What’s On My Plate – June 2021

How the heck is it June already? 2021 is really racing by, at least for me. June is another packed reading month, and once again I’m asking myself why I take on so many review books when I can’t possibly get to them all. The answer is I have no self control, lol. And I know I can’t be the only blogger out there with too much to read;-) Keep in mind that the books listed below are books I personally want to read, but I’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to June releases. I don’t have any YA this month, for example, and I know there are a lot of new ones that bloggers are excited about. Here are the books I hope to read this month, or at least this is the pile I’ll be choosing from:-)

I should be reading Adrift by W. Michael Gear when this post goes live, and I’m probably loving it! This is book #5 in Gear’s Donovan series, and I’m so glad he didn’t stop after three books. So much fun!

I haven’t talked about Ten Low by Stark Holborn yet, although I nearly used it in a Future Fiction post several months ago. I have a review copy on the way, and I’ve been hearing lots of great buzz about this book. I can hardly wait!

I’m very excited to read To Dust You Shall Return by Fred Venturini. I read his last book years ago, so it’s been a very long wait:-)

Rabbits by Terry Miles is described as a “surreal technothriller” and that’s all I need to know:-)

A lot of bloggers have already read and loved The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Siri, and I can hardly wait to start it myself!

For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten is another Orbit review book that I’ve been looking forward to. I’ve seen some mixed reviews, but I think it’s going to work for me.

I think The Ice Lion by Kathleen O’Neal Gear sounds really good! Gear (wife of W. Michael Gear, by the way) is an anthropologist, and her story incorporates her knowledge into a futurist cli-fi novel.

Silvia Moreno-Garcia has several books coming out over the next year, and the first one is a novella from Subterranean Press, The Return of the Sorceress. Can’t wait!

The Chosen and the Beautiful is a retelling of The Great Gatsby, and I’m intrigued by that idea and I can’t wait to see how Nghi Vo handles it.

I’m so curious about The World Gives Way by Marissa Levien, and I’ve been hearing good things about it.

The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison is a companion novel to The Goblin Emperor, which I have not read. I’ve been told this can be read as a standalone, so we shall see.

I’ve been hearing great things about The Library of the Dead by T.L. Huchu, and even better, it’s the first book in a new series.

Moon Lake by Joe R. Lansdale isn’t my usual read, but it’s been years since I’ve read a Lansdale book, and I really want to check out one of his current books.

Finally, The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton is another book I wouldn’t normally pick up, but I was offered the chance to join the blog tour and I decided to take a chance on it. (although I have not heard anything from the publisher about blog tour details, so I’m not sure if this is an actual organized blog tour or not)

May reviews:

And here’s a recap of the books I read and reviewed in May (click on the titles to read my review!):

Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

Day Zero by C. Robert Cargill

The Album of Dr. Moreau by Daryl Gregory

The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman

The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne

Hard Reboot by Django Wexler

The Ones We’re Meant to Find by Joan He

Immunity Index by Sue Burke

Do we have any books in common this month? I’d love to hear what your most anticipated June reads are:-D

Posted June 1, 2021 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 34 Comments

34 responses to “What’s On My Plate – June 2021

  1. I saw For the Wolf and was like gasp because it’s on my to-buy list and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. It does sounds amazing. Wishing you a very happy June!

  2. Will

    So far Rabbits is really good, kinda like the God Game but a lot harder to tell what’s happening exactly The only other one on my list is the Jasmine Throne. I hope you like them!

  3. As I was jutting down my notes in preparation for the review of Adrift, one of the first things I wrote was my happiness at Gear’s decision not to stop at the trilogy mark: there is still SO MUCH to be discovered on Donovan! And I’m certain you are totally enjoying this latest book… 🙂

  4. I feel you about self-control, haha! It looks like an amazing June line-up of books for you, though! I’m really excited for The Ice Lion and The Return of the Sorceress (and most of these, let’s be honest), and I thought Rabbits was a really interesting read. I hope you enjoy them! I think I need to go and catch up on some of your reviews that I missed in May, it’s been a busy month. Hope you have a fantastic month! 🙂

  5. I’m 3/4 of the way through FOR THE WOLF and enjoying it! Not a home run, but a perfectly solid fantasy romance well worth checking out. Looking forward to THE JASMINE THRONE later this month!

  6. None of these are on my near-term TBR but there are several here I’m very curious about. Hopefully they’ll end up being good ones and I can look forward to some great reviews about them. 🙂

    • Tammy

      It’s hard, especially when they all come out within a week or two of each other:-)

    • Tammy

      June has such a great mix of books, I can’t wait to see what other bloggers are reading as well:-)

  7. The only one we have in common as of right now is The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels. I’ll be curious to see what you think of Rabbits though. I was so tempted to request that one but knew I already had way too many June books to deal with and decided to pass on it.

    • Tammy

      I had the same problem, I had to say no to some books I really wanted to request…

  8. I am wondering where all the others months went too. I cannot believe that we are in June!! Also, self control and books don’t really go together, not at all!! And you have so many great books waiting for you!! There are some of them on my radar so I would be here cheering you up because I am curious to see what you would think of them!!

  9. I also have an eARC for The Return of the Sorceress, and am probably going to dive into my preordered copy of For the Wolf as soon as it arrives in my mailbox. There are too many good books this month, and not enough time.

  10. I was hoping to forge ahead in June but my reading has all of a sudden slowed down. Maybe it’s the time of year and so many other things needing to be done.
    I’m reading For the Wolf – getting strong Uprooted vibes so far s we’ll see.
    Lynn 😀

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