The Friday Face-Off: Vintage Sci-Fi

The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!

This week’s theme: “Live long and prosper.” – A cover that’s vintage sci-fi.

I’ll admit I haven’t read a lot of vintage SF, but this book came to mind immediately, not only because it started life as a book, but because it was made into an iconic movie. I love the movie Logan’s Run, but to be honest I’m not sure I’ve ever read the book by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson. This is one of those movies where it’s common to hear people say “Wait, it’s a book?” These covers are super vintage which means some of them are terrible, lol! But I wanted to feature it anyway:

Bantam Books (U.S.) 1976 edition | Spanish edition 2012

Dell (U.S.) 1969 edition | The Dial Press 1967 edition

Centipede Press 2015 edition | German edition 1977

Phoenix Books 1989 edition | German edition 2017 edition

In typical vintage fashion, poor Jessica, the female main character, is shown wearing skimpy clothing in just about every cover she appears on. Even the movie portrays women in near-naked states of dress, which is, unfortunately, a sign of the times. Since just about every cover has a naked or scantily clad person, I’ve decided to pick the Bantam edition, which brings back fond memories of the movie:


Let me know if you like any of these covers! And have you read the book or seen the movie?

Posted January 10, 2020 by Tammy in The Friday Face-Off / 20 Comments

20 responses to “The Friday Face-Off: Vintage Sci-Fi

  1. Sarah

    I think part of my reluctance to read 60s/70s/vintage sci-fi is always the covers. I just don’t understand why they have to be so heinous looking. I get it different times, but did they really look good back then? lol

    I haven’t seen Logan’s Run but going by the covers it looks like it could be an interesting movie/book. I’m wondering what the hand symbol is about.

    I think of this group the Spanish 2012 edition is my favorite.

    • Tammy

      So everyone in this society has a gemstone thing embedded in their hand, which counts down their life. When you turn 30, they basically kill you, but the government tells everyone they’re going to a special place called Sanctuary. In this story, the two main characters’ hand gem thing malfunctions early and they have to go on the run. It’s totally worth watching the movie!

  2. I sort of remember this movie some and didn’t they do a TV series at one point? Maybe I’m thinking of something else. I think I like the 2017 German edition but it looks more horror than sci-fi.

  3. Wow, this one brings back memories. I remember loving the movie when much, much younger. I even recently (in the past couple years) rewatched it with some friends to see how it holds up. It seemed far cheesier this time around, and I was able to see far more flaws than when I first watched it, but I did still enjoy it. I never read the book, though. And I agree with you on the covers, I have to pick the classic Bantam cover that reminds me of the movie posters.

  4. It has to be your pick – it immediately stood out for me and I didn’t even need to look at the rest to know my mind was made up – I did look though, curiosity.
    Lynn 😀

  5. Oh I love Logan’s Run!!! One of my favorite movies. And I think I did read the books ages ago- i should revisit. Unless I’m getting it mixed up with something else, it was WAY different? Anyway- I like that first cover too, it’s just the one I’m most familiar with so that’s probably part of it. I do like how most of the versions seem to be trying to get the life clock on their hand into the illustration. The Centipede Press one is interesting in that sense.
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