What’s On My Plate – December 2019

And so we begin the last month of 2019. It’s hard to believe how fast this year seemed to go, at least for me! And as usual, there are many 2019 releases that will go unread, simply because there just isn’t enough time to read everything. Like many book bloggers, I try to do a lot of catching up in December, and this year I hope to read some overdue review books from earlier in the year. I do have a handful of December releases too, so this month will be a mix of old and new. And you can expect the usual end of the year “best” lists as well! Here’s what I have planned this month:

Review books:

The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters. This is my most anticipated book this month, and I hope to post a review on the 9th. I’ve heard good things so far!

Dead Astronauts by Jeff VanderMeer. I’m reading this right now and it’s a trip! I’m still trying to decide how I feel about it, but I have to say the writing style is much different from Borne. Review will be posted soon:-D

Anyone by Charles Soule. I got a signed ARC of this book at Comic Con over the summer, and I’m excited to finally dive in. I loved Soule’s The Oracle Year, and I’m hoping this is similar.

Walk the Wild With Me by Rachel Atwood. This one worries me a bit, because it’s not getting very good reviews so far. It sounds good, though (a Robin Hood retelling) so I hope to give it a shot.

Ghostland by Duncan Ralston. This has pretty solid reviews for a (new to me) small press release, so let’s see how it goes!

Catch up books:

The Bone Ships by R.J. Barker. This poor book just came out at the wrong time of the year, when there were so many other books coming out at the same time. I’d love to squeeze this in!

Unnatural Magic by C.M. Waggoner. I just couldn’t get to this last month, but I’m hoping I can read it soon.

Life and Limb by Jennifer Roberson. This is pretty short and although the reviews are not promising, I’d love to try it anyway.

Flamebringer by Elle Katharine White. Very sad that I haven’t read this yet. This is the final book in White’s Heartstone trilogy, so I will make every attempt to read it this month.

Always North by Vicki Jarrett. This was supposed to be a SciFiMonth read, but it didn’t happen.

Storm of Locusts by Rebecca Roanhorse. I received a surprise review copy of this book about three months after publication day, and I could never figure out how to slot it into my schedule. But I still want to read it!

The Remaking by Clay McLeod Chapman. Not only did I get a signed ARC at Comic Con, but I won a Goodreads giveaway of this book! I feel pretty bad that I haven’t read it yet.

A Cosmology of Monsters by Shaun Hamill. Another Comic Con score, I also downloaded this on Edelweiss, so I’d love to squeeze it in soon.

Fortuna by Kristyn Merbeth. This is another SciFiMonth leftover book, and I’ve heard some really good things about it! Definitely going to try to read it this month.

Author Interviews/Giveaways

I read and reviewed (and loved!) K.D. EdwardsThe Hanged Man last month, but the actual release date is December 17th. To celebrate the book launch, I’m thrilled to have an interview with Keith! I believe there will also be a giveaway for The Hanged Man, but I’m still working out the details. Mark you calendars to check back on the 17th!

And don’t forget my Book Review Giveaway on the 15th! You’ll be able to choose any book that I reviewed in November if you win.

And that’s what my December looks like. Subject to change of course, and I may throw in some reading that I haven’t mentioned here. My goal is to chill out and just enjoy reading without too much pressure. Let me know if we have any books in common!

Posted December 1, 2019 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 40 Comments

40 responses to “What’s On My Plate – December 2019

  1. Thank you for all your amazing SciFiMonth contributions – I can’t believe it’s over for another year already.

    I’m really keen to read Always North – I hadn’t even heard of it until yesterday when it hit a ‘best of 2019 SF’ list in one of our national papers, but it sounds like exactly my jam!

    • Tammy

      I’m disappointed that I didn’t get to Always North. I’m going to try again this month! And SciFiMonth was a blast, but also frantic! I hope to relax a little this month:-)

  2. Sia

    Unnatural Magic is SO DAMN GOOD. Without question one of my favourite reads of the year. Maybe one of my favourites IN years!

  3. I read The Remaking. (The prose wasn’t my cup of tea, but I loved the plot.) Isn’t the cover fabulous? Speaking of covers, Dead Astronauts’ cover is bizarre. I almost get dizzy when I look at it.
    Priscilla Bettis recently posted…5 Non SequitursMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I loved Borne, but I canNOT get into Dead Astronauts! I set it aside for now and picked up The Dead Girls Club which is much easier to read! Dead Astronauts is going to take some patience.

  4. Though I may never get to most of the books in this list, much less get to them this month (just too many books and too little time), I would very much like to find time for Fortuna and The Bone Ships. They both peaked my interest. Have a great December, Tammy!

    • Tammy

      I’ve been hearing awesome things about Unnatural Magic, so I’m really going to make it a priority:-)

  5. It’s scary how many books I need to still get to. I need to find someone to pay me to read all the time so I can retire 🙂 I hope you love The Remaking as much as I did. I’m looking forward to your review of Always North because I’m debating it (and I secretly love the cover). I just grabbed a copy of Ghostland so I’ll be seeing what you think of that one as well!

  6. Sarah

    I somehow missed this post. But I’m really excited to see what you think of a few of these! (Life & Limb, The Remaking, Dead Girls Club…). Don’t beat yourself up over not getting to all of these. With how many ARCs you get sent it really is amazing you manage to get through most of them. Looks like it will be a good month for you!

    • Tammy

      I’ve decided to go with mood reading this month and it’s working out pretty well. Which means I haven’t stuck to my December TBR much at all, lol.

  7. I love Robin Hood retellings! I hope you end up liking Walk the Wild With Me despite the bad reviews!! I still need to read FlameBringer too ‍♀️

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