Most Anticipated Books of 2022 – Second Quarter

We’re already in the second quarter of 2022, so it’s time to share my most anticipated releases for the months of April, May and June! I’m choosing my top five for each of those months, but of course I will be reading other books as well.

At the end of this post, you can see how my First Quarter reading went! Here we go:

April 2022 Most Anticipated

Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. I may be reading this by the time this post goes live, at least I hope I am:-) I have loved both of Mandel’s previous books, so adding this to the list is a given.

Prison of Sleep by Tim Pratt. Doors of Sleep was a lot of fun, and who doesn’t need a good, fun read now and then?

Stringers by Chris Panatier. I just reviewed this yesterday, and it was both funny, fascinating and heartwarming. So yes, I have just checked one Second Quarter book off my list!

Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher. A new Kingfisher story is always a welcome adventure, I can’t wait to start this:-)

Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved Black Sun, and I have high hopes for the sequel.

May 2022 Most Anticipated

Wow, May is going to be epic, guys! It was very hard to narrow down the list to five anticipated books, but these five are at the top:

Book of Night by Holly Black. High on many readers’ lists I’m sure, Holly Black’s first foray into adult fantasy is one of my most anticipated books of the month.

The Hourglass Throne by K.D. Edwards. This is the third book in Edwards’ series, and I’m so glad it’s finally coming out. It’s always a treat to read a new K.D. Edwards book:-)

Seasonal Fears by Seanan McGuire. This the sequel to Middlegame, which I loved. I’m a little hesitant to get too excited, though, because the story follows a different set of characters. But I’m hoping it works just as well.

The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas. This is a debut that’s been getting amazing reviews so far. I cannot wait!

Mercury Rising by R.W.W. Greene. Greene’s last book was so good, that he immediately jumped to my “must read author” list.

June 2022 Most Anticipated

Locklands (The Founders Trilogy #3) by Robert Jackson Bennett. Bennett’s highly imaginative and entertaining series concludes this June, and I’m happy to say I’m caught up with this series and can’t wait for this book!

Our Crooked Hearts by Melissa Albert. I won a copy of this from the author on Instagram and I’m really looking forward to it, it sounds sooo good!

We Can Never Leave This Place by Eric LaRocca. LaRocca is such a talented and prolific writer, and it seems every time I turn around they announce yet another new book! Can’t wait to check out this one.

A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow. This is the second book in Harrow’s Fractured Fables series of novellas, it looks like another fun one:-)

Drunk on All Your Strange New Words by Eddie Robson. Robson wrote Hearts of Oak, which I read in 2020 and really enjoyed. This is a locked room mystery, so of course I’m excited to read it!

And now for the results of last quarter’s reading. I didn’t do too badly! January was sort of a bust, but I did pretty good in February and March:

Are you planning on reading any of these books? How did your first quarter reading go?

Posted April 5, 2022 by Tammy in Most Anticipated Books of the Quarter / 46 Comments

46 responses to “Most Anticipated Books of 2022 – Second Quarter

  1. The Hourglass throne is the one I am most excited about! And then there is the third book in the Foundryside series, but I have yet to read the second one… I have a lot of catching up to do!

  2. When you break it down into quarters, it makes the year seem like it’s going by so fast already. (Okay with me because the start of 2022 has been pretty crappy for myself.) I have so much to catch up on book wise. I think I will probably start Deep Space finally on my flight to California next week. 🙂

    • Tammy

      LOL I think you’re right! Ooh hope you have fun in California, the weather is going to be pretty cool next week in SoCal anyway:

  3. Nice job making it through most of your anticipated books this past quarter, and for them being pretty good selections. It’s always nice when your picks end up being good ones. 🙂 For this quarter I’ll certainly read Fevered Star. I’ve no clue if I’ll read any of the others but there are some there I’d be curious to try.

  4. I’m planning to read a bunch of these! I’ve preordered Seasonal Fears, Book of Night, and A Mirror Mended, and I have ARCs for Nettle & Bone and Drunk on All Your Strange New Words. Plus, I doubt I’ll be able to resist Sea of Tranquility for long. Looks like you have some amazing books coming up. Good luck!

    • Tammy

      I agree! Not sure how I’ll get through the rest of the year. Each month seems super crowded.

    • Tammy

      Thanks, it’s always a surprise to see how I did, because I don’t pay attention to it during the quarter, lol.

  5. will

    One in April, one in May, two in June… For once we almost kinda agree on what’s what in the world! Also, when did Mercury Rising get delayed (or DID it get delayed?)—I thought it was out next week.

    • Tammy

      It did used to be April, but at some point it was changed. Good thing, I already have enough to read this month:-)

  6. You did so well with your books last quarter. I had such a lot of books last month that I have got a little behind but still hopeful to catch up.
    Can’t wait for some of these, particularly Nettle and Bone and Book of Night.
    Lynn 😀

  7. I haven’t even completed my first quarter must-reads and I’m already adding second quarters! So many great books! And I’m sure as the quarter goes on there will be more books added too 😀

  8. I so can’t wait for Book Of Night!! I hope you love your copy of Our Crooked Hearts as well, congratulations on winning a copy of it. There are so many books I want to read out over the next few months. As I finally read the authors debut & adored it Juniper & Thorn is one book I definitely need to read though.
    Hope you get to read & enjoy these.

  9. I am zero percent surprised that this looks like my whole entire TBR I agree wholly about Mercury Rising- which, incidentally, I am reading now and enjoying. This reminded me that I need to pre-order Mirror Mended, too hah. Sea of Tranquility just arrived today too, yay! Hope you enjoy all of these!

    • Tammy

      I’m glad you’re enjoying Mercury Rising, I need to start it soon! Sea of Tranquility was AMAZING.

  10. As ever, you always have the COOLEST books, Tammy! I’ve read and enjoyed Stringers – and will be posting my review in due course and am also looking forward to the Prison of Sleep. I was declined Nettle and Bone which hurt somewhat as I LOVE Kingfisher’s writing. But I’m hoping to also get my hands on Locklands and Fevered Dream, as they are both series I’ve enjoyed. Have a lovely reading week:)).

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