What’s On My Plate – April 2020

I think we all experienced a longer than normal March, and I’m afraid we’re headed into a REALLY long April as well. These are weird times, my friends! Luckily we have books and blogging to keep us sane, at least that’s how I’m looking at it. I have quite a few April review books (no surprise there!) but luckily I’ve already read three of them and I’ve started on a fourth. This is what my April TBR looks like:

I’ve already reviewed two of my April review books, but I wanted to include them here in case you missed my reviews. The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix was simply amazing (click the title if you want to read my review). And I also loved the second book in Dan Stout’s The Carter Archives series, Titan’s Day. Both worth reading, although Titan’s Day is a sequel, so do start with Titanshade first.

I’ve already read The Book of Koli by M.R. Carey, and wow! I loved it. It’s the start of a series and it was such a pleasant surprise. My review will be up Thursday, so don’t forget to check back!

Shorefall by Robert Jackson Bennett is another highly anticipated sequel, and I hope to start this very soon.

The Age of Witches by Louisa Morgan is yet ANOTHER highly anticipated book from an author I love.

Looking Glass by Christina Henry is a collection of four novellas/short stories set in her Alice world. I’m hoping for some gut wrenching emotion!

In the mood for some cyberpunk? You might want to try Repo Virtual by Corey J. White.

I’m very excited to read The Ancestor by Danielle Trussoni, described as a Gothic suspense with elements of horror. Can’t wait!

I’m a little behind with Picard: The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack, so I’m hoping to squeeze it in this month.

Legacy of Ash by Matthew Ward is an ARC I had hoped to get to by now, but I’m going to try hard to fit it into the schedule this month.

The Ranger of Marzanna by Jon Skovron is another ARC from Orbit that I’m dying to read. It comes out a little later in the month, so stay tuned!

Sons of War by Nicholas Sansbury Smith is the beginning of a new series. You might know Smith from his popular Hell Diver series, which I still have to start.

The Unsuitable by Molly Pohlig. I requested this months ago, and reviewers are calling this “dark” and “disturbing.” Now I HAVE to see what they are talking about.

Race the Sands by Sarah Beth Durst. This is another ARC I requested quite some time ago. Now I’m not sure I’ll be able to fit it in, but I’m going to try because it’s getting awesome reviews.

Threading the Labyrinth by Tiffani Angus. No reviews yet on Goodreads, but Unsung Stories has high quality fiction, so I am looking forward to this.

Blog Tours/Interviews

I just joined the blog tour for Eden by Tim Lebbon, so look for my review on the 9th! This has been compared to Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy, so I’m curious to start it.

And I’ll be hosting author Barbara Barnett, author of the upcoming Alchemy of Glass, on April 23rd with an interview.

And that’s my ridiculous April TBR! Are we reading any of the same books?

Posted March 31, 2020 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 48 Comments

48 responses to “What’s On My Plate – April 2020

  1. I need to pick up a copy of Picard: The Last Best Hope now that the season is over, see how the book compares to the show, and whether there are any surprises. The Ranger of Marzanna is on my April reading list as well – that paperback ARC has been waiting patiently!

    I’d like to give Sarah Beth Durst another read (her last trilogy was 2 really good books and 1 poor conclusion), but Race the Sands just didn’t grab my attention.
    Bob @ Beauty in Ruins recently posted…Monthly Roundup & Look AheadMy Profile

  2. I’m hoping to read The Ranger of Marzanna this month as I was approved for an e-arc. But I think that’s the only overlap right now. My TBR post will be up today or tomorrow 🙂

  3. It was going soooo well, Tammy. I’d been sensible – not too many Netgalley reads… And then someone (I think it was YOU!) said there had been a LOT of arcs on the site – and I was keen to see if I could get hold of The Last Emperox, after seeing HERE that it was available… Well all my good intentions are in a heap – I’ve now got an influx of shiny new reads and the TBR reads I’d virtuously lined up to read are now back at the bottom of the list. I’m NOT going to blame you. Too much. *big cheesy grin* Because I’ve got hold of The Last Emperox, and I’ve just started tucking into The Book of Koli – loving it. Thank you for the headsup regarding that one AND I’ve just scampered back to request Shorefall.

