teen. This is another Fall 2022 release, and I’m hearing really good things about it.

Digital books for review:

How about a nice digital horror haul? I am so excited for all of these! I rave about Camilla Bruce on the blog all the time, so you won’t be surprised that I’m beyond excited to read her upcoming horror story, All the Blood We Share.

I also grabbed a copy of Little Eve by Catriona Ward as soon as I saw it on NetGalley. I will read anything she writes!

And I just featured White Horse by Erika T. Wurth on Future Fiction, and I was approved right away after I requested it on NetGalley. I can’t wait!

Finally, I also received another Future Fiction pick, Shutter by Ramona Emerson, which has a great premise and sounds really good.

Big thanks to Berkley Books, NIghtfire, Flatiron and Soho Crime:-D

Do you have any of these on your TBR?

Posted June 4, 2022 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 20 Comments

20 responses to “Over-Booked [159] – A Book Haul Post

    • Tammy

      It’s a book she self published several years ago, and now Tor is publishing it. And she has another one next year as well called Looking Glass Sound:-)

  1. Whoa, what a wonderful haul! I too got Wrath, which sounds really good. I am also excited for Splendid City, so I look forward to your thoughts (since we really do have many similar ones when it comes to books hah!) I am on the fence about whether I want to request Little Eve- it could be perfect for me or… not. I am also on the fence about The Luminaries and Shutter, so I really look forward to your thoughts on those, too! And also, now I have a bunch of tabs open to check out the ones that are new to me! Hope you enjoy these!

  2. I like that cover for Little Eve. It’s a common sort of effect, flipping the image (or processing it to look that way), but I still really enjoy it when done well.

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