The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!
This week’s theme: A cover with a picture within a picture.
I wouldn’t be surprised if other bloggers use this book for the theme this week, since it’s the book that immediately came to mind. I haven’t read this but I’m being a rebel and using it anyway, lol. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North seems like a twisty story, and bonus for us, it has a lot of interesting covers! Take a look at some of them:
Redhook paperback edition 2014 | Redhook hardcover edition 2014 | Portuguese edition 2016
Portuguese edition 2017 | PS Publishing special edition 2017 | Danish edition 2016
Estonian edition 2015 | Czech edition 2015 | Persian edition 2017
As for favorites, for me it’s a toss up between the Redhook paperback and the Portuguese 2017 editions. They are quite different! I love the Redhook cover because it’s the one that I immediately thought of for this prompt, and I like the quirkiness of the Portuguese edition.
I really like the Portuguese edition!
Me too:-)
I like your two choices and also the Persian edition, that maintains the same feeling of infinity with the concentric frames moving away from the viewer
Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…20 QUESTIONS BOOK TAG
I like that one too. A lot of these are actually pretty good!
I love the Redhook paperback edition. The frame within a frame draws the eye right to the title, and the way the kid’s head is cut off makes me feel sorry for him and want to know more about him.
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…Slug Story Accepted, Happy Dance!
Yes, I felt that way too, why is his head cut off??
I love this book, you’re correct in your assumption that it’s twisty turny too!
Now I want to read it!
I loved The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. I listened to it on audibook and the production was fantastic. I hope you’ll enjoy it, Tammy,
I’d love to read it one of these days:-)
My picks exactly matched yours and you took the words right out of my mouth in describing why. Interesting selection of covers!
Great minds, Todd;-)
When I did this cover for another topic, I think I chose the 2016 Portuguese edition, but I hadn’t seen the updated 2017 Portuguese edition which I think is even better!
I was surprised there were so many covers!
This is a great cover! I like the very first cover you shared best though! Fun theme for this one!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Blog Tour Review: Hard Luck (Trophy Boyfriends #4) by Sara Ney
It was a pretty hard theme:-)
This was the first one that came to my mind, too, when I saw the prompt! I love how different the covers are, though. I actually think the Redhook is my favorite. For some reason, my brain doesn’t like the picture within a picture thing. xD
Sammie @ The Bookwyrm’s Den recently posted…First Line Friday 56 || Beasts in the Woods
Ha ha it’s a little mind bending!
I love that Portuguese edition but, and we went with the same book this week (for some reason my post didn’t schedule but went into drafts – dagnabit – but, I went with the original cover for this – familiarity winning the day for me.
I also think the original cover is the best:-)