The Friday Face-Off: A Series You Love

The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!

This week’s theme: A series you love.

I thought it would be fun to highlight the covers of some of my favorite series I’ve read and loved over the past few years. Note: these aren’t the only series I’m loving, but they are the ones with fantastic cover design, where all the covers “match.” I’ve also selected only those series that have at least three books out right now. And finally, these are all U.S. covers. Let’s take a look!

The Rampart Trilogy by M.R. Carey

You guys know how much I love this series, and I love the covers too. I like the way they get progressively more covered in plants as the series goes along, until the final book when it’s almost hard to read the book title.

The Frost Files by Jackson Ford

This is another great example of a series with matching covers. It’s very important both from a marketing standpoint and a visual one. Readers love covers that match, right?

The Carter Archives by Dan Stout

OK, we’re three for three! Another series with a really strong “series design” that stays consistent. I also want to point out that in these first three examples, each series has an important repeating word: “Koli,” “Sh*t” and “Titan.” Well done guys:-D

Consortium Rebellion by Jessie Mihalik

Jessie’s series doesn’t have repeating words, but all three books follow the same “noun verb” pattern. I adore these covers, I think they are so well done!

The Naturalist by Andrew Mayne

The Naturalist series covers are simple but effective. They show that this is a series based on science, and showing scenes from the natural world fits perfectly with the stories. Also, although they are simple, the items on the covers, like bones, unknown animal fur and a broken wood plank over churning water give a sense of unease.

Donovan by W. Michael Gear

I think the covers in this series work really well together. First you notice that all the books are one word titles. Next, they all have something ominous on the cover that alludes to the story in some way. Even though each one is a little different, the publisher kept the title/author fonts consistent. (Although Adrift has a font change, I just noticed.)

Do you like it when all the covers in a series fit together?

Posted April 30, 2021 by Tammy in The Friday Face-Off / 15 Comments


15 responses to “The Friday Face-Off: A Series You Love

  1. These are awesome! And yes, I definitely want my series covers to go together! The Koli books look so pretty together. One of my favorites is the Walking Dead trade paperback volumes — if you put them side by side, the pictures all connect.

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