What’s On My Plate – June 2020

As I’m typing this, I’m watching the live broadcast of the Space X launch, and it’s pretty exciting! I’m hoping everything goes smoothly. I have to say, the United States really needs something positive to happen right now, in light of the never-ending misery that seems to be in the news these days. (Update: everything went great!)

ANYWAY, June is bustin’ out with books, people! I have a completely unrealistic TBR this month, but that won’t stop me from reading as much as I can. May was exhausting, for some reason. I think taking part in Wyrd & Wonder added to the pressure, even though I love participating and I wouldn’t change that for anything. But June seems like it will be much more mellow and I’m really focusing on reviews this month. Let’s take a look at what I hope to tackle this month!

Kicking off the list with two of my most anticipated reads: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, and We Ride the Storm by Devin Madson. Mexican Gothic doesn’t release until the end of the month, so I’ll probably try to read some other books first.

As I write this, I’m close to finishing Dragon Unleashed by Grace Draven, and having a wonderful time with it. My review will be up later this week!

Hella by David Gerrold is going to be a nice change of pace from all the fantasy I’ve been reading lately. This is one of my next reads!

Wonderland by Zoje Stage was a surprise ARC from the publisher. It wasn’t really on my radar until the ARC showed up, but now I’m really looking forward to it.

I’ve read some good reviews already for A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians, and I usually have really good luck with Redhook books, so I’m pretty sure I’ll love this too.

I’m excited to finally dive into The Finders by Jeffrey B. Burton, mostly because of the cute dog on the cover.

The Kingdom of Liars by Nick Martell has had a couple of release date bumps, but I think it’s actually releasing in June. Decent reviews so far, I’m looking forward to it.

Stormblood by Jeremy Szal. Now here’s book that readers are raving about! That makes me excited to dive in:-)

The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho. With so many 500+ page books on my list this month, I really need this novella!

The Angel of the Crows by Katherine Addison. I keep seeing this book referred to as “Sherlock Holmes fan-fic,” so I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Anyone read this yet?

I just noticed that the release date for Bookish and the Beast by Ashley Poston has been moved to August, but I’m still going to leave it up here, just in case I’m in the mood for some light and fluffy happiness:-)

I’m also very excited to check out Aliya Whiteley’s next book, Greensmith. Whiteley is such a unique writer, and I’m sure this book will be no different.

I’ve already read a couple of rave reviews for Corporate Gunslinger by Doug Engstrom, and this book is on the shorter side so I shouldn’t have any trouble getting to it this month.

Finally, I do plan to read Spectre Deep 6 very soon, as it appears to be a fairly quick read.

And those are the books on my TBR this month. Are you planning to read any of them?

Posted June 1, 2020 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 46 Comments

46 responses to “What’s On My Plate – June 2020

  1. It looks like you are going to have a busy month, this is a significant stack of books! I’ve heard a lot of good things about Grace Draven recently, I really want to give her books a try. I don’t know if I’ll start with Radiance or Phoenix Unbound, they both sound very good. 🙂
    So far, I haven’t heard anything about The Angel of the Crows, I really enjoyed The Goblin Emperor so, I would like to read Addison’s new book but, it looks like her new book is going to be very different from The Goblin Emperor. I’m looking forward to your thoughts! 😀
    Maryam recently posted…May Wrap-Up & June Reading Plans #WyrdAndWonder #MakeYourMythTaker ReadathonMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I think The Angel of the Crows is very different, although I haven’t read The Goblin Emperor yet. But hopefully it will be good!

  2. Oh my, how many interesting books! I hope you would love all of them! I am really really curious about The Angel of the Crows, and I hope to read soon The Kingdom of Liars!

    • Tammy

      I hope to start it soon, I’m having trouble waiting, even though it comes out at the end of the month:-)

  3. That’s a solid collection of books right there!

    Right now, the only ones of them that’s on my list of books I want to read this month is “We Ride the Storm,” and “The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water.” I’ve got others I want to tackle, of course, but those are the ones that overlap with your goals. Here’s hoping I’ll get to them!

  4. Oooo…some of the books on your list look very intriguing. I’m going to have to look into them more when I have a few free minutes this week.

    • Tammy

      There are a lot of different books on my list, so that will keep things interesting:-)

  5. I have three on these on my (very roughly planned) TBR for June – Hella, Mexican Gothic, and the Angel of the Crows. I moved the Ashley Poston to August in terms of my reading plans, because I feel like my June is over “booked” already. 🙂 Enjoy!

    • Tammy

      I’ll probably wait on the Ashley Poston as well, since I’m definitely not hurting for June releases!

  6. It’s funny, I read a fluffy read over the weekend because I needed something lighter. The world is such a disaster and I needed something fun. And I read it in under a day so I guess it was a great palette cleanser. I see a lot of great books here and I’m hoping to get to some of the same ones. It’s really hard to keep up with those ever-changing dates right now,

    • Tammy

      It is hard, I don’t even know if all these books are actually coming out in June, lol.

    • Tammy

      I can’t wait to hear what you think, I’m not that familiar with Sherlock Holmes so I may have a different experience.

  7. Your June line-up looks amazing. I am excited to dive into A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians this month! We Ride the Storm is some really awesome fantasy–I read the self-published version a couple years ago and it was really interesting to re-read and see where the traditionally published version edited some stuff! Wonderland was a bit of a surprise for me too when I read it, but I was really pleasantly surprised! It has some awesome atmosphere. I hope you have a great, relaxed month of reading!
    Jordan Rose recently posted…Review: The Obsidian Tower by Melissa CarusoMy Profile

  8. Wow! That’s a month packed full of books. I think I’d be up for trying most of them, but first off I’d try Mexican Gothic, We Ride the Storm, Hella, or The Kingdom of Liars, though I could change my mind at any time based on your reviews. 🙂

    • Tammy

      It’s definitely a lot to choose from. No way will I read all of these, but hey I can try!

    • Tammy

      I’m not sure if the story is as cute as the cover, but I’m excited to try it:-)

  9. Lots of good books this month. I’m reading the Addison book now. So far so good, it’s quite clever and there are a number of twists so fingers crossed it stays on track.
    Lynn 😀

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