What’s On My Plate – April 2019

I love April! April in California is often one of the best months of the year. It’s still cool at night, but warming up during the day. There are flowers blooming everywhere and it’s just a happy time of the year. It’s also an amazing month for SFF books, as you can see by my overflowing April TBR! But first, a couple of photos my husband and son took at the nearby poppy preserve:

Here are the books I hope to read this month:

I’ve already read A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World by C.A. Fletcher, and you guys. This book is a contender for best book of the year, it was THAT good. My review will be up on Thursday, so don’t miss it!

Firefly: The Magnificent Nine by James Lovegrove. I’m a huge Firefly fan so it’s no surprise that I’m excited to dig into the second book in Titan’s tie-in series. I had a blast with Big Damn Hero, and I believe this story centers around Jayne.

Atlas Alone is the fourth and final book in Emma Newman’s Planetfall series, which I’ve enjoyed immensely! It’s also a series I’ve kept up with since the beginning.

The Binding by Bridget Collins has quite a few mixed reviews, but I’m hopeful this will work for me, it sounds like it’s right in my wheelhouse!

We Are Mayhem by Michael Moreci is the second book in his Black Star Renegades series. I had fun with the first book, and I’m so curious about what’s happening on the cover, I can’t wait to read this!

I’ve been dying to read The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling, but some recent low ratings on Goodreads are making me a bit nervous. But I’m still curious to see how I feel about it:-D

Finder by Suzanne Palmer wasn’t really on my radar when I received a surprise copy in the mail, but now I’m very excited to read it. It has solid reviews on Goodreads, too!

The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston is going to be my light, fluffy, feel-good read this month, I just know it!

I’m on the blog tour for Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan, and as of the writing of this post, the jury’s still out on how I feel about it. Curious? Don’t miss my review, it will be up this Wednesday!

Finally, I’m excited to dive into my first Mike Resnick book, The Master of Dreams. Boy this sounds like fun! A man finds himself hopping into different fictional worlds, like The Wizard of Oz and Casablanca, I am really looking forward to this.


I have a couple of publisher-hosted giveaways this month, and both look super exciting:

On Tuesday April 2nd, stop by to try your luck at winning a very cool Tina LeCount Myers box, which contains the first two books of her The Legacy of the Heavens series, a candle, some Finnish candy (which I’ve tried and wow they are delicious!), a tarot card and a personalized note from the author. I was lucky enough to get one of these boxes, and not only do the books sound amazing, but every item in the box is really cool. I’ll also have an excerpt for you to read, so don’t miss it!

And on Sunday April 7th, I’m taking part in a blog blitz to promote and celebrate the 10th anniversary of Chloe Neill’s Chicagoland Vampire series. Penguin Random House is giving away a complete set of 13 books to one lucky winner! I can’t believe I haven’t read these books myself, but now that they’re on my radar I’m going to have to add them to the TBR:-D

Did you miss any of my March reviews? I had an interesting month, I went from a high of a five-star read to an all time low of my first one-star read! Click on the titles to read them:

Do You Dream of Terra Two? by Temi Oh

Wild Country by Anne Bishop

A Labyrinth of Scions and Sorcery by Curtis Craddock

The Rosewater Insurrection by Tade Thompson

The Municipalists by Seth Fried

Ninth Step Station by Malka Older, Fran Wilde, Jacqueline Koyanagi & Curtis C. Chen

The Dysasters by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast

And that’s what I have planned for April. I’d love to know if you plan on reading any of these books! What is your most highly anticipated April book?

Posted April 1, 2019 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 31 Comments

31 responses to “What’s On My Plate – April 2019

  1. Lovely pictures! Just looking at them makes me feel less cold 😀
    I’m also cherry picking your book list here… Luminous Dead & We Are Mayhem sounds pretty cool!

  2. I’ve read a couple of the Chicagoland Vampire books and really enjoyed them . What a great giveaway. So glad to hear you loved A Boy and His Dog…. I have it slated toward the end of the April. I think the Resnick book sounds fun too and am anxious for your thoughts. Hope we both have a great reading month!

    • Tammy

      I really want to check out the Chicagoland Vampire series at some point, and if it’s good there are so many books to read!

  3. You had a great March in terms of reading – although a 1*! Eek.
    I have a couple of your April books lined up also and keen to get started.
    That top photo is straight out of the Wizard of Oz – I swear it’s lie the scene where Dorothy and her companions have to run through a poppy field that sends them all to sleep 😀

    • Tammy

      You’re right, it is a Wizard of Oz photo! My husband is a professional photographer so we always get great photos like this:-)

  4. I’ve never seen poppies like that before. Beautiful!

    On that note it’s still colder than normal here – it actually snowed yesterday… It stuck but didn’t last very long.

    • Tammy

      Aren’t they pretty? It’s an unusual year, they are calling it the Super Bloom because of all the rain we got this winter.

  5. Definitely curious about FINDER, I almost requested it, then double-checked my current ARC stack for April and went NOPE. Currently reading SEVEN BLADES IN BLACK that comes out next week, and of course, STORM OF LOCUSTS is next on my list!
    Caitlin G. recently posted…April 2019 Book PicksMy Profile

  6. April really is usually pretty good here in California. I’m not super thrilled we’re in the high 80s today, haha, but I think it’s supposed to cool down. The poppies are so gorgeous! I’ve been seeing photos from everyone I know of them lately.

    I”m so glad to hear you loved A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World! I’ve been interested, but have been hesitant because I am too emotional to handle books with dogs, haha. Also, I’m super excited for The Binding! The UK copy is stunning. I had some confusion with Wicked Saints, also! Have a fantastic month!
    Jordan Rose recently posted…Month in Review: March 2019My Profile

    • Tammy

      I’m super emotional when it comes to dogs as well, and I have to admit there were some rough parts. But overall, being a dog lover, I can honestly say I was happy with the story:-)

    • Tammy

      We’re lucky it stays cool for quite a while here, and only gets really hot for about a month or so during the summer.

  7. Those pictures look amazing! The sky looks like it goes on forever 🙂 And your April reading list looks pretty close to mine. I’m hoping to read The Binding, Atlas Alone, and A Boy and His Dog soon.

  8. Love those poppy pics! Wow!!

    The Chicagoland Vampires books sound like a lot of fun, even if I don’t read a lot of PNR. I just love the idea of vamps infesting Chicago lol, since I’m close to that city and it’s not hard to imagine when strolling through the town at night! And Atlas Alone I’m anxious to hear about.
    Greg recently posted…Top Ten Things That Make Me Pick A BookMy Profile

  9. todd

    There’s some beautiful scenery out there, thanks for sharing the photos. I’m curious about a number of this months books. Can’t wait to read what you think about them.

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