Coming Up This Week – 4/19/20

As our stay at home time stretches on (and on and on…), I find I have more time on my hands. So I’ve decided to try a new weekly feature every Sunday, which is a day I don’t normally put up a post. I love everyone’s “looking at the week ahead” posts and I wanted to give it a shot myself! Not sure I’ll do this every week, but hey let’s give it a go:

Upcoming Reviews:

This week I have two reviews planned. On Monday, I’ll be reviewing Looking Glass by Christina Henry. This is a fairly short collection of four novellas set in Henry’s Alice world, and I enjoyed it!

And either Tuesday or Saturday—depending on when I finish this book—I’ll be posting my review of the highly anticipated Shorefall by Robert Jackson Bennett. I have to admit it’s taking me FOREVER to get through this, which surprises me. It got off to a slow start for me with lots of technical information about Bennett’s unique magic system, and it wasn’t until I got about a third of the way in that the story finally caught me up. I don’t know if it’s just my lack of focus these days that’s affecting my reading experience, but I’m hoping for a strong finish. My biggest complaint right now is that one of my favorite characters from Foundryside—Clef—has yet to make an appearance. Stay tuned!


On Thursday, stop by for my chat with author Barbara Barnett! We’ll be talking about her latest, Alchemy of Glass, some of her upcoming projects, and how Barbara’s coping with our current “stay at home” situation as a writer.

The Usual Memes…

As usual, I have three new books to share on Wednesday for Future Fiction. I’ll be highlighting a book with armor on the cover for The Friday Face-Off, and I may do an Over-Booked post on Saturday, or I might push it to the following Saturday instead. Lack of book mail these days means I don’t have a lot to share, unfortunately.

Upcoming Reads:

Provided I get through Shorefall, I have a couple of April review books that I’d like to read this week. The Unsuitable by Molly Pohlig is a Gothic horror story, and I’ve already heard really good things about it. And Repo Virtual by Corey J. White is a science fiction novel with one of my favorite covers of the year!


I know I never talk about TV or movies, because I usually don’t watch either. But yes, I’ve become slightly obsessed with Riverdale, and yes, I know I’m very late to the party. Man this show is CRAZY! It seems to be getting more and more over-the-top with each episode, but I don’t care, it’s a blast! I’m currently watching Season 2 so PLEASE NO SPOILERS!

Let me know what your blogging plans are this week:-D

Posted April 19, 2020 by Tammy in Coming Up This Week / 39 Comments

39 responses to “Coming Up This Week – 4/19/20

  1. Since I’m two-thirds of the way in with Foundryside I can see what you mean about the long descriptions for the magic system you are encountering in the sequel, because it’s something that breaks the pace for me in the first book, tempting me to skip over these sections. And… no Clef yet??? That’s worth a huge protest! 😀 :-D. (I LOVE Clef…)
    maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…THE BOOK OF KOLI (Rampart Trilogy #1), by M.R. CareyMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Clef just returned! I think we’re in about the same place. RJB is definitely more of a challenging author than a lot of what I read, but it’s good to flex those brain cells once in a while:-)

  2. Happy Sunday! My blogging has taken such a hit recently. With one exception, I’d managed to post almost every other day since the beginning of the year (every three days at most, but as I also posted 3 days in a row a few times it all evened out). In April, I’ve made three posts total. Sigh. I’m struggling to concentrate to read or review, which is frustrating – but you know that being frustrated doesn’t solve the problem 😉

    With Wyrd and Wonder just around the corner, I’m trying to get myself back in the saddle. Ironically, I managed to write a review last week only to realise the release date had pushed back so it won’t publish until June! But I take the achievement of writing it as a good sign. This coming week, I’ve got a mini post with my Wyrd and Wonder TBR in the bag and I’m writing a Top Ten Tuesday (hooray for such a fun, easy topic this week). After that, the goal is to review Triggernometry by Stark Holborn, which was buckets of fun; and to finish reading and then review Goldilocks by Laura Lam.

