What’s On My Plate – December 2021

And just like that, it’s December. How did that happen?? I’m actually looking forward to December on the blog. I don’t have any review books this month, so I’m going to concentrate on two things: catching up with 2021 books I haven’t read yet and starting on my January pile. This is also the month of “best of the year” lists, and I’m looking forward to sharing my favorites later in the month.

The following books are the ones I’m most looking forward to reading this month:

Revelator by Daryl Gregory. I’m shocked and disappointed that I haven’t read this yet. Gregory is one of my all time favorite authors, and I was just too busy in August to fit it in. This is next on my list!

Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff. I might be the last person to read this? And I have a feeling I’ll love it, so my hope is to be able to add it to my “best of the year” list if it works for me.

Jade War and Jade Legacy by Fonda Lee are also must reads. Everyone is raving over this epic fantasy series, and I adored the first book. The page counts are making me nervous, though. I don’t usually do well with long books. But I’d love to finish off this series.

Chasing the Bogeyman by Richard Chizmar is another very late review book. This is another one that readers are loving, so I’d like to cross this off my list.

Two more late review books that I’d love to get to are Plague Birds by Jason Sanford and The Cabinet by Un-su Kim. Wish me luck!

Moving on to my January pile, the first book will definitely be Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes. Every review I’ve read is positive, and I can’t wait!

Likewise, In Every Generation by Kendare Blake is highly anticipated, and even though I’ve read some mixed reviews, I’m super curious.

Finally, I’ve been hearing great things about Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire, the 7th book in her Wayward Children series. This is a short novella and should be easy to squeeze in this month.

Three of these books, the two Fonda Lee books and Empire of the Vampire, are over 2,000 pages combined, so if I can manage to read all of them, I’ll be pretty proud of myself, lol.

What are you planning to read this month? Do we have any books in common?

Posted December 2, 2021 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 34 Comments

34 responses to “What’s On My Plate – December 2021

  1. Alas, I don’t have ARCs for Dead Silence and Where the Drowned Girls Go, but they are among my to-buy priorities for the next year! Looking forward to your reviews (and one day you’ll need to share your secret for being able to review so many books a month LOL).

    • Tammy

      Ha ha I’m actually jealous of other bloggers who can read 14+ books a month, so it’s nice to hear that I’m doing OK with what I read. Thanks Roberta!

  2. I can’t get over the cover of Revelator; it’s SO cool. I just picked up How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her House by Jones. Our library was highlighting it, and with a fun title like that, I had to pick it up. I don’t know what it’s about, so it should be an interesting read!
    Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Rejected ReviewsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      That’s what I should be doing, but I’m determined to start 2022 off a little bit ahead, since “behind” is usually my status, lol.

  3. Enjoy them all! I started Empire of the Vampire on audio and quickly realized it will be one I need to read, or follow along with the audio…I got so confused…lol. So put it down for now. Maybe next year I will try again.

    • Tammy

      Ha ha good to know. I wasn’t going to do audio for Empire of the Vampire anyway, but I can see why it’s confusing, plus it’s so long.

  4. I’m looking forward to a quieter December. I love SciFi Month but it felt like in November I was always trying to catch up on posts and blog hopping and my reading suffered. Maybe in December I can get more books read! I’m looking forward to dead Silence too!
    Greg recently posted…Bookcover Spotlight #292My Profile

    • Tammy

      Me too! I really didn’t finish that many books, which is weird since I had extra days off work. Oh well…

  5. I’ve been trying to get organized for the end of year posts… struggling but I’m sure I’ll make it happen. 🙂 I look forward to your best of lists, and to whichever of those above you review. There are several there I’d like to evetually read. Just yesterday I received an ARC of James Rollins’ The Starless Crown, so that’s what I’ll be reading. I’ve never read anything by him but I’m hopeful I’ll enjoy this one.

  6. I feel like November passed in a blink. Interested in seeing your thoughts on Chasing the Boogeyman because it’s one I’m curious about.

  7. I don’t know where this year has gone! I thought I’d be forging ahead this month but there are so many distractions.
    Good luck with all your reading.
    Lynn 😀

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