Book Review Giveaway: Win a Book I Reviewed in August!

I started my Book Review Giveaway for two reasons: one, I wanted more people to read my reviews. Most bloggers I know bemoan the fact that even though book reviews are the main reason they blog, readers gravitate towards more “exciting” posts like memes, lists, giveaways, and discussions. Two, I wanted to put one of the books I’ve read each month in the hands of someone who’s really excited to read it. I stopped doing it because I just needed a break. Well, the break is over! Here’s how my giveaway works:

  • Each month around the 15th, I’ll post the giveaway, featuring all the books I reviewed the previous month. (sort of like a wrap-up post, but with bonus content!)
  • I’ll leave links to my reviews because I want you to read them if you haven’t!
  • The giveaway will run for two weeks, until the end of the month, at which point I’ll randomly choose a winner.
  • **Bonus: If I manage to post EIGHT reviews in a month, I will choose TWO winners! (That’s gonna be hard, my average is 6-7)
  • The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL, provided The Book Depository ships to your country.
  • No substitutions! If you win and you’ve already read the books, or you just don’t like the sound of any, then I suggest you don’t enter. This giveaway is pretty specific and this is one rule I’m strict with. I usually post a variety of books, both adult and YA, in lots of genres, so hopefully there will be something that interests you.
  • I use Rafflecopter for my giveaways, and there are multiple ways to enter. You don’t have to have a Twitter account to participate!

Congrats to last month’s winner, The Captain, who chose The Survival of Molly Southbourne!

This is a fantastic month to enter my Book Review Giveaway, because August was such a good month for me. Well, not in terms of quantity, but definitely quality. Take a look at the books I reviewed last month, and click on the links to check out my reviews if you missed them!

Three Laws Lethal by David Walton. The nitty-gritty: A futuristic story that is terrifyingly plausible, Three Laws Lethal is another terrific book from David Walton.

The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht. The nitty-gritty: A sinister, blood-soaked story steeped in myth and darkness.

Ration by Cody T. Luff. The nitty-gritty: A harsh, dystopian future where a girl’s life is measured in calories, Ration is not for the faint of heart, but don’t let that stop you from reading this book.

Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. The nitty-gritty: Mexican mythology mixed with a 1920s vibe makes this a stand-out fairy tale.

The Warehouse by Rob Hart. The nitty-gritty: Exciting action and relatable characters make this futuristic look at corporate greed a ton of fun from start to finish.

The Passengers by John Marrs. The nitty-gritty: A thrilling, fast-paced beginning lost steam for me near the end, but up until about the three-quarter mark I really had a lot of fun with this book.

The Gossamer Mage by Julie E. Czerneda. The nitty-gritty: I adored the magic system in this story, but I wasn’t as excited about the plot.

Ready to enter? Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!

Posted September 15, 2019 by Tammy in Book Review Giveaway / 33 Comments

33 responses to “Book Review Giveaway: Win a Book I Reviewed in August!

  1. Traci Arnett

    I would pick The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht, it sounds the most interesting to me.

  2. John Smith

    “Which review book would you pick? Or tell me your favorite book from August.” I enjoyed the audiobook for “Murder At Midnight” by Avi, and am currently enjoying the audiobook for “The Book Of Dust” by Philip Pullman!

  3. Laurie Harris

    Ooh they all look deliciously sinister. I’ve been wanting to read The Gossamer Mage but the all sound intriguing

  4. There are several books I’d love to read eventually, and I want to read the novella, especially. However, I’d choose Three Laws Lethal. It sounds like horror and science fiction that is also soon-to-be-our reality.

  5. Carl

    I’m not sure which book I’d pick, maybe The Passengers but I’d really have to think about it. Certainly my favorite book recently is The Testaments by Margaret Atwood.

  6. For me, it’d be a hard decision between The Monster of Elendhaven (your review sold me on that one) and The Gossamer Mage, which I think you didn’t like much but I’m still curious about it.
    My fav book of August was probably The Tea Dragon Society. 🙂

  7. Sarah

    I forgot how many awesome books you reviewed in August- but if I win I totally want The Monster of Elendhaven!

  8. The Captain

    Three laws lethal for sure matey! I have been wanting to read it ever since ye told me about it. Arrr!

  9. Summer

    I think I would choose Gods Of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, the setting really appeals to me, and in your review you mentioned the heroine’s growth throughout the story which always makes for a satisfying read.

  10. Lily M.

    Hi!! Thank you so much for this opportunity :):):) I think i’ll pick The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht.

  11. Ana Valente

    I think I would pick Gods of Jade and Shadow, because I love mythology; or The Warehouse because your summary really intrigued me!

  12. Valenttina

    I would choose The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht. It sounds like a good October read. Thanks for the chance!

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