2022 is already speeding by, and here we are at the end of January! I managed to get eight reviews up, although I really was hoping for more, but that’s OK. I’m trying something new this year: I’m making an effort to read ARCs much earlier, and I’m not hesitating to put up early reviews unless the publisher has specifically asked me not to. To that end, I posted reviews for three February releases in January, and I’m quite proud of myself! However, it meant pushing some January books to the side, but I will be going back for those next month. I’m already eyeing some of my most anticipated March releases to read in February, so I’m hoping this trend continues. Tomorrow I’ll be sharing my February reading plans, but today is all about taking a look back at the books I reviewed in January. I gave my first five-star rating of 2022, and the rest of the month was all over the place rating-wise, but wow, I read some awesome books this month! I’m linking up my reviews if you missed any, take a look:
I’m try to not worry about reading ARCs super early also, so I’m with you on that! Looks like you read some great books, I’m still really hoping to get to Where the Drowned Girls Go soon.
It’s a quick read, and very good:-)
I’ll be reading Hunt the Stars and maybe Dead Silence.
I’m curious to see what you think of Hunt the Stars.
I haven’t read any sadly. Happy February!
Freda Mans-Labianca recently posted…January Monthly News
Happy February, Freda:-)
I haven’t read any of these yet but am interested in Hunt the Stars.
It was a lot of fun:-)
That’s a great list of books! Now I’ve got to check out some of these reviews!
It was a really good month, except for one book:-)
i’d love to be able to read my arcs sooner, but we have requirements in nz to only post them after the release date. some books it’s easy (just schedule them and forget about it) but others are hard (mostly when they don’t send the book until it’s released and expect a review asap! sigh!!
also, there’s a few great looking books on this list!
That really is quite a range of ratings this month! š My favorite read from January was The Wall, a book from 1963 written by an Austrian in German. I listened to the audiobook and loved it. A single speculative element leads to a fantastic story of one woman learning to survive alone with a few animals.
Ah, it’s great to start the year with a five-star read! I had a good reading month in January too. Here’s to discovering more great books in 2022!
Andrew Blackman recently posted…January 2022 Reading Roundup
I can’t wait to read Dead Silence!
8 books is good! In fact whatever number read is great.
I am trying to get to my arcs earlier because if I wait they don’t get read. Trying to be better about it this time around…fingers crossed! You had a great reading month!
I have not, but am intrigued by Deep Dive.
I had 2 favorite reads this month, one in French, the other translated from the Japanese:
Emma @ Words And Peace recently posted…Top Ten Books with Names In the Titles
I really enjoyed Deep Dive, I want to read more from Walters:-)
I’ve also been trying to steal a march on review books. This month I have one more title to read and then will be reading some March books.
Happy reading.
Lynn š