Top Ten Witchy Reads for Halloween – Part Two

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

Last year I created a list of witchy reads, and since then I have added more witch-centric books to my TBR list, and I’ve read more witchy books as well! For today’s Halloween Freebie, I decided to bring you another list of books filled with witches, witchcraft, and magical shenanigans. Here are five witchy books I’ve read, and five I can’t wait to read!

Five Books About Witches I’ve Read:

The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow. I just read and reviewed this historical feminist book about angry women taking back their power, and I absolutely loved it! This will definitely end up on my Best of 2020 list.

A Witch in Time by Constance Sayers. This was a unexpectedly delightful tale about a witch’s curse that spans generations. If you love reincarnation stories with a bit of romance, this is a must read book!

The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson. This is a dystopian in the vein of The Handmaid’s Tale that was very dark but oh so good.

The Age of Witches by Louisa Morgan. This was another wonderful witch-centric book by Louisa Morgan, a story about strong women and the ways they help and mentor each other. There’s also romance in this tale but it isn’t the main focus.

The Vine Witch by Luanne G. Smith. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book, but I was pleasantly surprised. I love the idea of witches who use magic to create a superior harvest of grapes that will be used to make wine.

Five Books About Witches on my TBR:

The Factory Witches of Lowell by C.S. Malerich. I have an eARC of this book to read next month, and I’m looking forward to it, even though I just noticed that the ratings are all over the place on Goodreads. We shall see! Releases in November 2020.

The Witch’s Heart by  Genevieve Gornichec. A witch story that revolves around Norse mythology? I’m very curious about this one! Releases in February 2021.

Wildwood Whispers by Willa Reece. I don’t actually see the word “witch” in the description of this book, but it’s definitely giving me a witchy vibe since some characters use healing magic. In any case, I’m super excited for it! Releases in August 2021.

The Light of the Midnight Stars by Rena Rossner. This looks like an irresistible combination of Jewish folklore and magic, and I cannot wait! Releases in April 2021.

Witches Steeped in Gold by Ciannon Smart. This is a YA Jamaican-inspired fantasy with witches. And the cover is gorgeous! Releases in April 2021.

Have you read any of these books? Let me know some witchy books I didn’t list that you love:-D

Posted October 27, 2020 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 53 Comments

53 responses to “Top Ten Witchy Reads for Halloween – Part Two

  1. I haven’t read these, but I still have my eye on The Year of the Witching. The last witch book I read was The Malan Witch by Cavendish. It’s novella-length (I think . . . hard to tell sometimes with an e-book unless I look for it), modern, not perfect but fun.

  2. I haven’t read any of these but many are on my wishlist! Some witchy books that I love are A Discovery of Witches (especially the second book in the series), Serpent & Dove, The Bone Witch and Howl’s Moving Castle

  3. I read (well, listened to) The Vine Witch earlier this year because I was also curious about using magic in the vineyards. I don’t think it’s a world I’ll return to, the language was a bit too flowery and romantic for my tastes, but the story was interesting. I don’t regret reading it and enjoyed many elements. And in the TBR I’m really curious about The Witch’s Heart.

  4. Great minds think alike — I did witchy books too for my TTT, and we even have some books in common. 🙂 I am beyond thrilled to see the new Renee Rossner book here. I hadn’t heard anything about it til now, but I loved Sisters of the Winter Wood, so this will be a must-read for me. Great list!

  5. …witches who help make wine, you say? Sound like my favourite kind of witches 🙂

    I’m also very intrigued by The Factory Witches of Lowell – the concept and name alone have me fascinated.

  6. I’m super curious about the Harrow book, especially since seeing so many raves about her first book. I need to get both!!!

  7. I loved The Once and Future Witches, especially once I got past the rather bleak beginning – and I love the sound of Wildwood Whispers! A great and very timely article, Tammy:)).

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