The Friday Face-Off: Yellow Cover

The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!

This week’s theme: “I wandered lonely as a cloud.” – A cover that is predominantly yellow.

I love these color prompts because I get to show off a bunch of different books that all have the same color cover. Yellow is surprisingly hard, maybe because for marketing purposes, it’s not a color that seems to be chosen that often. However, I did come up with twelve different yellow covers for books that I’ve read, and here they are:

Hard to pick a favorite, as they are all so different. But seeing all these books together brings back some fond memories! Vampires in the Lemon Grove, Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, and The Heart Does Not Grow Back are books I read at least five years ago, and I loved each one.

Do you have a favorite in this bunch?

Posted August 30, 2019 by Tammy in The Friday Face-Off / 29 Comments

29 responses to “The Friday Face-Off: Yellow Cover

  1. There are some great covers here but I have to admit, that I loved The Rules of Magic so much that it definitely influences my choice this week. I also still have that RS Belcher book on my shelves somewhere – I need to find it!

    • Tammy

      You would probably enjoy Vampires in the Lemon Grove, they are speculative fiction short stories:-)

  2. My favorite cover is Heartstone. I’ve always been drawn to dragons, and that’s a great cover with one. But the books I’d choose would be The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (there’s that dragon again!) and The Brotherhood of the Wheel. Very different books but I really enjoyed them both.

  3. Ooh I like these. Sometimes yellow covers are awesome! Jurassic Florida is my favorite hands down- I’ve always loved that cover! Recursion and Penumbra’s are great too. I love Dragon Tattoo as well.
    Greg recently posted…Tuesday Tagline #155My Profile

  4. What a cool approach to this week’s subject, Tammy:)). You’ll be shocked to know that one of my favourites is The Rules of Magic and the other one is Recursion, as it is also attractive and also residing on my TBR pile…:)

  5. My answer is Jurassic Florida. Because dinosaurs.

    Lol- but I like a lot of these actually. They should make more covers in yellow!

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