What’s On My Plate – Horror in July

Welcome to my kick-off post for Horror in July! Instead of my usual monthly TBR, I’ve decided that this July I’m going to focus on horror. And instead of waiting until October, the oh so predictable month of all things spooky and grim, I thought it would be fun to pick a summer month instead. And because there are some excellent horror titles coming out this year, and several of them happen to be July releases, I thought why not? This is a nice mix of big publisher releases, small press titles and self published as well, and there’s everything from 600 page door stoppers to 100 page novellas.

Not all of my July review commitments are horror, though, so at the end of this post I’ll feature a few other books I’d love to squeeze in as well. And obviously (if you know how slowly I read), you’ll know I won’t be able to read all of these books this month, so this serves more as a menu than a strict TBR. You’ll also see some books on this list that won’t be out for a few more months, and yes, I’m actually breaking tradition and hoping to read and review them early.

Want to join me? Feel free to use the above banner if you’d like and post your own horror reviews!

So what do I hope to read this month? Take a look:

The Book of Accidents by Chuck Wendig. This will be my first July read, I cannot wait!

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix. I have a couple of slasher-centric titles on my list this month, and this is one of them. I’m always curious to see what Hendrix will do next.

The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward. Already out in the UK, this book has racked up tons of glowing reviews, including one from Stephen King. This doesn’t release in the U.S. until September, but I definitely want to read it early.

My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones. Another author I expect great things from and the second “slasher” book I’ll be reading. Should be fun!

Rovers by Richard Lange is a July release and a gritty, contemporary vampire story, and I’m very excited about this.

Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo doesn’t come out until September, and I may just push this off until then. But I wanted to included it as a possible read in case the mood strikes me.

Absolute Unit by Nick Kolakowski has been getting some good reviews, and some reviewers are commenting on how funny it is. I’m a big fan of the horror/humor mash-up (I mean Buffy, right?) and I can’t wait for this one.

Transmuted by Eve Harms is, from what I’ve been hearing, body horror to the extreme. The concept is pretty brilliant and I’m a little scared but also intrigued:-)

The Barrens by Joe Goodglass sounds like fun! A horror story involving the Jersey Devil and a secluded camping trip. What could possibly go wrong?

Nothing But Blackened Teeth by Cassandra Khaw. This is a novella and it’s getting great reviews so far. That cover wins the prize for scariest Horror in July cover for sure!

Come With Me by Ronald Malfi. This appears to be a ghost story, or at least there is a ghost in it. In either case, I’m looking forward to this. I have not read Malfi before and he’s written quite a few books.

Bayou Whispers by R.B. Wood is an overdue review book that I’d love to cross off my list this month. Wish me luck!

Other July review books:

We Have Always Been Here by Lena Nguyen might actually be horror, but I’m not really sure. If so, it will fit in perfectly this month!

I’m very happy I’m finally reading Becky Chambers, A Psalm for the Wild-Built will be my first.

Finally, City of Iron and Dust by J.P. Oakes really sounds good. This is a fae story and I’m always on the lookout for a good one!

In case you missed any of my June reviews, you can read them by clicking the titles below:

Jade City by Fonda Lee

Adrift by W. Michael Gear

Ten Low by Stark Holborn

To Dust You Shall Return by Fred Venturini

The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo

The Return of the Sorceress by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton

What July books are you excited to read?

Posted July 1, 2021 by Tammy in Horror in July, What's On My Plate / 35 Comments

35 responses to “What’s On My Plate – Horror in July

  1. love your energy! I’m allll about the horror lately, I’ve been loving The Dead and the Dark & The Devil Makes Three recently

    My Heart is a Chainsaw is one I’ve been keen to get hold of! and I like the premise of Nothing but Blackened Teeth but I pout at novellas, I want full-length to sink my teeth into, darn it

    OOOH, We Have Always Been Here sounds AMAZING, putting that on my wishlist

  2. Oh yes, I will join in – I’m already reading the Final Girl Support Group so that will count and I have My Heart is a Chainsaw.so a couple of potentials.
    Lynn 😀
    Lynn recently posted…Hyde by Craig RussellMy Profile

  3. Ah, that cover for Nothing But Blackened Teeth again! Can’t get over that one. Looking forward to the summertime horror fest. 🙂

  4. Come With Me just landed on my doorstep so that’s definitely getting read, and I also just snagged the audio for Final Girl so that’s going to be high priority too. LOL it looks like I may be doing “Horror in July” as well, and without really even trying to 😀

  5. This sounds like fun 😀
    I have The Last House on Needless Street and was thinking I might save it until autumn but I keep getting tempted so don’t know whether I’ll end up waiting that long.
    Looking forward to your reviews for all these, hope you enjoy them.
    Pages and Tea recently posted…Booking Ahead: July 2021My Profile

  6. Ooo, horror month, how fun! I may unintentionally do a sci-fi themed month. I grabbed a bunch of backlist stuff to read on vacation and realized after the fact most of it was sci-fi.
    Caitlin G. recently posted…June 2021 Book HaulMy Profile

  7. Oh I definitely have some horror books to review so I’ll be using your header to help promote your blog. I have at least 4 horror reviews pending and a few books I’ll be tackling this month so it sounds like a perfect time! For some reason I’ve just recently heard about The Rovers and I can’t get a copy fast enough now because it sounds right up my alley!

    • Tammy

      Oh cool! I’m just amazing how many horror novels are coming out in the next few months. Or maybe I’m just noticing them more??

  8. YES. Oh my gosh, so much YES! I was just telling someone today that I don’t understand why but I’ve suddenly been in a die-hard horror mood all of a sudden. So glad I’m not the only one. This almost makes me feel downright normal. 😉 Several of these books are on my list, too, and I hope we both enjoy them!

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