    We’ll see. Regardless, it’s fair to say that I’m not going into May with a solid bank of posts prepared to start Wyrd and Wonder so it will be a bit of a mad scramble, but that’s hardly unusual 😉

    • Tammy

      I’m looking forward to Wyrd and Wonder, and I think it will give a lot of bloggers a purpose and reason to get excited about blogging next month. I definitely feel you, it’s often hard to find the motivation to do ANYTHING these days. My go to activity is lying on my bed and scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. Talk about a waste of time! lol

      • Same – then you look up and wonder where the day has gone, but just refresh Twitter one more time before you… don’t get much more done. Gah.

    • Tammy

      I finally got to the part where he’s back, and I’ll probably sail through the rest of the book!

  3. Hhhhmmmm…. I’m sorry to hear about Shorefall. I hope it picks up. I’ve very curious to read your thoughts on The Unsuitable and Repo Virtual. Both seem appealing.

    As for myself, in the blogging realm I’ll post a photo on Tuesday I hope might brighten some moods. I call it Harvesting Gold. In the reading realm I’ve just started Ray Bradbury’s anthology, The Illustrated Man. I have a number of his books, and I read many of his stories when I was younger. But it’s been a long time since I’ve read any of his works. And now just a few stories in, I find myself getting lost in his words, the beautiful phrasing, the underlying emotions, feeling chills as I read the last words of a powerful story. Why, WHY did I wait this long to get back in Bradbury?!?!

    • Tammy

      Looking forward to your photo, Todd. And I haven’t read Bradbury in forever, but now that you’ve reminded me, it sounds like a good idea to check him out again:-)

  4. Oh man, Shorefall had me hooked from the beginning. I didn’t fully track all the magic rules, but did not care that villain was so good. Hang in there!

    I started Darkdawn today, so that will probably be a good chunk of my reading this week. Finale here I come!
    Caitlin G. recently posted…Weekly Reading Check-In: 04/15/20My Profile

    • Tammy

      I’m almost finished, and I am loving it! But boy I’ve been reading it for nine days and I probably won’t finish until tomorrow:-/

    • Tammy

      I do love it! But I didn’t think it would take me over a week to read. There seems to be a lot more scriving descriptions in this book, which is really slowing me down.

    • Tammy

      I just read a pretty decent review today of Repo Virtual. I’ll definitely read it, but whether it’s this week or not, we shall see..

  5. Ooh Christina Henry. I should probably check that one out. And Riverdale- crazy as it gets- is fun. 🙂 I never made it all the way through season three and I need to get on that! I love how dark it gets. 🙂
    Greg recently posted…Song LyricsMy Profile

    • Tammy

      It’s so dark!! It’s like they are trying to top themselves with each episode. I just saw the one where they do Carrie the Musical and LOVED it.

  6. I like this feature. I usually try to visit every day but it’s nice to have a teaser. I just caught up on all Riverdale. I’m such trash for it. I’m so glad you’re enjoying it and I saw where you got a Jughead Funko. Now I need one! Stay safe and enjoy your week.

    • Tammy

      Yeah, it’s true! A slow book doesn’t always mean it’s bad. Also, I think my current unfocused mental state has something to do with it:-)

  7. I’m so impressed when people can do look ahead posts, because usually, I have no idea what my week looks like. Chaos and sarcasm? Maybe with a side of bitter weeping and late, last-minute writing? Is there some sort of feature for that? xD

    Oooh, I love the cover of Alchemy of Glass! And Repo Virtual sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy it.
    Sammie @ The Writerly Way recently posted…Must-Read Poems for National Poetry MonthMy Profile

    • Tammy

      Ha ha, in my “pre coronavirus” life, working full time, I had no choice but to do all my blogging on the weekend and schedule posts for the upcoming week. Now I’m working part time so I’m a little more flexible, but it’s nice to start the week knowing I can relax and do nothing but read and blog hop all week:-)

    • Tammy

      Shorefall did work out! I’m working on my review now. Still loved Foundryside more, but he’s such an amazing writer, it’s hard to find fault.

  8. Well, my concentration has been pretty awful. I have three more books to read this month so really need to push myself. May is a lovely month – not a single review book as they’ve all been pushed back so I’m hoping to give my head a wobble and catch up with lots of things. You know what they say about the best laid plans though….
    Lynn 😀

    • Tammy

      That’s awesome. I definitely have a lot less review books for May too. I’m hoping to read some “me” books, like books I’ve bought but I just never have time to read.

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