Book Review Giveaway: Win a Book I Reviewed in November

I started my Book Review Giveaway for two reasons: one, I wanted more people to read my reviews. Most bloggers I know bemoan the fact that even though book reviews are the main reason they blog, readers gravitate towards more “exciting” posts like memes, lists, giveaways, and discussions. Two, I wanted to put one of the books I’ve read each month in the hands of someone who’s really excited to read it. I stopped doing it because I just needed a break. Well, the break is over! Here’s how my giveaway works:

  • Each month around the 15th, I’ll post the giveaway, featuring all the books I reviewed the previous month. (sort of like a wrap-up post, but with bonus content!)
  • I’ll leave links to my reviews because I want you to read them if you haven’t!
  • The giveaway will run for two weeks, until the end of the month, at which point I’ll randomly choose a winner.
  • **Bonus: If I manage to post EIGHT reviews in a month, I will choose TWO winners! (That’s gonna be hard, my average is 6-7)
  • The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL, provided The Book Depository ships to your country.
  • No substitutions! If you win and you’ve already read the books, or you just don’t like the sound of any, then I suggest you don’t enter. This giveaway is pretty specific and this is one rule I’m strict with. I usually post a variety of books, both adult and YA, in lots of genres, so hopefully there will be something that interests you.
  • I use Rafflecopter for my giveaways, and there are multiple ways to enter. You don’t have to have a Twitter account to participate!

Congrats to last month’s winners: Penny chose The Girl With No Face and Sally chose The Absinthe Earl!

Last month was a fantastic reading month, since I didn’t rate anything below four stars. There’s quite a good mix as well, something for everyone. Here’s what you will be able to choose from if you win (click on the titles to read my reviews):

The Hanged Man by K.D. Edwards. The nitty-gritty: A thrilling and satisfying follow-up to The Last Sun, The Hanged Man proves that K.D. Edwards is the real deal. The story shines with unique and complex world-building, stellar writing, and a fast-paced plot that is rounded out with humor and heart-felt emotional moments. I didn’t want the book to end!

All Systems Red by Martha Wells. I mean, what can I say about All Systems Red, that hasn’t already been said, several years and thousands of reviews later? Obviously I loved it. I loved Murderbot. And I loved the other characters as well. I loved the pacing and the tension and wow this story was so much more exciting than I expected! (I’m not sure what I was expecting.)

How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse by K. Eason. The nitty-gritty: A perfect mash-up of fantasy and science fiction, this book is an ambitious tale full of sparkling characters, political  maneuvering, a cool magic system and much more. Oh, and Kreshti ferns! 

The Deep by Rivers Solomon. The nitty-gritty: From a tragic footnote in African history, a wondrous creature is born. Rivers Solomon tackles the weighty themes of memory and history with a painful yet hopeful story.

Aurora Blazing by Jessie Mihalik. The nitty-gritty: An exciting, action-packed follow-up to Polaris Rising with new characters, plenty of danger, and some steamy romance too.

Sabbath by Nick Mamatas. The nitty-gritty: Sinners rejoice! Mamatas’ latest is a big, brash, bawdy tale of sin, violence and laugh-out-loud humor, complete with time travel, swords, angels and art galleries. 

Made Things by Adrian Tchaikovsky. The nitty-gritty: A delightfully rough and dangerous story with magical, animated creatures who captured my heart.

Ready to enter? Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

Posted December 15, 2019 by Tammy in Book Review Giveaway / 32 Comments

32 responses to “Book Review Giveaway: Win a Book I Reviewed in November

  1. John Smith

    “Which review book would you pick? Or tell me your favorite book from November.” I would choose “Sabbath” by Nick Mamatas.

  2. The Captain

    Lots of lovely books this month. I can’t decide between the hanged man or the rory universe one. Arrr!

  3. Christopher S

    All Systems Read totally slipped by my to-be-read lists.. I would love to have the chance to add it to my list and put it at the top of the list!

  4. I would love All Systems Red because I don’t do a lot of sci-fi but I have heard really good things and I think it could be one I might like. 🙂

    Favorite Nov. book..Those Who Came Before by J. H. Moncrieff

  5. Betul

    I would pick Aurora Blazing by Jessie Mihalik. Kings of Carrion by Keri Lake is my favorite read of November.

  6. Laurie Harris

    These all sound great but I’d have to choose the Hanged Man. The first book was so good I need to dive back in to this series!

  7. I would probably pick The Hanged Man as I still need to read the first book in the series and that would be the perfect motivation for picking it up 🙂 Thanks!

  8. Sarah

    Even though I haven’t read the first one yet, I think I’d go with The Hanged Man. I’m planning to read the first book next year too, and the world building sounds like so much fun!

  9. Lily M.

    Thank you so much for this opportunity :):) oh man, I’m stuck between The Hanged Man & How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse.

  10. I love that you are doing these monthly giveaways – such a nice thing to do! I think I would want to read All Systems Red as I have been meaning to try a Martha Wells book for a while…

  11. Hallo, Hallo Tammy,

    Each December I like to review and revise how I approach visiting the book bloggers I love finding throughout the years I’ve been on a) Twitter or b) involved in the book blogosphere (six years strong!). However, I also admit, due to health issues (ie. migraines, etc) and other life’s woes… I’ve found the past 3x years more hit/miss when it comes to frequency of visiting with you guys. Each year, I re-attempt to make good on my New Year’s Resolutions to visit more often… forgive me if I continue to have limitations to achieve that in full. Tonight, I saw you were tweeting about DNF reviews, and I remembered there’s a meme for that which I want to explore in the New Year, as I honestly never knew how to highlight what I enjoyed from those reviews and/or showcase the ones I was reading which simply weren’t my cuppa for any particular month (or past year).

    This led me to this post… spied your monthly giveaway and decided to enter… especially as I want to strive towards reading more outside authors/genres within Speculative Fic I would gravitate towards myself as that is a goal I always have each New Year. In that regard, I’m torn because there are two books on this bookaway which have slightly intrigued me to be read — I’m going to be reading your reviews next to see which one sways me one way or the other, however, the two which I feel betwixt and between to choose are the following:

    How Rory Thorne Destroyed the Multiverse + All Systems Red.

    Meanwhile.. I wanted to thank you for continuing to make me smile, engaging with me during #WyrdAndWonder, #SciFiMonth and other blogosphere wanderings or events and putting your heart into your blog I love supporting you and I look forward to returning more often. With my migraines more under control at this year’s end than in 2018, I feel more comfortable saying that! Plus, Dad received good news recently from his doctor (he’s a three year stroke survivor and I’m his caregiver as Mum works outside the home) which helped us ease into Christmas. If the house wasn’t sick with Winter cold we’d be enjoying it a bit more! lol

    You’re now happily linked in my sidebar… though you’ve been on my list for book bloggers I love visiting on Twitter for awhile now. 🙂

    • Hallo, Hallo Tammy,

      Although I was on the fence about which book to select if my name is pulled for this bookaway, I still haven’t stopped thinking about Rory Thorne!! I would love to declare now officially that my selection is for “How Rory Thorne Destoryed the Multiverse” because there was such an allure of positive vibes coming out of your review, I nearly felt I was wrapped inside the world alongside your own wanderings! I want to experience this one for myself and therefore, if I was fortunate to win, this is my choice! Thank you and thanks for giving me such a clever new story to seek out! You’ve inspired the choice and I couldn’t be happier – will be seeking this one through my library if I’m not a winner.. I just cannot let this one slip past me!!

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