    • Tammy

      I’m glad you got The Last Emperox! And I’m glad you’re loving Koli too. I thought it was unusual and unexpected! Yep, NetGalley is dangerous these days!

  4. You’re well ahead of schedule this month. I’m glad to hear you enjoyed The Book of Koli. It was a great start to the series. I’m curious about The Ranger of Marzanna. And I’d like to read Shorefall, but have to read Foundryside first, and before that I’d really like to finish The Divine Cities trilogy (still have 2 to read).

    • Tammy

      I’ve heard a few mixed things about The Ranger of Marzanna, but I’m still looking forward to it:-)

  5. Noooo don’t say that April will be longer than March. I thought March was never going to end. xD I’m really curious about The Ranger of Marzanna! I thought about requesting an ARC, but I’m glad I didn’t because man is my schedule packed haha. I’m also on the blog tour for Eden! Woot woot. Great minds think alike. 😉 You’ve got a fantastic April TBR! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on several of them to decide whether I want to add them to my TBR or not lol.
    Sammie @ The Writerly Way recently posted…You Might Be A Fantasy Bookwyrm If …My Profile

    • Tammy

      I’m starting Eden next, although I think it might be a little too scary to read right now? I guess we’ll find out:-)

  6. Weird times indeed! I’m definitely using reading and blogging to help keep me focused and somewhat sane, haha. Your TBR is looking incredible–I want to read just about every one of those books! The Book of Koli was so different from what I expected, but it was sort of a nice surprise! I’ve had my eye on The Unsuitable for a while, it looks so intriguing. I haven’t heard of Threading the Labyrinth before, but that cover is gorgeous! I hope you have a great reading month in April! 🙂

    • Tammy

      I can’t wait to hear more about your thoughts on The Book of Koli. I’m posting a review this week. I was completely surprised by it, I was expecting more of a “killer trees and plants” plot, lol.

  7. Boy weird times – what an understatement. My day got a tad weirder today as my boss who laid us off now is trying to find a way for us to go back. He is wearing me out. It’s bad enough I have to worry about my husband and family and friends and he is massively getting on my nerves. I see some familiar books here and am hoping I can work The Ancestor in but right now, it’s not on the technical TBR. Hey, I actually made one this month – SCARY!

    • Tammy

      My boss called me last week and asked me to come back part time. I’m not very happy about it, and I can’t figure out how they’re getting around the “non essential” business thing, but there are only three of us in the office and the others know they can’t come within 20 feet of me. We yell at each other across the room, lol.

  8. This looks like an amazing TBR, Tammy. I’m most excited about Shorefall, Looking Glass, and The Book of Koli because I have all of those here to read, too. You are right – books and blogging are great outlets to get us through this.

    • Tammy

      I saw that stack, crazy! I feel like April is the “worst” month so far for new SFF releases, for some reason.

  9. Sarah

    Well it might be a long April but you sure do have plenty to keep you busy! I’m super excited for Eden and The Book of Koli. I need to read faster. Lol

    • Tammy

      I do too. I was reading a lot when I didn’t have a job, but my boss made me start working again part time, boo!

  10. So many good books due in April. I can’t wait to get stuck in. I have fallen behind. My reading has been totally off but I’m hoping to stabilise a little.
    Lynn 😀

  11. Lots of cool books!!! I am really interested in the Picard one because I have watched the show and I heard this is a prequel to the show I think. It’s weird I can watch sci-fi but never been much on reading it but I am wanting to give it a try. 🙂 Maybe my taste have changed.

    • Tammy

      I still haven’t seen the show, but hopefully after I read this maybe it will be my next binge:-)

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