Most Anticipated Books of 2020 – First Quarter

This year I’ve decided to do my “Most Anticipated” lists a little differently. In the past, I’ve followed the Top Ten Tuesday format of seasonal TBRs (winter, spring, summer, fall), but I like the idea of cleaner, more symmetrical quarterly lists, dividing the year into four neat segments. I’ve seen other bloggers use this format and I really love it! So here we are in the first quarter of 2020, where I’ll be sharing my most anticipated books for January, February and March (five for each month). I decided to keep it to five, otherwise this list is going to spiral out of control, real fast! Here we go:


We’re a week into January already, but I still have a lot of great books on tap for this month! By the time you read this post, I will have finished The God Game by Danny Tobey, which was a blast! Look for my review soon. Release date: January 7th.

The Shadow Saint by Gareth Hanrahan. The sequel to last year’s The Gutter Prayer is on a lot of anticipated lists, and I’m looking forward to jumping back into Hanrahan’s amazing world. Release date: January 7th.

A Longer Fall by Charlaine Harris. This is another highly anticipated sequel. Last year I loved An Easy Death, and I have high hopes for this book. Release date: January 14th.

Prosper’s Demon by K.J. Parker. This quirky sounding novella has been getting some good reviews, and I’m very excited to dive in! Release date: January 28th.

And finally, The Bard’s Blade by Brian D. Anderson is another buzzed book that sounds really good. Release date: January 28th.


February is shaping up to be the Month of Epic Fantasy, since I have three beefy fantasy books to tackle!

The Boatman’s Daughter by Andy Davidson isn’t epic fantasy, but it is horror, which I’m very excited about. Davidson is the author of In the Valley of the Sun, a beloved horror novel that a lot of my blogger buddies have read (it’s on my TBR but I just haven’t been able to get to it). I’m really looking forward to this supernatural thriller! Release date: February 11th.

The Unspoken Name by A.K. Larkwood is a fantasy debut that is already getting a lot of attention. I’m so happy to have the ARC of this book! Release date: February 11th.

I’m also very happy to have a copy of The Wolf of Oren-Yaro by K.S. Villoso. Many of my blogger friends have already read and loved this book. Release date: February 18th.

Finna by Nino Cipri is going to be one of my lighter reads in February. It’s queer multiverse science fiction and it sounds like my kind of book! Release date: February 25th.

Master of Sorrows by Justin T. Call. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this book with a personal note from the author, which makes me want to read this even more. Release date: February 25th.

MARCH 2020

March is OUT OF CONTROL. Picking five books for March was really hard, because I have such a long list of books I want to read. But here are the ones I’m most looking forward to:

Docile by K.M. Szpara. I may not be able to wait until March to read this, I’m pretty damn excited about it. So maybe you’ll see a review in February:-D Release date: March 3rd.

When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey. This is Gailey’s YA debut and I think she’s going to knock it out of the park! Release date: March 3rd.

The Deep by Alma Katsu. This is probably my number one most anticipated book of 2020! I’m so excited to read it, I love Alma’s books. You might see an early review of this as well. Release date: March 10th.

The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel. I doubt I’ll get a review copy of this book, because my March is already packed with review books, but I’ll definitely be buying my own copy when it’s available. I cannot WAIT. Release date: March 24th.

The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin. I’m so curious to see what Jemisin does as a follow-up to her Broken Earth trilogy, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Release date: March 24th.

And there are my most anticipated books of the first quarter! Let me know which books you’re really excited to read:-D

I’m linking up with Top Ten Tuesday. Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

Posted January 7, 2020 by Tammy in Lists, Top Ten Tuesday / 67 Comments

67 responses to “Most Anticipated Books of 2020 – First Quarter

  1. Master of Crows came out here already, I really liked it!

    The Deep sounds really cool, can’t wait for that!

    I’m dying for all the fantastic looking f/f books set to release this year! The Winter Duke is the main one I’m yearning for, but also The Scapegracers (lesbian witch protagonist!), Queen of Coin and Whispers (queen/female spymaster romance!!!) and both I Kissed Alice & I Think I Love You, both of which feature arch-nemeses who fall in love, the former has them unknowingly falling for each other as they collaborate online for a fanfic/graphic novel!

  2. So many great books coming up! I’m looking forward to ALL of your reviews. Finna, The Deep, and When We Were Magic are definitely on my reading list already, and I’m sure I’ll break down and buy myself a copy of The Glass Hotel too.

