PRISON OF SLEEP by Tim Pratt – Blog Tour Review

I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

PRISON OF SLEEP by Tim Pratt – Blog Tour ReviewPrison of Sleep by Tim Pratt
Series: Journals of Zaxony Delatree #2
Published by Angry Robot on April 26 2022
Genres: Adult, Science fiction
Pages: 400
Format: Finished paperback
Source: Publisher
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The nitty-gritty: A unique multiverse tale with high stakes and engaging characters, Prison of Sleep is a satisfying series wrap-up.

Tim Pratt concludes his high energy sci-fi multiverse duology with Prison of Sleep, and just like Doors of Sleep, it was a ton of fun! This is a series that needs to be read in order, though, so do be aware that this review contains minor spoilers for the first book in the series.

In Doors of Sleep, we followed Zaxony Dyad Euphony Delatree—or Zax for short—on his adventures through the multiverse. Zax discovers one day that whenever he falls asleep, he wakes up in another world. He doesn’t know why this is happening, only that he wants to figure out a way to stop it and find his way back to his home world, the Realm of Spheres and Harmonies. When the story ends, Zax is finally reunited with a woman named Ana who he lost for quite a long time, and Ana has important information about the multiverse. 

In Prison of Sleep, we get to hear Ana’s story and what happened to her after she and Zax were separated. In alternating chapters, Ana recounts her own adventures of meeting a Sleeper named Toros who agrees to help her find Zax. Ana is welcomed to Sleeperhold, where other sleepers and their companions have set up base and are able to safely travel to other worlds—both forwards and backwards—in a conveyance called a sleepercar.

However, trouble is brewing in the multiverse. A group of cultists called the Cult of the Worm, the individuals responsible for Zax’s condition, are trying to destroy all the worlds, including everyone who isn’t a cultist. A horrifying creature who calls himself the Prisoner lives in the spaces between the worlds, and he desperately wants to find Minna, who is the key to his diabolical plan. Now Zax must find Minna first and warn her, and try to keep the multiverse from imploding. If only he could figure out how to do that…

Prison of Sleep was a bit different from the first book in terms of construction, because instead of following one character, the chapters alternate between Zax and Ana. What confused me at first was that Ana’s timeline actually follows (more or less) Zax’s timeline from the first book, while Zax is always several steps ahead of Ana in this book. But once I figured out what was going on, the story took on a frenetic urgency, with the clock ticking down to the cultists’ terrible plans, Ana frantically searching for Zax, and Zax finding out about the Prisoner and trying to stop the cultists. The tension kept me flying through the pages, because I was so worried about the characters. It didn’t help that they kept getting separated from each other— jumping to a new world without the other by accident—and because of the way the multiverse works, it’s almost impossible to find each other again. Pratt set the stakes extremely high for this story, and I loved it!

We meet a few new characters in this book. Zax meets a warrior named Zaveta who ends up sticking with him. In fact, it’s Zaveta who first learns about the Prisoner and is able to warn Zax. Ana was technically a new character, even though she appears briefly in Doors of Sleep. I absolutely loved her chapters, and the love story between her and Zax was very well done. They had a few romantic and steamy days together, but tragically lost each other. There is an urgency to Ana’s quest to find Zax again, not only because of the impending end of the multiverse, but because she loves him and she’s desperate to be with him again.

I was a little disappointed that my two favorite characters from the first book, Minna and Vicki, didn’t make an appearance until the very end. Both were such delights in Doors of Sleep, and even though they are mentioned throughout this book, it just wasn’t the same. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Minna, she comes from a world where the people are part plant. She can regrow parts of her body among other things, and she’s smart and kind and an all around fantastic character. But I will say that Ana and Zaveta helped make up for her absence!

The author resolves everything by the end of the book, which is a good thing when you’re writing a duology, but not so good when the ending leaves the reader wanting more. I’ve grown to love these characters so much, that I certainly wouldn’t say no to more adventures with Zax and his friends.

Big thanks to the publisher for providing a review copy.

My review of Doors of Sleep

Big thanks to Angry Robot for allowing me to join the blog tour for Prison of Sleep!

Posted April 29, 2022 by Tammy in 4 stars, Blog Tours, Reviews / 15 Comments

15 responses to “PRISON OF SLEEP by Tim Pratt – Blog Tour Review

  1. It was a ton of fun indeed! Like you, I was a bit confused at times by the two different timelines, and like you, I missed Minna and Vicki but thought that Zaveeta filled their shoes very nicely! I would SO have loved to spend more time in the other worlds.

    • Tammy

      I think he needs to write a non fiction “guide” to all the worlds, that would be a blast!

  2. Fabulous review that really nicely summed up what the book and the duology was about. Like you, I’m a bit sad that this was only a duology and felt that the whole storyline could have easily been extended by at least another book if some of the plotlines were further investigated. But it is a really enjoyable world with lots going on:)).

    • Tammy

      There was a lot going on in the second book, and yes a third book would be nice. Maybe some day!

  3. Not sure about you but I feel like I’ve run into more books than I’m used to lately with alternating chapters, either back and forth between characters or between timelines, or in your case here a bit a both. 🙂

    • Tammy

      It’s very common right now, you’re right. I generally enjoy that format, but it can get confusing…

  4. will

    Yeah, I enjoyed that the ending was a bit open ended and leaves the possibility for more. I mean, how can someone say no to the possibility of infinite adventures through the multiverse?

  5. Now that the duology is completed, I absolutely intend to read this series because I was captivated by the reviews for book 1, and having already read another novel by this author – The Wrong Stars – I’m curious to see how Pratt deals with a totally different kind of story. Intriguing review, indeed! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. This sounds good – I wish I was caught up with book 1, though I had no idea it was going to be a series. If it’s just a duology though, at least I can’t fall any more behind lol!

    • Tammy

      It’s really good. I liked the first book a little more, but overall a great series.

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