The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!
This week’s theme: “I thought unicorns were more…Fluffy.” – A cover featuring a unicorn.
It should be easy to find books with unicorns on the cover, but I had a surprisingly hard time with this one! I decided to stray from the obvious choice (The Last Unicorn). I’m sure other bloggers will feature that and I wanted to choose something different. I decided to feature a relatively obscure book, Ariel by Steven R. Boyett. I actually know Steve, I met him while taking a writing class years ago, and we’ve sort of stayed in touch over the years. Ariel is his first book, and it was so much fun! The MC Pete is a 20-year-old virgin, hence his ability to make friends with a unicorn, lol. I could only find four covers, but a couple of them are really good. Take a look:
Ace Books 1983 edition | Ace Books 2009 edition
Scorpius Digital Publishing 2000 edition | E-Reads 2009 edition
These are all U.S. editions, I believe, so we don’t have an international selection this week. I love all of these for different reasons, but my favorite is the edition I own, the original Ace 1983 paperback. I love the composition of this cover, the New York City skyline in the back, and the dolphins swimming near the boat!
This sounds like a cool book! I’m torn between the cover you selected and the one beneath it mainly because that one reminds me of The Hobbit for some reason.
Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra recently posted…Blog Tour Book Review: WICKED SAINTS by Emily A. Duncan
It definitely has more of a traditional fantasy feel to it:-)
I like the Scorpius edition. It is so enchanting. Your choice is a close second. Sounds like a fun book too.
Laura Thomas recently posted…Lowcountry Incantations by C.J. Geisel ~ Excerpt and Giveaway
It was really fun, I might have to do a reread:-)
My favorite is the Ace 2009 edition but I want a unicorn in the background of it to make it perfect. Call me picky.
I really love that one too, and like you I’m sort of bummed that there isn’t a unicorn poking his head from behind a building or something:-)
I love them all, too, Tammy, and gosh, my inner 80s child loves a unicorn!
Right?? I do remember that 80s unicorn explosion!
oh I love unicorns! My fav mythological creature! I agree with your choice!
Daniela Ark recently posted…Reading Next! April 2019 TBR!
Me too, I’ve always loved unicorns:-)
I like the Scorpius Digital Publishing 2000 edition best! But it seems more fantasy world than Urban fantasy than the cover you chose, so maybe it isn’t the best representation of the book?
Brittany recently posted…Friday Face Off: Unicorn
I think both of them work in different ways!
Lol… yep – that other blogger is me! I was the one who chose The Last Unicorn:)). This book is a great choice and I love the Scorpious Digital Publishing 2000 cover, which looks truly magical…
I like that one too, the unicorn looks so ethereal:-)
The ’83 Ace edition is my favorite of the bunch!
Caitlin G. recently posted…March 2019 Book Haul
I love the artwork:-)
Ooh, I hadn’t noticed the dolphins – how cool. I love it
Lynn đŸ˜€
That’s a cool touch, right?
The Last Unicorn was my thought, also, haha. Now that I think of it, I’m not even sure I can think of a book I’ve read that has a unicorn on the cover.. or in it? Your pick is great! I like your pick and Scorpius one, they really intrigue me. đŸ™‚
I was surprised how tough it was to think of a unicorn book, other than the obvious one:-)
Sounds like an interesting book, is it a UF? If so, I think the second cover reflects the tone best – plus, it’s beautiful and perfectly moody!
It’s actually more post apocalyptic fantasy. There are very few human characters in it, so I wouldn’t call it urban fantasy. Although that second cover definitely has a UF vibe!
Great pick! If I had done this one I probably would have went with something a bit out there like Acorna by Anne McCaffrey hah. đŸ™‚