Over-Booked [113] – A Book Haul Post

Welcome to Over-Booked, where I share my latest and greatest book acquisitions! I’m linking up with Stacking the Shelves over at Tynga’s Reviews and The Sunday Post at The Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Welcome to my first Over-Booked of 2020! Hold onto your hats, because the impossible happened: I won TWO Goodreads giveaways! Ha ha. I know some readers win every month, but I win about once a year, so I’m pretty excited. And only three new digital ARCs this week! I am trying to cut back on NetGalley and Edelweiss, but you know how that goes;-) Here are my newest books:

I have a really cool selection of new review books this week! First up, a surprise arrival from Forge, Remembrance by Rita Woods. At first glance I wasn’t sure this would be my thing, since it looks like straight up historical fiction, but apparently there are some magical realism elements to it.

47North kindly sent me a finished copy of The Will and the Wilds by Charlie N. Holmberg. I’ll be reading this very soon since it’s a January release.

And from Tor, I’m super excited to have a copy of Deal with the Devil by Kit Rocha, a book that I featured on Future Fiction not too long ago. Librarian mercenaries!

And I was really happy to hear from an old publicist friend not too long ago! She used to work for a small publisher called Salt Publishing, and now she works for Doubleday UK. It’s very rare that, as a U.S. blogger, I get to work with UK publicists and publishers, so I was thrilled when she offered me a UK ARC of You Let Me In by Camilla Bruce, a book that was already on my “must read” list:-D Isn’t that ARC so cool??

And as a surprise Christmas gift, I found out I had won two Goodreads giveaways on the same day. Really, that has never happened to me before! I was thrilled to get an ARC of The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones and Glitch Kingdom by Sheena Boekweg, both books on my TBR that I’m very excited for.

Huge thanks to Forge, Tor Books, 47North, Tabitha at Doubleday UK, Saga Press and Feiwel & Friends:-D

I’m not sure how I discovered The Chill by Scott Carson, but I was just approved on NetGalley and now I’m very excited! Reviews are VERY mixed over on Goodreads,, but hey, I’ll decide for myself when I read it.

Finna by Nino Cipri sounds like a quirky, comic portal fantasy and I just had to request it!

And I just couldn’t help myself when I saw The Sin in the Steel by Ryan Van Loan pop up on Edelweiss for download. I just featured it on Future Fiction and it doesn’t come out until July, so why not?

Big thanks to Tor Books. Tor.com and Atria Books:-D

I have a few purchases too, but I think I’ll wait until my next book haul to show you those.

And that’s my haul this week. Are you planning to read any of these books?

Posted January 4, 2020 by Tammy in Over-Booked / 44 Comments

44 responses to “Over-Booked [113] – A Book Haul Post

  1. Isn’t it funny how we get to know the publicists we work with? I was fishing around for an ARC of Picard: The Last Best Hope and discovered an old Tor publicist I knew well now handles the tie-in titles for Simon & Schuster.

    I nabbed The SIn in the Steel the moment I saw it drop in Edelweiss. Looking forward to it!

    • Tammy

      Oh that’s cool. I love when publicists move to another company, they keep you in mind and contact you again.

  2. Most everything in this batch is new to me. The Only Good Indians sounds interesting. And that’s very cool getting sneak peaks to some of the titles in the UK.

    • Tammy

      I especially love to see how different the UK covers are. For this particular book, I love the UK cover much more than the US one.

  3. A wonderful bunch of ARCS this week, I have The Chill as well and featured it on Can’t Wait Wednesday so maybe you caught it there. If so, it’s only fair I enabled you as much as you enable me 🙂 I NEED The Sin in the Steel!

  4. The Only Good Indians sounds interesting to me. Good for you for giving The Chill a chance. Sometimes what another reviewer does NOT like in a book is the exact thing I DO like in a book.

  5. Congratulations on your Goodreads wins! That is awesome! I think I’ve won once in several years. I stopped trying. 🙁 All of your new books sound like they will be good ones. I have Remembrance in my TBR pile as well. Doesn’t it sound good? The Will and the Wilds is new to me, but I am familiar with the author. I hope you love all of these! Have a great weekend and New Year!

    • Tammy

      Right? I enter them anyway, even if they are “mythical”, so I guess I just got lucky this time:-)

  6. Wow, I’m impressed! I’m lucky to win one a year at this point. xD I was hoping to get an ARC of The Will and the Wilds! It looks like such a cute story. I’ve also got Deal with the Devil, You Let Me In, and The Only Good Indians, and I’m so excited to see them in your haul! Can’t wait to see what you think of them. 😀

    • Tammy

      I’m glad we’re both reading some of the same books:-) Hey, if you want my extra copy of The Will and the Wilds, message me and let me know:-)

  7. Sarah

    I’m excited for a bunch of these too! I hadn’t seen the reviews on The Chill yet. I’m hoping you’ll like it more since I love the premise.

  8. A lot of books I don’t and a few I do but they all look really cool! I featured The Chill on my blog for a Can’t Wait Wed but was declined for the NG review book, so hope you enjoy it! I will have to wait and see if the Library gets it or I find a good sale! 🙂 Maybe after I see if you like it…lol.

    • Tammy

      Yeah, sometimes it’s best to wait until you read a review or two, especially if you’re not sure.

    • Tammy

      I’m curious about the Kit Rocha book too. It sounds really good, hopefully it’s as good as the blurb!

  9. Wow, congrats on your Goodreads giveaway wins! I also literally win once per year despite entering fairly often. You should maybe buy a lottery ticket, you seem extra lucky!

    The Will and the Wilds looks so interesting, and I really like the cover. Happy reading!

  10. That’s a great haul. Deal with the Devil has definitely caught my eye. Sounds like something I would love. Enjoy.

  11. I have read another series by Charlie N Holmberg and I absolutely loved it, so I hope you will enjoy this new book of hers and I can see if I need to venture into it too. Happy reading all of these x

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