Buffy’s Corner 1/9/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Before we get to the blog, a couple of non-book related news and thoughts:

My husband is on a photo safari in Costa Rica! Below is a selection of photos he’s taken this week. He’s been having a blast and finding some unusual birds and other critters, and it’s exciting to see his photos. And before you ask, no I am not sad that I didn’t go with him;-)

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I discovered Wordle, have you? So you might be living under a social media rock if you haven’t heard about Wordle yet, the latest word game that’s taken the internet by storm. Click the link above to start playing. Basically, you have six tries to guess a five-letter word, and there is only one puzzle a day (it’s the same word for everyone). It’s sort of like playing Hangman, where it tells you if you have the right letters or not. Folks, I’m addicted! Below is Saturday’s puzzle, which I got in two tries. This is a color representation of my guesses so as not to spoil the word for others. Green means I got the right letter in the right location, and white means I guessed a letter that isn’t in the word. Let me know if you try it!

Wordle 203 2/6


Rivervale is the Riverdale I’ve been waiting for. I finally caught up with season five of Riverdale, which I have to admit I wasn’t that crazy about. But the beginning of Season 6 is five episodes that take place in Rivervale, the warped (as Jughead calls it), darker side of the town. I thought all five episodes were fantastic. If you’re a Riverdale fan, click here to stream for free!

Upcoming reviews:

Now back to books! I hope to get three reviews up this week. On Monday, stop by for my review of Deep Dive by Ron Walters, such a fun thriller! Also this week, I’ll be reviewing Such a Pretty Smile by Kristi DeMeester, a twisty psychological thriller by a new-to-me author. Finally, if you’re into demon possession stories, you won’t want to miss my review of The Wakening by J.G. Faherty.

Upcoming reads:

Yes, I am still reading The Starless Crown. To be honest, I keep getting distracted by other books and setting it aside temporarily. Like, for example, Stringers by Chris Panatier, which doesn’t come out until April but is one of my most anticipated books of the year! Despite my attempts to get ahead in January, I’m already behind, with a few 1/11 releases that I haven’t started yet. Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves is the one I’ll tackle next.

Other posts this week:

On Tuesday, I’m very excited to be hosting Ron Walters on the release day blog tour stop for Deep Dive. Stop by to read his very personal and emotional post about his path to becoming a published author. I may also squeeze in a Top Ten Tuesday post: the theme this week is ten recent books added to your TBR. That’s easy! Wednesday is Future Fiction, with some new cover reveals to share, and the Friday Face-Off is “white cover.”

In case you missed:

Here are my posts from last week:

Over-Booked [152] – A Book Haul Post

The Friday Face-Off: Top Read of 2021

In Every Generation by Kendare Blake – Review 2.5/5 stars

Future Fiction #158

Most Anticipated Books of 2022 – First Quarter

Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire – Review 4/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 1/2/22

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted January 9, 2022 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 37 Comments

37 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 1/9/22 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Awesome collection of photos of creatures I’ve never seen before. I hope he’s having a great time. And I AM living under a social media rock, never heard of Wordle. 🙂 Sounds like The Starless Crown isn’t working for you, and nothing wrong with that. I’ve had many books I just kept putting down for others. I hope you start finding some you really enjoy!

  2. will

    I am living under a rock, thank you! And that’s my ultimate goal when it comes to social media;)

    How come you didn’t want to go to Costa Rica? I mean, as long as you’re happy and all, but jungle safari and all! That’s how all the best murder mysteries start Tammy!

    • Tammy

      Ha ha, you just haven’t been on Twitter. That’s where I heard about Wordle. I just don’t like leaving my house, lol. I think I might be agoraphobic.

  3. Those photos are awesome! I guess you’re a bit wary of traveling these days? Also, there are so many books to read at home LOL.

    I heard about Wordle…I tried it twice and got the right word on my fifth try…twice .

    I’m looking forward to hearing what Walters has to say!

  4. Your husband is really honing his skills! I recall when you began posting his pictures! They already were good but now they are outstanding!

  5. Those photos are fantastic.
    I hadn’t heard of wordle but I love word puzzles so no doubt this will be a hit for me.
    Happy reading this week. I’m looking forward to Stringers.
    Lynn 😀

    • Tammy

      I’ve started Stringers and it’s completely different from his last book, but very good so far:-)

  6. I liked the first two seasons of Riverdale, but then I got bored. I see you’re still working on The Starless Crown, I get that, it was so long! Your husband’s job just sounds so amazing! And it’s awesome that he still gets to travel these days with all the Covid craziness. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures with us!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #49 – January 9th, 2022My Profile

  7. Rivervale sounds awesome. I kinda stalled out on Riverdale- I started S5 but haven’t checked in in a while- so this gives me motivation to continue! I’ve always wanted Riverdale to go a little darker and edgier- maybe this’ll whet my appetite!

    Good luck to your husband on his trip!

  8. Ah wow, it’s kind of a dream, going to an exotic country to discover new birds! How fun, and great pictures!
    Thanks for mentioning Wordle, I had meant to check it out, and kept forgetting. I tried today and got it finally on the last try. I didn’t realize the same letter could be used twice. More than 10 years ago, I used to play a similar game (for the life of me, I can’t remember the name, and now it drives me nuts!, also 5 letter words, but each letter was only used once, so I stupidly thought that would be the same rule. Anyway, it’s a word version of Mastermind, hat I loved a lot in my younger years. Thanks!
    Planning also to post a review, top ten tuesday and friday face-off this week. And Throwback Thursday! And Bout of Books recap
    Enjoy your week!
    Emma @ Words And Peace recently posted…Bout of Books 33: Day 6 RecapMy Profile

  9. Never heard of that game but tired it and it’s hurts my brain, I have never been good with word games…lol. Those pics are really pretty!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  10. Amazing photos, as always. I hope your husband is having a great time. It’s been ages since I last watched Riverdale. I kind of got burnt out on it after season 3, I think. I may have seen the first episode of season 4. I may go back to it at some point though. Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy it! I hope you have a great week!
    Literary Feline recently posted…Weekly Mews: A Hot Cocoa Kind of WeekMy Profile

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