I recently read and loved Doors of Sleep, and I’m very excited to have author Tim Pratt visiting the blog today! Welcome, Tim!
Your latest book, Doors of Sleep, has just been released, congrats! Can you give us a quick story recap?
A few years ago, Zaxony Delatree went to sleep, and woke up in an unfamiliar world. Now every time he wakes up, he finds himself in another random branch of the multiverse, so almost every day he has to cope with a new reality. Sometimes he finds himself in nice places (pastoral paradises, technological utopias), and other times in hostile environments (ruined desert cities, alien landscapes with unfriendly natives). When he reaches a place he likes, he tries to stay awake as long as he can, but everyone has to sleep sometime. He can take people with him, if they fall asleep in his arms… but his companions almost always leave him, either because they’re separated and he transitions to a new world without him, or because they find a place where they’d like to stay.
As if he doesn’t have enough problems, now it seems, impossibly, like an old adversary is somehow pursuing him through the multiverse.
One of the highlights of reading Doors of Sleep is getting to see all the cool worlds that Zax visits on his travels. Reviewers have noted similarities to Doctor Who, and I personally thought it reminded me a lot of Quantum Leap. Did you draw inspiration from these TV shows?
If you had to pick a favorite world, which one would you pick?
Creating so many inventive worlds has given you some excellent opportunities to develop characters who are just as interesting. Personally, Minna and Vicki were my favorite characters in the book. Do you have a favorite, and if so who is it?
I’m hoping Doors of Sleep is the first book in a series, because I personally NEED to know what happens next. Can we expect more from this world?
That’s fantastic news! For readers who enjoyed Doors of Sleep, which of your other books or series would you recommend reading next?
I guess we should address the elephant in the room: How has the past year of Covid-19 shut downs and other restrictions affected your writing and promotion efforts, especially while trying to release a new book?
I had to cancel a lot of trips, including a literary festival in Spain, which was disappointing (I’ve never been there), and of course all the fun bookstore events and reading series and conventions are off. It was pretty hard to write anything for a while, too, honestly, just because of the constant background anxiety. But eventually I got my mind right and started to look at fiction as a refuge, and was able to get into reading and writing again as a form of escape. I hope the book provides a little respite from this reality for other people too.
Besides a sequel to Doors of Sleep, are you working on any other new projects that you can share with us?
Oh, yes, always. Since 2015 I’ve been publishing a new story every month on Patreon, at www.patreon.com/timpratt. I also have another book coming out from Angry Robot in May: The Alien Stars and Other Novellas, collecting three new long stories set in the world of my Axiom space opera trilogy. I’m pretty excited about that: it allowed me to take a deeper look at some of the characters who didn’t get enough time on center stage in the original series.
Thank you for joining me today, Tim!
About the author:
TIM PRATT is a Hugo Award-winning SF and fantasy author, who has also been a finalist for World Fantasy, Sturgeon, Stoker, Mythopoeic, and Nebula Awards, among others. Since 2001 he has worked for Locus, the magazine of the science fiction and fantasy field, where he currently serves as senior editor. He lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife and son.
“over-the-top, monologuing megalomaniacs” hehe I love reading those characters. 😛
Yes, the characters were so much fun!
I love Quantum Leap. I’m excited about the references.
Me too!
Ok, Quantum Leap and Dr. Who mashed together? I’m in. Time to pick up a copy!
Great mash up right? Lots of fun, hope you get a chance to read it.
Ooo… what a treat, Tammy! Fabulous interview and as I’ve also read the book and LOVED it, I’m thrilled to hear that another one set in the same world is in the works – and that he has other books:))). Thank you for this!
I’m excited about a sequel too!
Great interview, and I love the insight into the inspiration behind the book. I still need to read it, soon I hope!
Thanks! It’s a bunch of fun:-)
I’d completely forgotten about Quantum Leap and Sliders, but they both make sense, too. Sounds like a fun read, and I enjoyed the interview.
I don’t even remember watching Sliders, but after looking it up the comparison makes sense:-)
I’m loving the Quantum Leap, Dr. Who comparisons here. This definitely sounds like it would make for a fun escape from reality. The author sounds like a really nice guy too. I’m also intrigued by the multiverse shenanigans in some of his other books. 🙂
Quantum Leap was the first thing I thought of when I started reading:-)
Doors of Sleep was intriguing enough, but now there are also the other showcased books to explore, and I’m already hearing my poor TBR wailing in despair… But I can turn a deaf ear to those lamentations with no qualms – at all 😀
Thanks for sharing!
Ha ha yes we must all deal with those TBRs, right?
I was desperately trying to think of the name of the tv series so I’m so glad you put it in here as it would just have niggled me all day.
This sounds like such a great concept with so much possibility. I guess at the same time it comes with it’s very own set of problems but I think it would be interesting to see how the author changes things in the second book.
Lynn 😀
I’m really looking forward to the sequel:-)
Awesome interview, Tammy! I like that you even go on to discuss the impact of the pandemic on the writer. Thanks for sharing! 😀
Thanks Lashaan:-)
Great interview, Tammy! Glad to see that Tim was able to start writing again, I know the effect this pandemic has had on a lot of creatives has been tough.
Thanks Lisa!
“Doctor Who is there too: when I first came up with this idea, I thought, “It’s like Zax is a multidimensional malfunctioning TARDIS.””
Haha, awesome! I have a review copy of this one, so it was nice to get an insight into Pratt’s creative process before I read it.