The Friday Face-Off was created by Books by Proxy, where each week bloggers can showcase books with covers centered around a weekly theme. You can visit Lynn’s Books for a list of upcoming themes. Join in the fun each Friday by finding a book whose cover is based on the theme!
This week’s theme: “Woe, destruction, ruin and decay; the worst is death and death will have his day.” – A cover featuring abandoned buildings.
My first thought was to search post apocalyptic novels that I’ve read, because where are you going to find abandoned buildings, right? My searching turned up a little-known book that only has three different covers, but because I love this book so much, I decided to feature it. Emergence by David R. Palmer is available on Kindle, but it’s out of print in paperback, and so you’ll have to pay extra to get a physical copy. I found mine years ago in a used book store, but these days it’s being sold on Ebay for big bucks. In any case, I highly recommend it. With only three covers today, my favorite is pretty obvious:
U.S. paperback, Bantam Books 1984
Kindle edition 2018 from Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire Press
Serbian edition 2009
I really only like the Bantam Books cover, I think the Serbian cover is just weird and looks like some kind of animé. And the Kindle version, while I’m grateful that this book is now available to new readers, doesn’t quite capture the wonder and joy of this story.
I love the theme this week, even though it is a challenging one (I had to think a lot before choosing mine). I agree with you, the Serbian one is weird! 😀
Steph Bianchini recently posted…The Friday Face-Off: Abandoned Building
I like the art on the Serbian one, just not sure it’s suitable as a book cover. Kinda looks like something for a cartoon.
I definitely agree with your choice – and I’ll go and check this one out if you loved it so much.
Lynn 😀
Lynnsbooks recently posted…Friday Face Off : “the worst is death and death will have his day.”
Yea hands down the first one is the best. While the Serbian edition is okay, it looks more like a piece of artwork or something – not a book.
Wow. That first one is beautiful! I’d love to get my hands on that copy!
Laura Thomas recently posted…That Which Grows Wild ~ Review and Giveaway
I agree with your choice. Tho I do love the background of the Serbian cover, its hard to notice it when you get caught up in her face, which is super creepy haha
Brittany recently posted…Friday Face Off: Abandoned Buildings
Deserted buildings, a long stretch of empty road and abandoned cars: nothing says “post-apocalyptic” as the combination of these three elements… 🙂
Maddalena@Spaceandsorcery recently posted…Short Story Review: THIS CHANCE PLANET, by Elizabeth Bear
I have no idea what I would’ve found for this topic. I definitely like the Bantam Books one the most as well. Sounds really interesting, too!
Jordan Rose recently posted…Anticipated March 2019 Releases!
What an interesting choice, Tammy:). I love the look of this book! And your favourite is a no-brainer – I do like the artwork for the Serbian cover – my granddaughter is heavily into anime – but I do wonder if it’s appropriate for this particular story…
Yeah the Bantam is the most visually pleasing. The Kindle one is pretty terrible, it looks like a badly made flyer you get with your junk mail!
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Friday Face-Off: Abandoned Buildings
I have to agree with your choice! The Serbian one does seem unfitting for the story, and the Kindle one is just… not good.
Kristen @ Metaphors and Moonlight recently posted…Book Review: Such Wicked Intent (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein Book 2) by Kenneth Oppel
The Bantam cover is definitely my pick. It reminds me of the TV series Jericho, which I always liked,
Suzanne @ The Bookish Libra recently posted…Weekly Recap #92: Week of 2/17 – 2/23
I agree with you on the Bantam books edition. Nice find for this topic!
I’m all for the Bantam, too. The other two don’t seem to work at all.
I might have to look this one up. 🙂