16 Upcoming Horror Books to Read in 2022

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

Today it’s “Halloween Freebie” on Top Ten Tuesday, and because one of my favorite things is to make lists of upcoming books I’m excited about, I thought I’d look ahead to some exciting 2022 horror releases! I’m also joining in the fun with Spooktastic Reads over at imyril’s blog, a fun Halloween mini event. I’m only highlighting books that already have covers, so this is by no means a complete list. Some of these I’ve already talked about on Future Fiction, but it doesn’t hurt to give these another shout out. I’m listing these books in order of release date so you can see how long you’ll have to wait to read them (release dates subject to change). Here we go! (click on the titles to read the Goodreads descriptions)

Such a Pretty Smile by Kristi DeMeester. Release date: January 18th (St. Martin’s Press). I’ve seen DeMeester around the horror community but I’ve never read her books. This sounds intense, but very good!

Devil House by John Darnielle. Release date: January 25th (MCD). A true crime writer gets the opportunity of a lifetime: to move into a haunted house. Yes, a concept that’s been done many times, but I cannot wait to read this!

Road of Bones by Christopher Golden. Release date: January 5th (St. Martin’s Press). This is a supernatural horror tale set in Siberia, and I’m intrigued by both the setting and the fact that Golden is writing about a real place and mythology.

Dead Silence by S.A. Barnes. Release date: January 25th (Nightfire). “Horror in space” is one of my favorite subgenres, and I’m always looking for more of these books. I think this is going to be a good one!

The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson. Release date: February 1st (Del Rey Books). A plague that makes people turn violent? Absolutely, I cannot wait to read this!

The Haunting of Las Lágrimas by W.M. Cleese. Release date: February 22nd (Titan Books). A haunted estate in 1913 Buenos Aires, I love the sound of this historical, Gothic-sounding tale.

Sundial by Catriona Ward. Release date: March 1st (Nightfire). I am unbelievably excited to read Ward’s follow-up to The Last House on Needless Street. Plus her new story is set in the Mojave Desert in California, where I was born and grew up!

The Doloriad by Missouri Williams. Release date: March 1st (MCD). I’m always leery when I find a book that’s described as “depraved,” and to be honest it sounds like this book is full of trigger warnings. But I’m very curious and may check it out if I have time.

Dark Stars: New Tales of Darkest Horror edited by John F.D. Taff. Release date: March 22nd (Nightfire). This is a collection of all new novelettes (longer than a short story but shorter than a novella) from such authors as Stephen Graham Jones and Alma Katsu.

My Dearest Darkest by Kayla Cottingham. Release date: April 5th (Sourcebooks Fire). This sounds amazing. A story using the “dark academia” trope, this is one YA I’m definitely keeping on my radar.

The Fervor by Alma Katsu. Release date: April 26th (G.P. Putnam’s Sons). I’m glad Katsu is getting back to her horror roots, after veering off to write spy fiction last year. I’m looking forward to this, it sounds like it could be intense!

Black Tide by K.C. Jones. Release date: May 10th (Nightfire). The publisher is describing this as “Cujo meets The Quiet Place” and I am there for it! An apocalyptic tale with a horror edge.

The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas. Release date: May 10th (Berkley Books). I’m hoping the story is just as unsettling and moody as this beautiful cover. A story about a haunted hacienda is set in post-Mexican War of Independence era Mexico and sounds amazing!

What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher. Release date: July 12th (Nightfire). I’m so excited to read a new horror novel by T. Kingfisher! She never disappoints.

Other Terrors – An Inclusive Anthology edited by Vince A. Liaguno and Rena Mason. Release date: July 19th (Mariner Books). I love the idea of a horror anthology with stories by underrepresented authors, and I also like that it’s a mix of bigger name authors like Stephen Graham Jones, as well as unknown to me authors.

Piñata by Leopoldo Gout. Release date: November 1st (Nightfire). This book is over a year away from being published! So don’t get too excited about it yet. But I cannot wait to read this possession story that takes place in New York and Mexico.

Do any of these sound good to you?

Posted October 26, 2021 by Tammy in Lists, Top Ten Tuesday / 50 Comments

50 responses to “16 Upcoming Horror Books to Read in 2022

  1. I read Such a Pretty Smile (NetGalley). It’s a captivating story with a feminist message. From reading their reactions, I think a lot of early reviewers didn’t “get” it, which is too bad because DeMeester is a good storyteller.

  2. Devil House has such a classic style cover, it looks like a used book maybe from the 70’s. Dead Silence is one I’d like to try, love the idea of a haunted ship out in space leaving you so very isolated.

    • Tammy

      I’ve read quite a few “space horror” books in the last several years, and it’s become one of my favorite tropes/subgenres, can’t wait:-)

  3. Well, I think I need to just add all of these to my TBR right now, haha. I just started The Violence and I’m SO hooked! I’m probably most excited for new T. Kingfisher, Alma Katsu, Catriona Ward, and S.A. Barnes! And, well, all of these, I guess. Looks like a promising year already for horror.

    • Tammy

      I just heard someone talking about The Violence the other day and they loved it, so I’m very excited to read it:-)

  4. Will

    Gaaah Tammy you know I can’t look at that cover without cringing! Just how am I supposed to read it lol

  5. Greetings, Tammy! Thank you so very much for including our OTHER TERRORS anthology on your list. Can’t tell you how much we appreciate you helping put the collection on readers’ radar! Thanks again!

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