    • Tammy

      I’m hoping Goldsboro will do a special edition of The Glass Hotel. I know they are doing one of The Deep, and I’m waiting impatiently for it to go on sale!

  3. Some great books here. Luckily many of the ones I’m curious about are already on my wishlist. I am curious about The Boatman’s Daughter but since I’m one of the few who didn’t like the author’s debut, I want to see a few reviews first. I like how you are doing quarterly. I thought the first half was too broad but went with listing three for each month and throwing trying to narrow it down to 5 out the window!

    • Tammy

      I have a feeling I might enjoy In the Valley of the Sun, and I am going to read it at some point.

    • Tammy

      It was super fun. I did have a few issues but you really can’t complain too much because of the entertainment value:-)

  4. I’m working on my review for The God Game today, and I’m just not sure I can put into words how much I loved it. xD

    I was lucky enough to get an ARC for The Unspoken Name, too! I’m so excited for it. Same with The Deep. As usual, there are quite a few books on this list that I haven’t heard of and will have to check out. Woe to my TBR!
    Sammie @ The Writerly Way recently posted…2020 Most Anticipated Releases (Ft. Lots of Fantasy and Sarcasm)My Profile

    • Tammy

      I just started my review of The God Game today too! I’m trying to get it up this week some time. Looking forward to yours!

  5. The only book on my TTT is A Longer Fall. The rest of these are new to me probably because I don’t read horror and don’t read very many YA or fantasy books. But I’m going to take a look at these. The covers are great and I think I may find a few I want to add to my very long list of possible books…lol

  6. Margo

    In addition, I’m eagerly awaiting Kameron Hurley’s The Broken Heavens in January and T. Frohock’s Carved from Stone and Dream in February. TBH is the third in a trilogy and CfSaD is the second in a trilogy, so I’m already on board for both.

    Your list has several I hadn’t heard about, so I’m going to look them up. Thanks!

  7. The Captain

    I have a copy of finna which looks super fun. I want the glass hotel so badly. Denied for an ARC but I shall get a copy. Arrr!
    x The Captain

    • Even though I got approved for some amazing books yesterday, I got denied for one today I really wanted. I know it’s irrational to take it personally but it seriously bummed me out!

      I’m still waiting to hear on Glass Hotel but either way, like you, I’m going to read that book however I manage to get a copy.

      • Tammy

        Aww I know what you mean. I’ve still got a NetGalley request hanging out there (it’s been about 2 months) and I just know they’re going to turn me down at this point (or just ignore me!). I hope you get the Glass Hotel!

    • Tammy

      I didn’t even request The Glass Hotel, I just want my own copy anyway. Also, no pressure to read and review on time:-)

    • Tammy

      It has been popping up a lot. I’ve seen a few mixed reviews but I’m still looking forward to it:-)

    • Tammy

      I’m super excited about The Glass Hotel. It sounds so different from Station Eleven and I just want to see how she does with her sophomore book:-)

  8. What a fabulous list of books, as ever, Tammy:). I’ve pre-ordered A Longer Fall and am REALLY looking forward to tucking into that one as, like you, I LOVED An Easy Death. And the other one I’m excited about is Jemisin’s latest book… Other than that, I’m TRYING to be good, as I’ve already splurged on a load of books this Christmas!

    • Tammy

      I’ll admit I’ve started A Longer Fall since I got an eARC and it’s so much fun already:-)

  9. Seeing The Shadow Saint coming out has me wanting to hurry up and get around to reading The Gutter Prayer. And I’m very curious about Prosper’s Demon and The Bard’s Blade. So many great looking books this quarter.

    • Tammy

      There seems to be lots of epic fantasy, which isn’t a genre I read a lot. So it should be very interesting…

  10. Yes, doing it by quarter is so much better! And makes more sense for us who have dozens upon dozens on my anticipated list – I’ve never been able to narrow it down to ten for those TTT lists 😀

  11. I really enjoyed the God Game and currently reading Shadow Saint. Great list. Really looking forward to the Deep. Currently catching back up with everything as I took a couple of weeks off blogging and reading over the hols. Hope you had a lovely time with your daughter back home

    • Tammy

      Thanks Lynn! I’m flying with my daughter tomorrow to take her back to school in Boston. I hope you had a lovely holiday as well:-)

  12. I’ve had my eyes on Prosper’s Demon and also on Docile as they are both ones that intrigue me. As usual though, I wait for the reviews to come out before I add books to my tbr or not so I will be watching and waiting for those two ^.^
    Olivia Roach recently posted…In Search Of Us [Book Review]My Profile

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