What’s On My Plate – May 2019

Another month down! How is this year going so fast? On the bright side, my college freshman daughter comes home for the summer NEXT WEEK. I haven’t seen her since Christmas, so I am pretty damn excited:-D My son doesn’t come home until June, so it’s going to be another six weeks before the fam is finally reunited…

May looks like it’s going to be pretty busy here on the blog. In addition to a big pile o’ books that need reading and reviewing, I’m joining in the Wyrd and Wonder event—if you missed my post from yesterday, I laid out my evil plan for the month here, check it out! I’m participating in a blog tour with a giveaway, I’m hoping to post an author interview, and I’ve decided—drum roll!—to bring back my book review giveaway, which I stopped doing a couple of years ago. Here’s what my month looks like:

The Books:

My two most anticipated books of the month are Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman, and Pariah by W. Michael Gear (oh, and Middlegame by Seanan McGuire, which I’m throwing in the Wyrd and Wonder pile!)

I have a couple of NetGalley/Edelweiss titles that I got months ago, and now the release dates are looming! Last Things by Jacqueline West has awesome reviews on Goodreads, and the story revolves around a guitar player so I’m even more excited to read it. I’m also excited for Stoker’s Wilde by Steven Hopstaken and Melissa Prusi, an interesting historical fantasy/horror story about Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde who must join together to fight evil.

I’ve already started a (so far) very promising horror collection called The Seven Deadliest edited by Patrick Beltran and D. Alexander Ward. I’m reading the stories in my spare time, so I hope to have a review up in the next couple of weeks. And my only non-speculative book this month is a thriller called Deception Cove by Owen Laukkanen which features a service dog, so my hopes are high for this one:-D

I just got a copy of Pimp My Airship by Maurice Broaddus. With everything else I need to read this month, I’ll probably tackle this near the end of the month.

And I have two Tor.com titles that are on the short side and should be easy to squeeze in: Her Silhouette, Drawn in Water by Vylar Kaftan and Longer by Michael Blumlein. The latter has a blurb from one of my favorite authors, Daryl Gregory, so I’m hoping I like it too!

Blog Tours, Giveaways & Author Interview:

I’m hoping to post my interview with author W. Michael Gear, in anticipation of the third book in his Donovan Trilogy, Pariah, which comes out in a couple of weeks. No date yet, so stay tuned!

I’m also joining the blog tour for an interesting book called Snakeskins by Tim Major, thanks to Titan Books. In addition to a review, I’ll be hosting a giveaway, so don’t miss it! (Date to come)

AND those of you who have followed me for a while know about my Book Review Giveaway, where each month I would give away one of the books I reviewed on the blog the previous month. I took a break for a couple of years, but I feel like doing it again, so don’t miss it! Check back on May 16th when the giveaway starts, I’ll be offering one international winner the choice of one of the books I reviewed in April:-D

And that’s how my month is shaping up. I’d love hear your plans for the month, or let me know if we have any books in common:-D

Posted May 1, 2019 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 40 Comments

40 responses to “What’s On My Plate – May 2019

  1. I just started reading Aurora Rising, and I’m loving it so far! I’ve been in a cleaning mood, so haven’t been reading as much in the last month or so, but I’m excited to tackle my TBR again soon.

  2. I’m doing mostly backlist for Wyrd and Wonder! I’ll be curious to hear your thoughts on Aurora Rising, I know a lot of people are hyped. My ambivalence at the moment for that title mostly comes from the fact that I have never read a Jay Kristoff book, so I’m not invested in him as an author (yet). Definitely on my list to check out at some point!
    Caitlin G. recently posted…Weekly Reading Check-In: 5/01/19My Profile

    • Tammy

      I just finished Aurora Rising and I really enjoyed it. But honestly, I think there are better Kristoff books out there. I would start with Stormdancer (his first book) or even the Nevernight series.

    • Tammy

      I just finished Aurora Rising and really enjoyed it! The characters are a bunch of fun:-)

  3. Maybe I’ll still get in on the Wyrd and Wonder event, but I might have already locked in more sci-fi, thriller, and non-fantasy this month already, so shame on me for not planning better I guess! May just snuck up on me too quickly 😀 On my list this month is also Pariah, and I’m also going to be part of the Snakeskin tour. That book looks so wild!

    • Tammy

      Snakeskin does look wild, I’m hoping it’s not over-the-top weird! I need to start it soon:-)

    • Tammy

      I’m so excited for summer! I mean, I was really enjoying the “empty nest” because the house is cleaner and I don’t have to buy as much food, lol. But I really miss my kids:-)

  4. Sarah

    Looks like it’s going to be a great month for you Tammy! Can’t wait to see what you think of these. Especially the Michael Gear one because his books have always interested me but I haven’t found the motivation to pick one up yet.

    • Tammy

      He’s so good! This series is a lot of fun, start with Outpost if you’re interested. Lots of great character development and an exciting plot:-)

  5. Stoker’s Wilde sounds like another one for my endless TBR list so look forward to seeing what you think of that one 😀
    Enjoy Wyrd & Wonder, it sounds like a great event, and for a whole month too!
    Pages and Tea recently posted…Booking Ahead: May 2019My Profile

    • Tammy

      It seems like I downloaded Stoker’s Wilde MONTHS ago, and now the release month is finally here:-)

  6. Wow! What a wonderful lineup of books you’ve got here, Tammy! And the Wyrd and Wonder month slid past me… perhaps next year when I won’t be having so much going on! I am in the middle of Middlegame, which I’m now thoroughly enjoying after a slightly slow start. Aurora Rising looks fabulous and I’m not sure how I missed out on that one – oh well! I look forward to hearing how you got on with it. Have a great reading month, Tammy:)

    • Tammy

      I really loved Aurora Rising, and I can hardly wait to start Middlegame. I just need to finish a couple of other books first:-)

  7. I’m a bit surprised to see we don’t have any of the same books scheduled for this month, but some of these look interesting! And I’ll definitely be checking back for your giveaway since you’re always reading great books!

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