THE CITY OF DUSK by Tara Sim – Review

I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE CITY OF DUSK by Tara Sim – ReviewThe City of Dusk by Tara Sim
Series: The Dark Gods #1
Published by Orbit on March 22 2022
Genres: Adult, Fantasy
Pages: 512
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
Buy on Amazon

The nitty-gritty: Interesting worldbuilding clashes with an overstuffed plot and slow pacing, making The City of Dusk a mixed bag.

It took me almost a month to finish The City of Dusk, and I almost called it quits several times, but I finally decided to finish it out of sheer determination. As you can see from my rating, this was a mixed bag for me. I thought the world-building was fascinating and detailed, and there were a few characters I ended up really loving, but the pacing was so slow and the page count was so high that it really was a struggle to get through.

Rather than do a detailed story recap (you can click on the Goodreads link for that), here’s the short version of the plot. The world of Nexus consists of four noble houses, each with its own god and powers, and the story revolves around the heirs to these houses. We follow Angelica from House Mardova, with the power to control and use the elements; Nikolas from House Cyr, who has the power to wield light; Dante, Taesia and Brailee from House Lastrider, who use shadows as weapons, and finally, Risha form House Vakara, where necromancy is used to control the dead. Of course, in addition there are siblings and parents and a multitude of side characters, so you can see the cast is huge.

When the story opens, an event called Godsnight is fast approaching, a night that gives the heirs the opportunity to open the Sealed portal into the realm called Vitae. But unsealing the portal is extremely dangerous—-not to mention illegal—and the heirs are being closely watched, as only one is destined to gain favor with the King.

Let’s start with what worked for me. Despite how intricate (and confusing) the worldbuilding was, I found it fascinating. Sim takes her time to explore her world and brings it to life through many small details. I loved the different powers the heirs used, like Angelica’s ability to control the elements by playing her violin or piccolo, or Taesia’s familiar, a shadow that lives in her bracelet and comes out whenever she needs it. Risha was interesting as well, as she can raise the dead for specific purposes and communicate with spirits. Nikolas has the ability of lightspeed, which means he can move from place to place really fast, so he’s almost like a superhero. I also liked the idea of spirits being trapped and unable to move on to the next realm. This made for some interesting scenarios and gave the characters some real challenges.

For such a big cast of characters, Sim did a pretty good job of fleshing them out, at least the main characters. But two in particular ended up being my favorites: Taesia and Julian, one of the “side” characters who turns out to have a much bigger role to play. Julian is a Hunter and is tasked with controlling beasts who find their way into Nexus. He has the ability to read their thoughts, and there is a cool mystery surrounding that ability. He and Taesia end up working together, and I absolutely loved their dynamic. Also it didn’t hurt that there is a brewing sexual tension between the two! As for Taesia, she was by far the most interesting of the heirs. She does the opposite of what everyone tells her to do, and I loved her for that. I found myself racing through the chapters where Julian and Taesia are together, but stalling out whenever the focus drifted away from them.

But for me, the book’s downfall was its length, which contributed to a host of problems. There was simply too much. Too many characters, too many separate story lines, too much worldbuilding. Had the author chosen to focus on a few key plot points, it would have been easier to keep everything straight. As it was, I found it difficult to follow the many different events going on at the same time. We leap back and forth among the five main characters, each who have their own agenda and story arc. I found it hard to switch gears at the end of each chapter and pick up the thread of the next one, and this became tedious very quickly.

Adding to my struggle was the pacing, which is very slow. We get occasional bursts of action, especially at the end, but in between those sections the pace lagged quite a bit. It was even more frustrating because I could see the overall heart of the story and it really is pretty cool! It just took so much effort to get there, that I lost patience and steam.

The jury is still out on whether or not I’ll continue the series. The story ends on a cliffhanger, and to be honest it was a very exciting ending. But at this point the negatives outweigh the positives, so I’ll have to judge my mood when the time comes.

With thanks to the publisher for providing a review copy.

Posted April 19, 2022 by Tammy in 3 stars, Reviews / 16 Comments

16 responses to “THE CITY OF DUSK by Tara Sim – Review

  1. Your comments about this book reminded me of the famous maxim from Coco Chanel: “Less is more”. She applied it to clothing, but it works in other fields, as well, and this novel seems to be one that would benefit from a more streamlined writing… Probably not my cup of tea, given my lack of patience 😉
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Lately I’ve been thinking about why some books take me longer than usual to finish and I think I’ve come to the conclusion it generally happens for two opposite reasons. The first is that I enjoy the book so much I want to spend as much time in that world as possible so I read very slowly to savor it all. The other is that I’m just not finding the book very engaging, there’s something about it that’s not working and that results in me setting it aside for something else. Sorry to hear this appeared far more in the latter camp for you.

    • Tammy

      That’s exactly what happened. I kept reaching for other books instead, which is one reason it took so long to finish.

  3. Yup, this was way too long. Every time it would go “oh hey, Godsnight is a week away” I’d go “STILL?? It’s been 100 pages!” But that ending was juuuust enough to convince me to continue on.

  4. Great review, Tammy! I usually don’t mind a somewhat longer book but it all depends from book to book of course. I can definitely see how a slow pacing can make a book go on foreeever.

    • Tammy

      Thanks Stephanie:-) I do like long books sometimes but they really have to be faster paced for me.

  5. I totally get what you mean about the length, there was definitely a bit too much that could have been removed or at least condensed. I’m really curious about where Sim will take the story and whether the pacing will pick up in the sequel. Great review!

  6. For whatever reason, I shied away from this one, and now I am pretty glad that my instincts were right (and that I listened to them for a change hahah). I just cannot do a glacially paced fantasy. Especially an adult one- I feel like it’s just too hard. And like you said, too much! It’s also so rough when you actually like the ending but not the rest hahah- but just like, remember that it took you a month, and the sequel will probably be longer Wonderful review, as always!

  7. This one didn’t really work for me so I can see all your points. I mean, to be fair, it wasn’t a bad read, but it was too long, a bit convoluted and i had issues.
    Lynn 😀

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